CHAPTER 511SPECIAL PERMITS FOR OPERATION AND MOVEMENT OFVEHICLES AND LOADS OF EXCESS SIZE AND WEIGHT[Appeared as Ch 2, Highway Commission, 1973 IDR; amended in July 1974 and January and July 1975 Supplements][Previously numbered as (07,E) Ch 12, transferred at the request of the department on 10/8/75][Prior to 6/3/87, Transportation Department[820]—(07,F) Ch 2]761511.1(321E) Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
"Compacted rubbish vehicle" means any vehicle hauling rubbish that has been mechanically compacted with a hydraulic, electric, or air-operated ram.
"Department" means the Iowa department of transportation.
"Dimensions" "size" means length, width or height limits.
"Emergency interstate permit" means a permit issued under Iowa Code section 321E.29B.
"Fluid milk product" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 321E.29B(3).
"Indivisible load" means any load or vehicle exceeding applicable length or weight limits which, if separated into smaller loads or vehicles, would:
- Compromise the intended use of the vehicle, i.e., make it unable to perform the function for which it was intended;
- Destroy the value of the load or vehicle, i.e., make it unusable for its intended purpose; or
- Require more than eight work hours to dismantle using appropriate equipment. The applicant for an indivisible load permit has the burden of proof as to the number of work hours required to dismantle the load.
"Overdimensional" "oversize" means the exceeding of statutory length, width or height limits.
"Permit" means a permit issued under Iowa Code chapter 321E for the movement of an overdimensional or overweight vehicle, combination of vehicles, or vehicle with load. The term includes any additions or supplements thereto issued by the permit-issuing authority.
"Permit-issuing authority" means the:
- Department’s motor vehicle division for permits for movement on the primary road system.
- Authority responsible for the maintenance of a nonprimary system of highways or streets for permits for movement on that system. However, the motor vehicle division may issue single-trip permits on primary road extensions in cities in conjunction with movement on the rural primary road system.
"Primary roads" "primary road system" is defined in Iowa Code section 306.3. The primary road system includes the interstate road system.
"Raw forest products" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 321E.26.
"Rubbish" means any unwanted or useless material that has no commercial or practical value or use and that would normally be discarded.
"Special or emergency situation" means one or more of the following:
- Circumstances where the movement is necessary to cooperate with cities, counties, other state agencies or other states in response to a national or other disaster.
- Circumstances where the movement is necessary to cooperate with national defense officials.
- Circumstances where the movement is necessary to cooperate with public or private utilities in order to maintain their public services.
- Circumstances where the movement is essential to ensure safety and protection of any person or property due to an event such as, but not limited to, pollution of natural resources, a potential fire or an explosion.
- Circumstances where weather or transportation problems create an undue hardship for citizens of the state of Iowa.
- Circumstances where the movement involves emergency-type vehicles.
- Uncommon or extraordinary circumstances where the movement is essential to the existence of an Iowa business and the move may be accomplished without causing undue hazards to the safety of the traveling public or undue damage to private or public property.
- Other unique circumstances that warrant the issuance of a permit as determined by the permit-issuing authority.
"Stafford Act" means the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Public Law No.93-288, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §5121 et seq.
"Statutory" when used with size or weight limits refers to those limits found in Iowa Code chapter 321.
This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321E.9, 321E.15, 321E.26, 321E.29, 321E.29B, 321E.30 and 321E.34.Related ARC(s): 3193C, 4985C, 6061C, 6405C, 7079C761511.2(321E) Location and general information. 511.2(1) Applications, forms, instructions and restrictions are available on the department’s website at and by mail from the Motor Vehicle Division, Iowa Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 10382, Des Moines, Iowa 50306-0382; in person at 6310 SE Convenience Blvd., Ankeny, Iowa; by telephone at (515)237-3264; or by facsimile at (515)237-3257. Permits may be obtained electronically upon making application to the motor vehicle division. 511.2(2) No overdimensional or overweight vehicle, combination of vehicles, or vehicle with load shall be moved on the highways of this state without permit except as provided in Iowa Code section 321.453. 511.2(3) Rescinded IAB 2/7/01, effective 3/14/01. 511.2(4) Except as provided in rule 761—511.10(321,321E) or 761—511.18(321,321E), permits may be issued only for the transporting of a single article which exceeds statutory size or weight limits or both, and which cannot reasonably be divided or reduced to statutory size and weight limits. However, permits may be issued for the transporting of property consisting of more than one article when: a. The statutory weight limits are not exceeded, b. One of the articles exceeds the statutory size limits, and c. The inclusion of other articles does not cause the statutory size limits to be exceeded by an additional amount. 511.2(5) Nothing in the permit shall be construed as waiving any load limits which have been or which might be established on any bridge or any road which is posted with embargo signs, unless specifically stated on the permit. 511.2(6) The state of Iowa, the department, and any other permit-issuing authority assume no responsibility for the property of the permit holder. Permit holders shall hold permit-issuing authorities harmless of any damages that may be sustained by the traveling public, adjacent property owners or the highways of this state on account of movements made under permit.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 17A.3 and 321E.2.Related ARC(s): 3193C, 4985C, 5428C, 6061C, 6405C, 7079C761511.3(321E) Movement under permit. 511.3(1) During the movement of a vehicle or object under permit, the permit holder shall comply with the terms and conditions of the permit and shall take all reasonable precautions to protect and safeguard the lives and property of the traveling public and adjacent property owners. 511.3(2) Movement shall be made only when roads are clear of ice and snow and visibility is at least one-quarter mile. Snow removal equipment operating under permit is exempt from this restriction while snow removal operations are conducted. Exception: Nothing in this subrule shall be construed to mean that the movement of a compacted rubbish vehicle permitted under rule 761—511.12(321E) shall be subject to this restriction. 511.3(3) Movement shall be permitted only during the hours from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset unless it is established by the permit-issuing authority that the movement can be better accomplished at another period of time because of traffic volume conditions. 511.3(4) Except as provided in Iowa Code section 321.457, no movement shall be permitted on the holidays of Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day, after 12 noon on days preceding these holidays and holiday weekends, during holiday weekends, or during special events when abnormally high traffic volumes can be expected. A holiday weekend occurs when the holiday falls on Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. No movement shall be permitted until one-half hour before sunrise on the day after the holiday or holiday weekend. 511.3(5) Continuous moves. Vehicles and loads may travel by permit between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise if, in addition to the general provisions and general requirements specified by the permit, the following conditions are met. a. Dimensions shall not exceed: (1) Width. 11 feet. (2) Height. 14 feet, 6 inches. (3) Length. 100 feet. (4) Weight. Legal axle limits. b. Travel must be on roadways with a minimum width of 22 feet and minimum lane width of 11 feet. c. Safety lighting shall be provided at the widest part of a load. The lamps may be placed at the outer ends of the load itself or on appurtenances which are equal in width to the widest part of the load and positioned at both the extreme front and rear of the vehicle or trailer as follows: (1) One lighted red lamp on each side at the rear of the load. (2) One lighted yellow or amber lamp on each side at the front of the load.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321E.2 and 321E.11.Related ARC(s): 3193C, 7079C761511.4(321E) Permits. Permits issued shall be in writing or in electronic format and may be either single-trip, multitrip, annual oversize, annual oversize/overweight, annual raw forest products, annual small crane, compacted rubbish, emergency interstate, annual fluid milk products, annual all-systems oversize, or annual all-systems overweight permits. 511.4(1) Methods of issuance. a. Permits for movement on the primary road system may be obtained in person, by facsimile, online, or by mail at the address in subrule 511.2(1). b. Reserved. 511.4(2) Forms. a. Applications for permits for movement on the primary road system shall be made online or in the form and manner prescribed by the department. b. Any applications to other permit-issuing authorities made upon department forms shall be sufficient and accepted as properly made by these authorities. c. Subject to the preceding paragraph, permit-issuing authorities may adopt, amend or modify these forms provided that the amended or modified forms adequately identify the applicant, the hauling vehicle and load, the manner and extent that the vehicle with load exceeds the statutory size and weight limits, the route, and the authorization of the issuing authority. However, the load for a multitrip permit does not have to be identified but the vehicle and load cannot exceed either the weight per axle or the total weight identified on the multitrip permit. Axle spacings cannot change. 511.4(3) Validity. a. Annual oversize, annual oversize/overweight, annual raw forest products, annual small crane, compacted rubbish, annual fluid milk products, annual all-systems oversize, and annual all-systems overweight permits shall expire one year from the date of issuance. b. A single-trip permit shall be effective for five days. c. The validity of a multitrip permit shall not exceed 60 calendar days. d. Emergency interstate permits issued under Iowa Code section 321E.29B shall be effective for 30 calendar days. However, the permit shall not exceed the expiration of the applicable governor’s proclamation of disaster emergency issued under Iowa Code section 29C.6 in conjunction with the presidential declaration allowing interstate travel under the Stafford Act or the expiration of the declaration of major disaster under the Stafford Act, whichever expires first. 511.4(4) Duplicate permit. If a permit is lost or destroyed before it has expired, a duplicate permit may be issued at the discretion of the permit-issuing authority. The expiration date on the duplicate permit shall be the same as on the original permit.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321E.2, 321E.3, 321E.8, 321E.9 and 321E.29B.Related ARC(s): 0136C, 3193C, 4985C, 5428C, 6061C, 6405C, 7079C, 7747C761511.5(321, 321E) Fees and charges. 511.5(1) Annual oversize permit. A fee of $50 shall be charged for each annual oversize permit issued pursuant to Iowa Code section 321E.8, payable prior to the issuance of the permit. Carriers purchasing annual oversize permits in advance of use cannot return unused permits for refunds. 511.5(2) Special or emergency oversize permit for certain divisible loads. A fee of $25 may be charged for each single-trip permit issued pursuant to Iowa Code section 321E.29, payable prior to the issuance of the permit. 511.5(3) Annual raw forest products permit. A fee of $175 shall be charged for each annual raw forest products permit issued pursuant to Iowa Code section 321E.26 for divisible loads of raw forest products, payable prior to the issuance of the permit. 511.5(4) Annual oversize/overweight permit. A fee of $400 shall be charged for each annual oversize/overweight permit, payable prior to the issuance of the permit. Transfer of current annual oversize/overweight permit to a replacement vehicle may be allowed when the original vehicle has been damaged in an accident, junked or sold. 511.5(5) Annual all-systems oversize permit. A fee of $160 shall be charged for each annual all-systems oversize permit issued pursuant to Iowa Code section 321E.8(1), payable prior to the issuance of the permit. 511.5(6) Annual all-systems overweight permit. A fee of $500 shall be charged for each annual all-systems overweight permit issued pursuant to Iowa Code section 321E.8(2), payable prior to the issuance of the permit. Transfer of current annual all-systems overweight permit to a replacement vehicle may be allowed when the original vehicle has been damaged in an accident, junked or sold. 511.5(7) Bridge-exempt permit. A fee of $25 shall be charged for each bridge-exempt permit issued pursuant to Iowa Code section 321E.7, payable prior to the issuance of the permit. 511.5(8) Multitrip permit. A fee of $200 shall be charged for each multitrip permit, payable prior to the issuance of the permit. 511.5(9) Raw milk permit. A fee of $25 shall be charged for each raw milk permit issued pursuant to Iowa Code section 321E.29A, payable prior to the issuance of the permit. 511.5(10) Single-trip permit. A fee of $35 shall be charged for each single-trip permit, payable prior to the issuance of the permit. 511.5(11) Special alternative energy multitrip permit. A fee of $600 shall be charged for each special alternative energy multitrip permit issued pursuant to Iowa Code section 321E.9B, payable prior to the issuance of the permit. 511.5(12) Compacted rubbish permit. A fee of $100 shall be charged for each compacted rubbish permit, payable prior to the issuance of the permit. 511.5(13) Annual fluid milk products permit. A fee of $400 shall be charged for each annual fluid milk products permit issued pursuant to Iowa Code section 321E.29B, payable prior to issuance of the permit. 511.5(14) Annual small crane permit. A fee of $400 shall be charged for each annual small crane permit issued pursuant to Iowa Code section 321E.8(4), payable prior to issuance of the permit. Transfer of current annual small crane permit to a replacement vehicle may be allowed when the original vehicle has been damaged in an accident, junked or sold. 511.5(15) Duplicate permit. A fee of $2 shall be charged for each duplicate permit, payable prior to the issuance of the permit. 511.5(16) Registration fee. A registration fee shall be charged for vehicles transporting buildings, except mobile homes and factory-built structures, on a single-trip basis. The vehicle shall be registered for the combined gross weight of the vehicle and load. The fee shall be 5 cents per ton exceeding the weight registered under Iowa Code section 321.122 per mile of travel and shall be payable prior to the issuance of the permit. Fees shall not be prorated for fractions of miles. 511.5(17) Fair and reasonable costs. Permit-issuing authorities may charge any permit applicant: a. A fair and reasonable cost for the removal and replacement of natural obstructions or official signs and signals. b. A fair and reasonable cost for measures necessary to avoid damage to public property including structures and bridges. 511.5(18) Methods of payment. Fees and costs required under this chapter shall be paid in the form and manner prescribed by the department.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321.12, 321.122, 321E.8, 321E.9, 321E.14, 321E.29, 321E.29A and 321E.30.Related ARC(s): 3193C, 4985C, 5428C, 6405C, 7079C, 7747C761511.6(321E) Insurance and bonds. 511.6(1) Insurance. a. Public liability insurance in the amounts of $100,000 bodily injury each person, $200,000 bodily injury each occurrence, and $50,000 property damage with an expiration date to cover the tenure of the annual oversize, annual oversize/overweight, annual raw forest products, annual small crane, annual all-systems oversize, annual all-systems overweight, multitrip, emergency interstate, annual fluid milk products or single-trip permit shall be required. In lieu of filing with the permit-issuing authority, a copy of the current certificate of public liability insurance in these amounts shall be carried in the vehicle for which the permit has been issued. Proof of liability insurance may be either in writing or in electronic format. b. Notwithstanding paragraph “a” of this subrule, a carrier may act as a self-insurer if an application for self-insurance is filed with and approved by the department. 511.6(2) Bond. a. The permit-issuing authority may require the applicant to file a bond, certified check or other assurance in an amount sufficient to cover the reasonably anticipated cost of damage or loss to private property, either real or personal, likely to be caused by or arising out of the movement of the vehicle and load or to ensure compliance with permit provisions. b. The amount in the preceding paragraph may be reduced either in whole or in part by the applicant’s submission to the permit-issuing authority of written permission from an affected third party stating in substance that the third party either owns or has the right of exclusive possession and control over the affected property, does by the party’s signature consent to the move and that the applicant has in hand paid or secured the payment of the anticipated cost of loss or damage to the party’s property.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321E.8, 321E.9, 321E.13 and 321E.29B.Related ARC(s): 3193C, 4985C, 6061C, 6405C, 7079C, 7747C761511.7(321, 321E) Annual oversize permits. Annual oversize permits are issued for indivisible vehicles or indivisible loads for travel when the dimensions of the vehicle or load exceed statutory limits but the weight is within statutory limits. Routing is subject to embargoed bridges and roads and posted speed limits. The owner or operator shall select a route using the vertical clearance map and road construction and travel restrictions map provided by the department. Route, detour and road embargo information may be found online or the department’s website for the embargo bridge maps. Annual oversize permits are issued for the following: 511.7(1) Vehicles with indivisible loads, including special mobile equipment, mobile homes and factory-built structures, provided the following are not exceeded: a. Width. 12 feet 5 inches including appurtenances. b. Length. 120 feet 0 inches overall. c. Height. 13 feet 10 inches. d. Weight. See rule 761—511.17(321,321E). e. Distance. Movement is allowed for unlimited distance; routing through the motor vehicle division is not required. 511.7(2) Vehicles with indivisible loads, including special mobile equipment, mobile homes and factory-built structures, provided the following are not exceeded: a. Width. 14 feet 6 inches. b. Length. 120 feet 0 inches overall. c. Height. 15 feet 5 inches. d. Weight. See rule 761—511.17(321,321E). e. Distance. Movement is restricted to 50 miles unless trip routes are obtained from the motor vehicle division or the route continues on at least four-lane roads. Trip routes are valid for five days. 511.7(3) Vehicles with indivisible loads, including special mobile equipment, mobile homes and factory-built structures, provided the following are not exceeded: a. Width. 16 feet 0 inches. b. Length. 120 feet 0 inches. c. Height. 15 feet 5 inches. d. Weight. See rule 761—511.17(321,321E). e. Distance. Trip routes must be obtained from the motor vehicle division. 511.7(4) Truck trailers manufactured or assembled in the state of Iowa provided the following are met: a. Width. Not to exceed 10 feet 0 inches. b. Length. Overall combination length must comply with Iowa Code section 321.457. c. Height. Statutory: Not to exceed 13 feet 6 inches. d. Weight. See rule 761—511.17(321,321E). e. Roadway width. At least 24 feet 0 inches. f. Limited movement. Movement shall be solely for the purpose of delivery or transfer from the point of manufacture or assembly to another point of manufacture or assembly within the state or to a point outside the state and shall be on the most direct route necessary for the movement.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321.454, 321.456, 321.457, 321.463, 321E.2, 321E.3, 321E.8, 321E.10 and 321E.29A.Related ARC(s): 3193C, 4985C, 5428C, 6061C, 6405C, 7079C761511.8(321, 321E) Annual oversize/overweight permits. Annual oversize/overweight permits are issued for indivisible vehicles or indivisible loads for travel when either the dimensions or the weight or both the dimensions and the weight exceed statutory limits. Travel is not allowed on the interstate. However, a carrier moving under this annual oversize/overweight permit may operate under the same restrictions as an annual oversize permit under rule 761—511.7(321,321E) when the vehicle meets the dimensions required by that rule. Routing is subject to embargoed bridges and roads and posted speed limits. Annual oversize/overweight permits are issued for the following: 511.8(1) Vehicles with indivisible loads, including special mobile equipment, mobile homes and factory-built structures, provided the following are not exceeded: a. Width. 13 feet 5 inches. b. Length. 120 feet 0 inches. c. Height. 15 feet 5 inches. d. Weight. See rule 761—511.17(321,321E). e. Routing. The owner or operator shall select a route using a vertical clearance map, bridge embargo map, pavement restrictions map, and construction and travel restrictions map provided by the department. Route, detour and road embargo information may be found online at or the department’s website for the embargo bridge maps. 511.8(2) Reserved.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321.454, 321.456, 321.457, 321.463, 321E.2, 321E.3, 321E.8 and 321E.9.Related ARC(s): 3193C, 4985C, 5428C, 6061C, 6405C, 7079C761511.9(321, 321E) Annual all-systems oversize permits. Annual all-systems oversize permits are issued by the motor vehicle division for indivisible vehicles or indivisible loads for travel on the primary road system and specified city streets and county roads when the dimensions of the vehicle or load exceed statutory limits but the weight is within statutory limits. Routing is subject to embargoed bridges and roads and posted speed limits. The department will provide a map of the authorized city streets and county roads. Permit holders shall consult with local officials when traveling on county roads or city streets for bridge embargo, vertical clearance, detour, and road construction information. These permits are issued for the following: 511.9(1) Vehicles with indivisible loads, including special mobile equipment, mobile homes and factory-built structures, provided the following are not exceeded: a. Width. 12 feet 5 inches including appurtenances. b. Length. 120 feet 0 inches overall. c. Height. 13 feet 10 inches. d. Weight. See rule 761—511.17(321,321E). e. Distance. Movement is allowed for unlimited distance; routing through the motor vehicle division and city and county jurisdictions is not required. 511.9(2) Vehicles with indivisible loads, including special mobile equipment, mobile homes and factory-built structures, provided the following are not exceeded: a. Width. 14 feet 6 inches. b. Length. 120 feet 0 inches overall. c. Height. 15 feet 5 inches. d. Weight. See rule 761—511.17(321,321E). e. Distance. Movement is restricted to 50 miles unless trip routes are obtained from the motor vehicle division and city and county jurisdictions or the route continues on at least four-lane roads. Trip routes are valid for five days. 511.9(3) Vehicles with indivisible loads, including special mobile equipment, mobile homes and factory-built structures, provided the following are not exceeded: a. Width. 16 feet 0 inches. b. Length. 120 feet 0 inches. c. Height. 15 feet 5 inches. d. Weight. See rule 761—511.17(321,321E). e. Distance. Trip routes must be obtained from the motor vehicle division and city and county jurisdictions. 511.9(4) Truck trailers manufactured or assembled in the state of Iowa provided the following are met: a. Width. Not to exceed 10 feet 0 inches. b. Length. Overall combination length must comply with Iowa Code section 321.457. c. Height. Statutory: Not to exceed 13 feet 6 inches. d. Weight. See rule 761—511.17(321,321E). e. Roadway width. At least 24 feet 0 inches. f. Limited movement. Movement shall be solely for the purpose of delivery or transfer from the point of manufacture or assembly to another point of manufacture or assembly within the state or to a point outside the state and shall be on the most direct route necessary for the movement. 511.9(5) Necessary trip routes must be obtained from the appropriate city and county jurisdictions.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321.454, 321.456, 321.457, 321.463, 321E.2, 321E.3, 321E.8 and 321E.10.Related ARC(s): 3193C, 4985C, 5428C, 6061C, 6405C, 7079C761511.10(321, 321E) Annual all-systems overweight permits. 511.10(1) Issuance. Annual all-systems overweight permits are issued by the department for indivisible vehicles or indivisible or divisible loads for travel on the primary road system and specified city streets and county roads when the weight of the vehicle or load exceeds statutory limits but the dimensions are within statutory limits. Routing is subject to embargoed bridges and roads and posted speed limits. The department will provide a map of the authorized city streets and county roads. Permit holders shall consult with local officials when traveling on county roads or city streets for bridge embargo, vertical clearance, detour, and road construction information. These permits are issued for vehicles with divisible or indivisible loads provided the following are not exceeded: a. Width. Statutory: 8 feet 6 inches including appurtenances. b. Length. Statutory: 75 feet 0 inches overall. c. Height. Statutory: 13 feet 6 inches. d. Weight. See rule 761—511.17(321,321E). e. Distance. Movement is allowed for unlimited distance; routing through the motor vehicle division and city and county jurisdictions is not required. 511.10(2) Distribution of monthly credit. In accordance with Iowa Code section 312.2(18), the department shall allocate the monthly credit as follows: a. The department shall maintain a list of participating counties. The list shall be updated on a monthly basis as determined by the department after consultation with county officials through their representative organizations. b. The monthly credit shall be divided among the participating counties as determined by the department after consultation with county officials through their representative organizations. c. The funds from the monthly credit shall be distributed to each participating county based on the list of participating counties for the applicable month.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 312.2, 321.454, 321.456, 321.457, 321.463, 321E.2, 321E.3, 321E.8 and 321E.10.Related ARC(s): 7079C761511.11(321, 321E) Multitrip permits. Multitrip permits are issued for indivisible vehicles or indivisible loads for travel when either the dimensions or the weight or both the dimensions and the weight exceed statutory limits. The permit shall be for unlimited trips along a specific route between one point of origin and one point of destination. Additional routes will require a new permit. Multitrip permits are issued for the following: 511.11(1) Multitrip permits may be issued for vehicles with indivisible loads, including special mobile equipment, mobile homes and factory-built structures, provided the following are not exceeded: a. Width. 16 feet. b. Length. 120 feet. c. Height. 15 feet 5 inches. d. Weight. 156,000 pounds total gross weight. e. Distance. On routes specified by the permit-issuing authority. 511.11(2) Multitrip permits may be issued for all movements allowed under the single-trip permit provisions of rule 761—511.13(321,321E) provided the movement is within the size and weight limitations of subrule 511.11(1). 511.11(3) The dimensions listed on the permit are considered maximums. The movement is legal as long as the vehicle and load do not exceed these dimensions and the movement meets all other requirements of Iowa Code chapter 321E and this chapter of rules.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321.454, 321.456, 321.457, 321.463, 321E.2, 321E.3 and 321E.9A.Related ARC(s): 3193C, 7079C761511.12(321E) Compacted rubbish vehicle permits. All compacted rubbish vehicle permits issued by the department shall be subject to the following: 511.12(1) Permits issued shall be in writing or in an electronic format, shall be carried in the vehicle for which the permit has been issued and shall be available for inspection by any peace officer or authorized agent of any permit-granting authority. 511.12(2) Movements by permit shall be allowed day and night, seven days a week including holidays. 511.12(3) Vehicles traveling under permit shall be registered for the gross weight or combined gross weight of the vehicle and load. 511.12(4) Vehicles under permit must be in compliance with posted bridge and road embargoes and speed limits. 511.12(5) Maximum axle weight allowed on the interstate system shall be 20,000 pounds on a single axle and 34,000 pounds on a tandem axle.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 321E.30.Related ARC(s): 3193C, 7079C761511.13(321, 321E) Single-trip permits. Single-trip permits are issued for indivisible vehicles or indivisible loads for travel when either the dimensions or the weight or both the dimensions and the weight exceed statutory limits. The permit shall be for a specific route between an origin and destination. Single-trip permits are issued for the following: 511.13(1) Vehicles with indivisible loads, including special mobile equipment, mobile homes and factory-built structures, provided the following are not exceeded: a. Width. Limited to the maximum physical limitations and clearances of the roadway and infrastructure along the intended route of travel. b. Length. Limited to the maximum physical limitations and clearances of the roadway along the intended route of travel. c. Height. Limited only to the height of underpasses, bridges, power lines, and other established height restrictions. The carrier shall be required to contact affected public utilities when the height of the vehicle with load exceeds 16 feet 0 inches. At the discretion of the permit-issuing authority, a written verification may be required from the affected utility. d. Weight. See rule 761—511.17(321,321E). e. Distance. Limited at the discretion of the permit-issuing authority. The following factors shall be considered:Road conditions; road width; traffic volume; weather conditions; and roadside obstructions, including bridges, signs and overhead obstructions. 511.13(2) Reserved.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321.454, 321.456, 321.457, 321.463, 321E.2, 321E.3 and321E.9.Related ARC(s): 3193C, 4985C, 5428C, 6061C, 6405C, 7079C761511.14(321, 321E) Annual raw forest products permits. Annual raw forest products permits are issued for vehicles transporting divisible loads of raw forest products when the weight exceeds statutory limits. Travel is not allowed on the interstate. The owner or operator shall select a route using the vertical clearance map, bridge embargo map, pavement restrictions map, and construction and travel restrictions map provided by the department. The owner or operator must contact the appropriate local authority for route approval to use this permit on county roads or city streets. Detour and road embargo information may be found online at: Routing is subject to embargoed bridges and roads and posted speed limits. Annual raw forest products permits are issued for the following: 511.14(1) Vehicles with divisible loads of raw forest products provided the following are not exceeded: a. Width. Statutory: 8 feet 6 inches. b. Length. Limited to the maximum dimensions in Iowa Code section 321.457. c. Height. Statutory: 13 feet 6 inches. d. Weight. See rule 761—511.17(321,321E). e. Distance. Unlimited. 511.14(2) Reserved.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321.463, 321E.2, 321E.3 and 321E.26.Related ARC(s): 4985C, 6061C, 6405C, 7079C761511.15(29C, 321, 321E) Emergency interstate permit. Emergency interstate permits are issued for vehicles transporting divisible loads of relief supplies when the weight exceeds statutory limits. Routing is subject to embargoed bridges and roads and posted speed limits. The owner or operator shall select a route using the vertical clearance map and road construction and travel restrictions map provided by the department. Route, detour, and road embargo information may be found online at or the department’s website for the embargo bridge maps. The owner or operator must contact the appropriate local authority for route approval to determine if additional permits are necessary for county roads or city streets. Emergency interstate permits are issued for the following: 511.15(1) Vehicles with divisible loads of relief supplies, which may exceed the weight limits established under Iowa Code section 321.463 on the interstate highway system, provided the following are not exceeded: a. Width. Statutory: 8 feet 6 inches including appurtenances. b. Length. Limited to the maximum dimensions in Iowa Code section 321.457. c. Height. Statutory: 13 feet 6 inches. d. Weight. See rule 761—511.17(321,321E). e. Distance. Movement is allowed for unlimited distance on the interstate for 30 days not to exceed the expiration of the applicable governor’s proclamation issued in conjunction with the applicable declaration under the Stafford Act, or expiration of the applicable declaration under the Stafford Act, whichever expires sooner. In the event that more than one proclamation issued under Iowa Code section 29C.6 is in effect, only the proclamation issued in conjunction with the same event that caused the major disaster declaration under the Stafford Act shall govern the expiration date. Separate permits may be required for roads other than the interstate unless the governor, under the authority in Iowa Code section 29C.6, suspends applicable permitting provisions under proclamation for the same event. 511.15(2) Reserved.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 29C.6, 321.457, 321.463 and 321E.29B. Related ARC(s): 6061C, 6405C, 7079C761511.16(321, 321E) Annual fluid milk products permits. Annual fluid milk products permits are issued for indivisible loads of fluid milk products for travel when the weight of the vehicle or load exceeds statutory limits. Routing is subject to embargoed bridges and roads and posted speed limits. The owner or operator shall select a route using the vertical clearance map and road construction and travel restrictions map provided by the department. Route, detour, road embargo and bridge embargo for fluid milk products information may be found online at and the department’s website. 511.16(1) The following shall not be exceeded: a. Width. Statutory: 8 feet 6 inches including appurtenances. b. Length. Statutory: 75 feet 0 inches overall. c. Height. Statutory: 13 feet 6 inches. d. Weight. See rule 761—511.17(321,321E). e. Distance. Movement is allowed for unlimited distance on the primary road system, including the interstate, provided the vehicle is transporting fluid milk products to or from a milk plant, receiving station, or transfer station; routing through the motor vehicle division is not required. 511.16(2) Reserved.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321.454, 321.456, 321.457, 321.463, 321E.2, 321E.3, 321E.8, 321E.10 and 321E.29A.Related ARC(s): 6405C, 7079C761511.17(321, 321E) Maximum axle weights and maximum gross weights for vehicles and loads moved under permit. 511.17(1) Annual oversize, annual all-systems oversize, and annual all-systems overweight permits. a. For movement under an annual oversize or annual all-systems oversize permit, the axle weight and combined gross weight shall not exceed the limits found in Iowa Code section 321.463(3). b. For movement under an all-systems overweight permit, the axle weight shall not exceed the limits found in Iowa Code sections 321.463(3) and 321E.8. The combined gross weight shall not exceed the gross weight authorized under Iowa Code section 321E.8(2). c. See subrule 511.17(8) for exceptions for special mobile equipment. 511.17(2) Annual oversize/overweight permits or annual raw forest products permits. a. For movement under an annual oversize/overweight permit or an annual raw forest products permit, the gross weight on any axle shall not exceed 20,000 pounds, with a maximum of 156,000 pounds total gross weight. b. See subrule 511.17(8) for exceptions for special mobile equipment. 511.17(3) Multitrip permits. a. For movement under a multitrip permit, the gross weight on any axle shall not exceed 20,000 pounds with a maximum of 156,000 pounds total gross weight. b. See subrule 511.17(8) for exceptions for special mobile equipment. 511.17(4) Single-trip permits. a. For movement under a single-trip permit, the gross weight on any axle shall not exceed 20,000 pounds unless authorized under Iowa Code section 321E.9(2). b. If the combined gross weight exceeds 100,000 pounds, a single-trip permit may be issued for the movement only if the permit-issuing authority determines that it would not cause undue damage to the road and is in the best interest of the public. c. Cranes may have a maximum of 24,000 pounds per axle for movement under a single-trip permit. Routes must be reviewed by the permit-issuing authority prior to issuance. d. See subrule 511.17(8) for exceptions for special mobile equipment. 511.17(5) Emergency interstate permits. a. For movement under this permit, the gross weight on any axle shall not exceed 20,000 pounds with a maximum of 90,000 pounds total gross weight. b. The maximum weight on any single axle shall not exceed by more than 12.5 percent the maximum axle weight limit in the nonprimary highway maximum gross weight table in Iowa Code section 321.463(6)“b” and must comply with posted limits on roads and bridges. 511.17(6) Annual fluid milk products permits. For movement under an annual fluid milk products permit, the gross weight on any axle shall not exceed 20,000 pounds with a maximum of 96,000 pounds total gross weight. 511.17(7) Annual small crane permit. For movement under an annual small crane permit, the gross weight on any axle shall not exceed 24,000 pounds with a maximum of 80,000 pounds total gross weight. 511.17(8) Special mobile equipment. Special mobile equipment may have a gross weight of 36,000 pounds on any single axle equipped with minimum size 26.5-inch by 25-inch flotation pneumatic tires and a maximum gross weight of 20,000 pounds on any single axle equipped with minimum size 18-inch by 25-inch flotation pneumatic tires, provided that the total gross weight of the vehicle or a combination of vehicles does not exceed a maximum of 80,000 pounds for movement under an annual oversize or all-systems oversize permit and 126,000 pounds for movement under a single-trip, multitrip or annual oversize/overweight permit.For tire sizes and weights allowed between the maximum and minimum indicated, the following formula shall apply: Axle weight = 20,000 pounds + (tire width - 18) × 1,882 pounds. 511.17(9) Permitted tandem axle weights. a. Vehicles operating under an annual oversize permit, annual oversize/overweight permit, annual raw forest products permit, single-trip permit, or multitrip permit may have a gross weight not to exceed 46,000 pounds on a single-tandem axle of the truck tractor and a gross weight not to exceed 46,000 pounds on a single-tandem axle of the trailer or semitrailer if each axle of each tandem group has at least four tires. b. The maximum weight of any single axle within a permitted tandem axle group shall be 24,000 pounds. c. A permitted tandem axle shall not be a part of a larger group of axles whose centers are greater than 96 inches apart.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321.463, 321E.7, 321E.8, 321E.9, 321E.9A, 321E.26, 321E.29B and 321E.32.Related ARC(s): 3193C, 4345C, 4985C, 6061C, 6405C, 7079C, 7747C761511.18(321, 321E) Movement of vehicles with divisible loads exceeding statutory size or weight limits. 511.18(1) Vehicles with divisible loads exceeding statutory size or weight limits may be moved under a single-trip permit if the permit-issuing authority determines that a special or emergency situation warrants its issuance. 511.18(2) At the discretion of the permit-issuing authority, the combined gross weight may exceed the statutory weight, but the axle weights shall be subject to rule 761—511.17(321,321E). 511.18(3) Movement shall be subject to the routes established by the permit-issuing authority.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321.463 and 321E.29.Related ARC(s): 3193C, 4985C, 5428C, 6061C, 6405C, 7079C761511.19(321E) Towing units. The towing unit shall be a truck or truck tractor with dual wheels and with a gross vehicle weight rating of at least 10,000 pounds when towing mobile homes or loads exceeding 10,000 pounds.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 321.457.Related ARC(s): 3193C, 4985C, 6061C, 6405C, 7079C761511.20(321E) Escorting. 511.20(1) Escort qualification. An escort shall be a person aged 18 or over who possesses a valid driver’s license which allows driving unaccompanied and who carries proof of public liability insurance in the amounts of $100,000/$200,000/$50,000. 511.20(2) Escorting responsibilities. a. The escorting vehicle shall be a mid-size automobile or motor truck with sufficient mobility to be able to assist in an emergency and designed to afford clear and unobstructed vision both front and rear. The escorting vehicle shall not be used to tow a trailer while performing escorting duties. In questionable cases the permit-issuing authority shall determine if a vehicle meets these conditions. b. The escorting vehicle shall have a flashing or strobe amber light that is visible for at least 500 feet and provides 360° warning. While escorting a permit load, the light shall be mounted on top of the escort vehicle and shall be burning. Additional escort vehicle markings may be approved or required by the permit-issuing authority. c. An 18-inch by 18-inch red or orange fluorescent flag shall be mounted on each corner of the front bumper of the escort vehicle. d. The escort shall remain a distance of approximately 300 feet in front or to the rear of the load. However, when traveling within the corporate limits of a city, the escort shall maintain a reasonable and proper distance consistent with existing traffic conditions. e. A separate escort shall be provided for each load hauled under escort. f. All traffic laws and provisions of the oversize permit for the load shall be obeyed. g. The escort shall not assume responsibility for stopping traffic. An on-duty peace officer, as defined in Iowa Code section 321.1, shall be contacted to provide any traffic control needed. h. Immediately prior to an escorting trip, the escort shall determine that the escorting vehicle is in a safe operational condition and that the dimensions of the vehicle and load are in compliance with the permit issued. i. Escort fees charged by state and local authorities shall not exceed $250 per day per escort vehicle. j. A pole used for measuring vertical clearances shall be mounted on the front escort vehicle. The escort shall be required to measure all vertical clearances whenever the height of the permitted vehicle exceeds 14 feet 6 inches up to and including 20 feet. 511.20(3) Requirements for escorts, flags, signs and lights. The following chart explains the minimum escort and warning devices required for vehicles operating under permit.Minimum Warning Devices and Escort RequirementsFor Vehicles Operating Under PermitFlags/SignsLightsEscorts4-Lane2-LaneLength75ʹ1ʺ up to and including 85ʹyesnot requirednot requirednot requiredOver 85ʹ up to and including 120ʹyesyesnot requirednot requiredOver 120ʹyesnot requiredrearrearProjectionsFront: over 25ʹnot requiredyesnot requirednot requiredRear: over 4ʹ up to and including 10ʹflags onlynot requirednot requirednot requiredRear: over 10ʹflags onlyyesnot requirednot requiredHeightOver 14ʹ6ʺ up to and including 20ʹyesnot requiredfront with a height polefront with a height poleWeightOver 80,000 lbs.not required not requirednot requirednot requiredWidthOver 8ʹ6ʺ up to 12ʹ0ʺ yesnot requirednot requirednot requiredOver 12ʹ0ʺ up to and including 14ʹ6ʺ yesnot requiredrear * front *Over 14ʹ6ʺ up to and including 16ʹ6ʺ yesnot requiredrear *frontOver 16ʹ6ʺ up to and including 18ʹyesnot requiredrear front*In lieu of an escort, a carrier can display an amber light or strobe light on the power unit and on the rear extremity of the vehicle or load.yes = requiredDefinitions:Flags - Red or orange fluorescent flags at least 18ʺ square must be mounted as follows: one flag at each front corner of the towing unit and one flag at each rear corner of the load. In addition, there must be a flag at any additional protrusion in the width of the load.Signs - A sign reading “Oversize Load” must be used. The sign must be at least 18ʺ high by 7ʹ long with a minimum of 10ʺ black letters, with a 1½ʺ stroke, on a yellow background, and mounted on the front bumper and on the rear of the load. The rear sign for mobile homes and factory-built structures must be mounted at least 7ʹ above the highway surface, measuring from the bottom of the sign.Lights - A flashing or strobe amber light that is visible for at least 500 feet and provides 360° warning must be mounted on the towing unit and be visible from front and rear. More than one light may be necessary.The permit-issuing authority may require additional escorts when deemed necessary. The signs or warning devices must be removed or covered when the vehicle is within legal dimensions.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321E.8, 321E.14, 321E.24 and 321E.34.Related ARC(s): 3193C, 4985C, 6061C, 6405C, 7079C761511.21(321, 321E) Permit violations. Permit violations are to be reported to the permit-issuing authority by the arresting officer and the permit holder. If a permit holder is found to have willfully violated permit provisions, the motor vehicle division may, after notice and hearing, suspend, modify or revoke the permit privileges of the permit holder consistent with Iowa Code section 321E.20. If the permit that is suspended, modified, or revoked is an emergency interstate permit that is issued for a fleet operating under the permit holder’s interstate or intrastate motor carrier number, the department may issue emergency interstate permits to individual vehicles operating under the interstate or intrastate motor carrier number.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 321.492, 321E.16, 321E.20 and 321E.29B.Related ARC(s): 3193C, 4985C, 6061C, 6405C, 7079C761511.22(321) Movement of combination vehicles on economic export corridors. 511.22(1) Designation of economic export corridors. a. The department may in its discretion establish economic export corridors for the transportation of goods or products manufactured in Iowa to or through the state of South Dakota and for the return of unladen semitrailers or unladen full trailers used for the transportation of those goods or products. An economic export corridor shall not include any segment of the interstate system or any part of the national network of highways identified pursuant to 23 CFR Part 658. However, if appropriate, the department may petition the Federal Highway Administration to remove a road or road segment from the national network of highways for the purpose of including it in an economic export corridor. b. The department may initiate designation of economic export corridors, or a request for economic export corridor designation may be submitted to the department by an interested party. If a proposed economic export corridor includes any roads or road segments that are under the jurisdiction of a city or a county, a resolution from all relevant local jurisdictions must be submitted to the department indicating their support for economic export corridor designation. The resolution must include a description of the proposed economic export corridor under local jurisdiction. c. The department shall exercise due regard for the safety of the traveling public and the protection of the highway surfaces and structures when establishing an economic export corridor. Factors to be considered include ability of the proposed economic export corridor to safely accommodate combinations of vehicles described in subrule 511.22(2), taking into account physical configurations and restrictions and traffic demands and capacity, as well as connection to markets that will benefit from the established economic export corridor. d. The department will post established economic export corridors on the department’s website. 511.22(2) Combination vehicles that may be operated on an economic export corridor. a. In addition to combinations of vehicles lawful for operation on roads or road segments not designated as an economic export corridor, the following combinations of vehicles may be operated on an economic export corridor designated under subrule 511.22(1) if the combinations of vehicles meet the requirements in paragraph 511.22(2)“b”: (1) A truck tractor-semitrailer-semitrailer converted to a full trailer by use of a dolly equipped with a fifth wheel which is considered a part of the trailer for all purposes, and not a separate unit; or (2) A truck tractor-semitrailer-full trailer; or (3) A truck tractor-semitrailer-semitrailer combination, where the semitrailers are connected by a rigid frame extension including a fifth wheel connection point attached to the rear frame of the first semitrailer. b. The combination of vehicles shall meet all of the following requirements: (1) The length of the combination of vehicles, excluding the length of the truck tractor, shall not exceed 81½ feet. (2) The length of either semitrailer or full trailer shall not exceed 45 feet. (3) The weight of the second semitrailer or full trailer shall not exceed the weight of the first semitrailer by more than 3,000 pounds. (4) The gross weight of the combination of vehicles shall not exceed 80,000 pounds and the combination of vehicles shall not exceed the gross axle weight limits of Iowa Code section 321.463(2). (5) The load on each semitrailer or full trailer in the combination shall be an indivisible load. For the purpose of issuing permits for height or width under Iowa Code chapter 321E, the combination of vehicles shall be considered an indivisible load so long as the load on each semitrailer or full trailer in the combination remains an indivisible load. c. The length of the frame extension shall not be included when determining the overall length of the first semitrailer in a truck tractor-semitrailer-semitrailer combination in which the semitrailers are connected by a rigid frame extension including a fifth wheel connection point attached to the rear frame of the first semitrailer. d. For purposes of this subrule, “full trailer” means as defined in 49 CFR Section 390.5.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 321.457(2)“n.”Related ARC(s): 3193C, 4985C, 6061C, 6405C, 7079CApril 30, 1970, October 15, 1971, April 15, 1974, December 4, 1974,May 14, 1975; transferred to Department of Transportation, July 1, 1975]Related ARC(s): 0136C, 3193C, 4345C, 4985C, 5428C, 6061C, 6405C, 7079C, 7747C