House File 709 - IntroducedA Bill ForAn Act 1appropriating federal moneys made available from federal
2block grants and other nonstate sources following state
3government realignment, allocating portions of federal
4block grants, and providing procedures if federal moneys
5or federal block grants are more or less than anticipated,
6and including effective date and retroactive applicability
2FFY 2023-2024 and 2024-2025
41. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
5section 8.41 to the department of health and human services for
6the following federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and
7ending September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $8FFY 2023-2024:13,204,014
.................................................. $9FFY 2024-2025:13,204,014
10b. The appropriations made in this subsection are in the
11amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
12for the designated federal fiscal years under 42
136A, subch.XVII, part B, subpart ii, which provides for the
14prevention and treatment of substance abuse block grant.
15The department shall expend the moneys appropriated in this
16subsection as provided in the federal law making the moneys
17available and in conformance with chapter 17A.
18c. Of the moneys appropriated for each federal fiscal year
19in this subsection, an amount not exceeding 5 percent shall be
20used by the department for administrative expenses.
21d. (1) For the state fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023,
22the department shall expend no less than an amount equal to
23the amount expended for treatment services in the state fiscal
24year beginning July 1, 2022, for pregnant women and women with
25dependent children.
26(2) For the state fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, the
27department shall expend no less than an amount equal to the
28amount expended for treatment services in the state fiscal
29year beginning July 1, 2023, for pregnant women and women with
30dependent children.
312. At least 20 percent of the moneys remaining from the
32appropriation made in subsection 1 for each federal fiscal year
33shall be allocated for prevention programs.
343. In implementing the federal prevention and treatment
35of substance abuse block grant under 42, subch.
-1-1XVII, and any other applicable provisions of the federal Public
2Health Service Act under 42, the department shall
3apply the provisions of Pub.L. No.106-310, §3305, as codified
4in 42 U.S.C.§300x-65, relating to services under such federal
5law being provided by religious and other nongovernmental
81. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
9section 8.41 to the department of health and human services for
10the following federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and
11ending September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $12FFY 2023-2024:5,641,385
.................................................. $13FFY 2024-2025:5,641,385
14b. The appropriations made in this subsection are in the
15amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
16for the designated federal fiscal years under 42
176A, subch.XVII, part B, subpart i, which provides for the
18community mental health services block grant. The department
19shall expend the moneys appropriated in this subsection as
20provided in the federal law making the moneys available and in
21conformance with chapter 17A.
22c. The department shall allocate not less than 95 percent
23of the amount of the block grant each federal fiscal year for
24eligible community mental health services for carrying out
25the plan submitted to and approved by the federal substance
26abuse and mental health services administration or required
27by the federal substance abuse and mental health services
28administration for the fiscal year involved.
29d. Of the amount allocated to eligible services providers
30in paragraph “c”, 70 percent of the amount each federal
31fiscal year shall be distributed to the state’s accredited
32community mental health centers established in accordance with
33chapter 230A or applicable administrative rule. The funding
34distributed shall be used by recipients of the funding for
35the purpose of staff training or services to adults with a
-2-1serious mental illness and children with a serious emotional
2disturbance. The distribution amounts shall be announced at
3the beginning of the federal fiscal year and distributed on
4a quarterly basis. Recipients of the funding shall submit
5quarterly reports to the department of health and human
6services containing data consistent with the performance
7measures approved by the federal substance abuse and mental
8health services administration.
92. An amount not exceeding 5 percent of the moneys
10appropriated in subsection 1 for each federal fiscal year shall
11be used by the department of health and human services for
12administrative expenses. From the moneys set aside by this
13subsection for administrative expenses, the department shall
14pay to the auditor of state an amount sufficient to pay the
15cost of auditing the use and administration of the state’s
16portion of the moneys appropriated in subsection 1. The
17auditor of state shall bill the department for the costs of the
201. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
21section 8.41 to the department of health and human services for
22the following federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and
23ending September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $24FFY 2023-2024:6,611,198
.................................................. $25FFY 2024-2025:6,611,198
26b. The appropriations made in this subsection are in the
27amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
28for the designated federal fiscal years under 42
297, subch.V, which provides for the maternal and child health
30services block grant. The department shall expend the moneys
31appropriated in this subsection as provided in the federal law
32making the moneys available and in conformance with chapter
34c. Moneys appropriated in this subsection shall not be used
35by the university of Iowa hospitals and clinics for indirect
22. An amount not exceeding 10 percent of the moneys
3appropriated in subsection 1 for each federal fiscal year shall
4be used by the department of health and human services for
5administrative expenses.
63. The department of health and human services, department
7of education, and the university of Iowa’s mobile and regional
8child health specialty clinics shall continue to pursue to the
9maximum extent feasible the coordination and integration of
10services to women and children.
114. a. Sixty-three percent of the amount remaining after the
12allocation made in subsection 2 for each federal fiscal year
13shall be allocated to supplement appropriations for maternal
14and child health programs within the department of health and
15human services. Of these moneys, the following amounts shall
16be set aside for the statewide perinatal care program for the
17following federal fiscal years:
.................................................. $18FFY 2023-2024:300,291
.................................................. $19FFY 2024-2025:300,291
20b. Thirty-seven percent of the amount remaining after
21the allocation made in subsection 2 for each federal fiscal
22year shall be allocated to the university of Iowa hospitals
23and clinics under the control of the state board of regents
24for mobile and regional child health specialty clinics. The
25university of Iowa hospitals and clinics shall not receive an
26allocation for indirect costs from the moneys for this program.
27Priority shall be given to establishment and maintenance of a
28statewide system of mobile and regional child health specialty
305. The department of health and human services shall
31administer the statewide maternal and child health program
32and the disabled children’s program by conducting mobile and
33regional child health specialty clinics and conducting other
34activities to improve the health of low-income women and
35children and to promote the welfare of children with actual
-4-1or potential handicapping conditions and chronic illnesses
2in accordance with the requirements of Tit.V of the federal
3Social Security Act.
61. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
7section 8.41 to the department of health and human services for
8the following federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and
9ending September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $10FFY 2023-2024:1,697,468
.................................................. $11FFY 2024-2025:1,697,468
12b. The appropriations made in this subsection are in the
13amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
14for the designated federal fiscal years under 42,
15subch.XVII, part A, which provides for the preventive health
16and health services block grant. The department shall expend
17the moneys appropriated in this subsection as provided in the
18federal law making the moneys available and in conformance with
19chapter 17A.
202. Of the moneys appropriated in subsection 1 for each
21federal fiscal year, an amount not exceeding 10 percent shall
22be used by the department for administrative expenses.
233. Of the moneys appropriated in subsection 1 for each
24federal fiscal year, the specific amount of moneys stipulated
25by the notice of the block grant award shall be allocated
26for services to victims of sex offenses and for sex offense
284. After deducting the moneys allocated in subsections 2 and
293, the remaining moneys appropriated in subsection 1 for each
30federal fiscal year may be used by the department for healthy
31people 2030 and Iowa’s health improvement plan 2023-2027
32program objectives, preventive health advisory committee, and
33risk reduction services, including nutrition programs, health
34incentive programs, chronic disease services, emergency medical
35services, monitoring of the fluoridation program and start-up
-5-1fluoridation grants, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome
2services. The moneys specified in this subsection shall not be
3used by the university of Iowa hospitals and clinics or by the
4state hygienic laboratory for the funding of indirect costs.
7appropriated from the fund created by section 8.41 to the
8office of drug control policy of the department of public
9safety for the following federal fiscal years beginning October
101, and ending September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $11FFY 2023-2024:291,874
.................................................. $12FFY 2024-2025:364,122
13The appropriations made in this section are the amounts
14anticipated to be received from the federal government for the
15designated federal fiscal years under 42, subch.
16XII-G, which provides grants for substance abuse treatment
17programs in state and local correctional facilities. The drug
18policy coordinator shall expend the moneys appropriated in
19this section as provided in the federal law making the moneys
20available and in conformance with chapter 17A.
22PROGRAM APPROPRIATIONS. There is appropriated from the fund
23created by section 8.41 to the office of drug control policy
24of the department of public safety for the following federal
25fiscal years beginning October 1, and ending September 30, the
26following amounts:
.................................................. $27FFY 2023-2024:1,944,870
.................................................. $28FFY 2024-2025:1,964,093
29The appropriations made in this section are in the amounts
30anticipated to be received from the federal government for the
31designated fiscal years under 42, subch.V, which
32provides for the Edward Byrne memorial justice assistance grant
33program. The drug policy coordinator shall expend the moneys
34appropriated in this section as provided in the federal law
35making the moneys available and in conformance with chapter
31. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
4section 8.41 to the division of community action agencies of
5the department of health and human services for the following
6federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and ending September
730, the following amounts:
.................................................. $8FFY 2023-2024:7,979,245
.................................................. $9FFY 2024-2025:7,979,245
10b. The appropriations made in this subsection are in the
11amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
12for the designated federal fiscal years under 42
13106, which provides for the community services block grant.
14The division of community action agencies of the department of
15health and human services shall expend the moneys appropriated
16in this subsection as provided in the federal law making the
17moneys available and in conformance with chapter 17A.
18c. Each federal fiscal year, the administrator of the
19division of community action agencies of the department of
20health and human services shall allocate not less than 96
21percent of the amount of the block grants to eligible community
22action agencies for programs benefiting low-income persons.
23Each eligible agency shall receive a minimum allocation of not
24less than $100,000. The minimum allocation shall be achieved
25by redistributing increased moneys from agencies experiencing
26a greater share of available moneys. The moneys shall be
27distributed on the basis of the poverty-level population in the
28area represented by the community action areas compared to the
29size of the poverty-level population in the state.
302. An amount not exceeding 4 percent of the moneys
31appropriated in subsection 1 for each federal fiscal year shall
32be used by the division of community action agencies of the
33department of health and human services for administrative
34expenses. From the moneys set aside by this subsection for
35administrative expenses, the division of community action
-7-1agencies of the department of health and human services shall
2pay to the auditor of state an amount sufficient to pay the
3cost of auditing the use and administration of the state’s
4portion of the moneys appropriated in subsection 1. The
5auditor of state shall bill the division of community action
6agencies for the costs of the audits.
81. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
9section 8.41 to the economic development authority for the
10following federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and ending
11September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $12FFY 2023-2024:26,500,000
.................................................. $13FFY 2024-2025:26,500,000
14b. The appropriations made in this subsection are in the
15amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
16for the designated federal fiscal years under 42
1769, which provides for community development block grants.
18The economic development authority shall expend the moneys
19appropriated in this subsection as provided in the federal law
20making the moneys available and in conformance with chapter
222. a. An amount not exceeding $1,160,000 for the federal
23fiscal year beginning October 1, 2023, shall be used by the
24economic development authority for administrative expenses for
25the community development block grant. The total amount used
26for administrative expenses includes $630,000 for the federal
27fiscal year beginning October 1, 2023, of moneys appropriated
28in subsection 1 and a matching contribution from the state
29equal to $530,000 from the appropriation of state moneys for
30the community development block grant and state appropriations
31for related activities of the economic development authority.
32From the moneys set aside for administrative expenses by this
33subsection, the economic development authority shall pay to
34the auditor of state an amount sufficient to pay the cost of
35auditing the use and administration of the state’s portion of
-8-1the moneys appropriated in subsection 1. The auditor of state
2shall bill the authority for the costs of the audit.
3b. An amount not exceeding $1,160,000 for the federal
4fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024, shall be used by the
5economic development authority for administrative expenses for
6the community development block grant. The total amount used
7for administrative expenses includes $630,000 for the federal
8fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024, of moneys appropriated
9in subsection 1 and a matching contribution from the state
10equal to $530,000 from the appropriation of state moneys for
11the community development block grant and state appropriations
12for related activities of the economic development authority.
13From the moneys set aside for administrative expenses by this
14subsection, the economic development authority shall pay to
15the auditor of state an amount sufficient to pay the cost of
16auditing the use and administration of the state’s portion of
17the moneys appropriated in subsection 1. The auditor of state
18shall bill the authority for the costs of the audit.
20APPROPRIATIONS. There is appropriated from the fund created
21by section 8.41 to the department of transportation for the
22following federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and ending
23September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $24FFY 2023-2024:185,100,000
.................................................. $25FFY 2024-2025:188,800,000
26The appropriations made in this section are the amounts
27anticipated to be received from the federal government for
28the designated fiscal years under 23, §133,
29which provides funding allocated by the state transportation
30commission for state and local transportation projects. The
31department shall expend the moneys appropriated in this section
32as provided in the federal law making the moneys available and
33in conformance with chapter 17A.
351. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
-9-1section 8.41 to the division of community action agencies of
2the department of health and human services for the following
3federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and ending September
430, the following amounts:
.................................................. $5FFY 2023-2024:54,554,297
.................................................. $6FFY 2024-2025:54,554,297
7b. The appropriations made in this subsection are in the
8amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
9for the designated federal fiscal years under 42
1094, subch.II, which provides for the low-income home energy
11assistance block grants. The division of community action
12agencies of the department of health and human services
13shall expend the moneys appropriated in this subsection as
14provided in the federal law making the moneys available and in
15conformance with chapter 17A.
162. Up to 15 percent, or up to 25 percent if a waiver is
17approved by the United States department of health and human
18services, of the amount appropriated in this section that is
19actually received for each federal fiscal year shall be used
20for residential weatherization or other related home repairs
21for low-income households. Of this allocation amount, not more
22than 10 percent may be used for administrative expenses.
233. After subtracting the allocation in subsection 2, up to
2410 percent of the remaining moneys for each federal fiscal year
25are allocated for administrative expenses of the low-income
26home energy assistance program of which $377,000 is allocated
27each federal fiscal year for administrative expenses of the
28division. The costs of auditing the use and administration
29of the portion of the appropriation in this section that is
30retained by the state shall be paid from the amount allocated
31in this subsection each federal fiscal year to the division.
32The auditor of state shall bill the division for the audit
344. The remaining moneys of the appropriation made in this
35section for each federal fiscal year following the allocations
-10-1made in subsections 2 and 3, shall be used to help eligible
2households as defined in 42, subch.II, to meet
3home energy costs.
45. Not more than 10 percent of the amount appropriated in
5this section each federal fiscal year that is actually received
6may be carried forward for use in the succeeding federal fiscal
86. Expenditures for assessment and resolution of energy
9problems shall be limited to not more than 5 percent of the
10amount appropriated in this section for each federal fiscal
11year that is actually received.
131. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
14section 8.41 to the department of health and human services for
15the following federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and
16ending September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $17FFY 2023-2024:15,323,000
.................................................. $18FFY 2024-2025:15,323,000
19b. The appropriations made in this subsection are in the
20amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
21for the designated federal fiscal years under 42,
22subch.XX, which provides for the social services block grant.
23The department of health and human services shall expend the
24moneys appropriated in this subsection as provided in the
25federal law making the moneys available and in conformance with
26chapter 17A.
272. Not more than the following amounts of the moneys
28appropriated in subsection 1 for the following federal fiscal
29years shall be allocated by the department of health and human
30services for general administration:
31a.FFY 2023-2024:
.................................................. $32910,649
33b.FFY 2024-2025:
.................................................. $34910,649
35From the moneys allocated in this subsection for general
-11-1administration for each federal fiscal year, the department
2of health and human services shall pay to the auditor of
3state an amount sufficient to pay the cost of auditing the
4use and administration of the state’s portion of the moneys
5appropriated in subsection 1.
63. In addition to the allocation for general administration
7in subsection 2, the remaining moneys appropriated in
8subsection 1 for each federal fiscal year shall be allocated
9in the following amounts to supplement appropriations for the
10following federal fiscal years for the following programs
11within the department of health and human services:
12a. Field operations:
13FFY 2023-2024:
.................................................. $145,446,690
15FFY 2024-2025:
.................................................. $165,446,690
17b. Child and family services:
18FFY 2023-2024:
.................................................. $198,324,784
20FFY 2024-2025:
.................................................. $218,324,784
22c. Local administrative costs and other local services:
23FFY 2023-2024:
.................................................. $24577,636
25FFY 2024-2025:
.................................................. $26577,636
27d. Volunteers:
28FFY 2023-2024:
.................................................. $2963,241
30FFY 2024-2025:
.................................................. $3163,241
331. The department of health and human services during each
34state fiscal year shall develop a plan for the use of federal
35social services block grant moneys for the subsequent state
-12-1fiscal year.
22. The proposed plan shall include all programs and services
3at the state level which the department proposes to fund with
4federal social services block grant moneys, and shall identify
5state and other moneys which the department proposes to use to
6fund the state programs and services.
73. The proposed plan shall also include all local programs
8and services which are eligible to be funded with federal
9social services block grant moneys, the total amount of federal
10social services block grant moneys available for the local
11programs and services, and the manner of distribution of the
12federal social services block grant moneys to the counties.
13The proposed plan shall identify state and local moneys which
14will be used to fund the local programs and services.
154. The proposed plan shall be submitted with the
16department’s budget requests to the governor and the general
201. Upon receipt of the minimum formula grant from the
21substance abuse and mental health services administration to
22provide mental health services for the homeless, for the state
23fiscal years beginning July 1, 2023, and July 1, 2024, the
24department of health and human services shall assure that a
25project which receives moneys under the formula grant shall do
26all of the following:
27a. Provide outreach and engagement to homeless individuals
28and individuals at risk of homelessness and assesses those
29individuals for serious mental illness.
30b. Enroll those individuals with serious mental illness who
31are willing to accept services through the project.
32c. Provide case management to homeless persons.
33d. Provide appropriate training to persons who provide
34services to persons targeted by the grant.
35e. Assure a local match share of 25 percent.
-13- 1f. Refer homeless individuals and individuals at risk of
2homelessness to primary health care, job training, educational
3services, and relevant housing services.
42. A project may expend moneys for community mental health
5services, diagnostic services, crisis intervention services,
6habilitation and rehabilitation services, substance-related
7disorder services, supportive and supervisory services to
8homeless persons living in residential settings that are
9not otherwise supported, and housing services including
10minor renovation, expansion, and repair of housing, security
11deposits, planning of housing, technical assistance in
12applying for housing, improving the coordination of housing
13services, the costs associated with matching eligible homeless
14individuals with appropriate housing, and one-time rental
15payments to prevent eviction.
171. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
18section 8.41 to the department of health and human services for
19the following federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and
20ending September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $21FFY 2023-2024:76,813,177
.................................................. $22FFY 2024-2025:76,813,177
23b. The appropriations made in this section are in the
24amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
25for the designated federal fiscal years under 42 U.S.C.
26ch.105, subch.II-B, which provides for the child care and
27development block grant. The department shall expend the
28moneys appropriated in this section as provided in the federal
29law making the moneys available and in conformance with chapter
312. Moneys appropriated in this section that remain
32unencumbered or unobligated at the close of the fiscal year
33shall revert to be available for appropriation for purposes of
34the child care and development block grant in the succeeding
35fiscal year.
21. Unless otherwise necessary to meet federal requirements,
3if the moneys received from the federal government for
4the block grants specified in this Act are less than the
5amounts appropriated, the moneys actually received shall be
6prorated by the governor for the various programs, other
7than for the services to victims of sex offenses and for sex
8offense prevention under section 4, subsection 3, of this
9Act, for which each block grant is available according to
10the percentages that each program is to receive as specified
11in this Act. However, if the governor determines that the
12moneys allocated by the percentages will not be sufficient to
13accomplish the purposes of a particular program, or if the
14appropriation is not allocated by percentage, the governor may
15allocate the moneys in a manner which will accomplish to the
16greatest extent possible the purposes of the various programs
17for which the block grants are available.
182. Before the governor implements the actions provided for
19in subsection 1, the following procedures shall be taken:
20a. The chairpersons and ranking members of the senate and
21house standing committees on appropriations, the appropriate
22chairpersons and ranking members of subcommittees of those
23committees, and the director of the legislative services agency
24shall be notified of the proposed action.
25b. The notice shall include the proposed allocations,
26and information on the reasons why particular percentages or
27amounts of moneys are allocated to the individual programs,
28the departments and programs affected, and other information
29deemed useful. Chairpersons and ranking members notified shall
30be allowed at least two weeks to review and comment on the
31proposed action before the action is taken.
331. Unless otherwise necessary to meet federal requirements,
34if moneys received from the federal government in the form of
35block grants exceed the amounts appropriated in sections 1, 2,
-15-13, 4, 6, 8, and 11 of this Act, the excess shall be prorated to
2the appropriate programs according to the percentages specified
3in those sections, except additional moneys shall not be
4prorated for administrative expenses.
52. If actual moneys received from the federal government
6from block grants exceed the amount appropriated in section 10
7of this Act for the low-income home energy assistance program,
8not more than 15 percent of the excess may be allocated to the
9low-income residential weatherization program and not more than
1010 percent of the excess may be used for administrative costs.
113. If moneys received from the federal government from
12community services block grants exceed the amount appropriated
13in section 7 of this Act, 100 percent of the excess is
14allocated to the community services block grant program.
16MONEYS. If other federal grants, receipts, and moneys and
17other nonstate grants, receipts, and moneys become available
18or are awarded which are not available or awarded during the
19period in which the general assembly is in session, but which
20require expenditure by the applicable department or agency
21prior to March 15 of the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2023,
22and July 1, 2024, these grants, receipts, and moneys are
23appropriated to the extent necessary, provided that the fiscal
24committee of the legislative council is notified within 30 days
25of receipt of the grants, receipts, or moneys and the fiscal
26committee of the legislative council has an opportunity to
27comment on the expenditure of the grants, receipts, or moneys.
29grants, receipts, and moneys and other nonstate grants,
30receipts, and moneys, available in whole or in part of the
31state fiscal years beginning July 1, 2023, and July 1, 2024,
32are appropriated to the following departments and agencies that
33are designated by and for the purposes set forth in the grants,
34receipts, or conditions accompanying the receipt of the moneys,
35unless otherwise provided by law:
-16- 11. Department of administrative services.
22. Department of agriculture and land stewardship.
33. Office of auditor of state.
44. Department for the blind.
55. Department of corrections.
66. Economic development authority.
77. Department of education.
88. Iowa ethics and campaign disclosure board.
99. Iowa finance authority.
1010. Offices of the governor and lieutenant governor.
1111. Department of health and human services.
1212. Department of homeland security and emergency
1413. Department of inspections, appeals, and licensing.
1514. Department of insurance and financial services.
1615. Judicial branch.
1716. Department of justice.
1817. Iowa law enforcement academy.
1918. Department of management.
2019. Department of natural resources.
2120. Board of parole.
2221. Department of public defense.
2322. Public employment relations board.
2423. Department of public safety.
2524. State board of regents.
2625. Department of revenue.
2726. Office of secretary of state.
2827. Iowa state fair authority.
2928. Office for state-federal relations.
3029. Iowa telecommunications and technology commission.
3130. Office of treasurer of state.
3231. Department of transportation.
3332. Iowa utilities board.
3433. Department of veterans affairs.
3534. Department of workforce development.
2ffy 2020-2021
51. There is appropriated from the fund created by section
68.41 to the economic development authority for the federal
7fiscal year beginning October 1, 2020, and ending September 30,
82021, the following amount:
.................................................. $957,566,000
102. The appropriation made in this section is in the
11amount awarded to the state from the federal government for
12community development block grants under the federal Disaster
13Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022, Pub.L.No.
14117-43, Division B. The economic development authority shall
15expend the moneys appropriated in this section to assist Iowa
16communities with long-term recovery from major disasters as
17provided in the federal law making the moneys available and in
18conformance with chapter 17A.
193. An amount not exceeding 5 percent of the moneys
20appropriated in this section shall be used by the economic
21development authority for administrative expenses. From
22the moneys set aside for administrative expenses by this
23subsection, the economic development authority shall pay to
24the auditor of state an amount sufficient to pay the cost of
25auditing the use and administration of the state’s portion of
26the moneys appropriated in this section. The auditor of state
27shall bill the authority for the costs of the audit.
28 Sec. 20. EFFECTIVE DATE. This division of this Act, being
29deemed of immediate importance, takes effect upon enactment.
30 Sec. 21. RETROACTIVE APPLICABILITY. This division of this
31Act applies retroactively to October 1, 2020.
33The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
34the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
35This bill makes appropriations of federal block grants,
-18-1other federal moneys, and nonstate moneys.
2DIVISION I. The bill appropriates moneys for the 2023-2024
3and 2024-2025 federal fiscal years from block grants available
4from the federal government and provides procedures for
5increasing or decreasing the appropriations if the amounts of
6the block grants are increased or decreased from the amounts
7anticipated. The federal fiscal year begins October 1, and the
8state fiscal year begins July 1.
9The bill also makes standing appropriations for the
102023-2024 and 2024-2025 state fiscal years of other federal and
11nonstate grants, receipts, and moneys.
12DIVISION II. The bill appropriates moneys for the 2020-2021
13federal fiscal year made available from federal legislation.
14These provisions are effective upon enactment and retroactively
15applicable to October 1, 2020.
2block grants and other nonstate sources following state
3government realignment, allocating portions of federal
4block grants, and providing procedures if federal moneys
5or federal block grants are more or less than anticipated,
6and including effective date and retroactive applicability
2FFY 2023-2024 and 2024-2025
41. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
5section 8.41 to the department of health and human services for
6the following federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and
7ending September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $8FFY 2023-2024:13,204,014
.................................................. $9FFY 2024-2025:13,204,014
10b. The appropriations made in this subsection are in the
11amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
12for the designated federal fiscal years under 42
136A, subch.XVII, part B, subpart ii, which provides for the
14prevention and treatment of substance abuse block grant.
15The department shall expend the moneys appropriated in this
16subsection as provided in the federal law making the moneys
17available and in conformance with chapter 17A.
18c. Of the moneys appropriated for each federal fiscal year
19in this subsection, an amount not exceeding 5 percent shall be
20used by the department for administrative expenses.
21d. (1) For the state fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023,
22the department shall expend no less than an amount equal to
23the amount expended for treatment services in the state fiscal
24year beginning July 1, 2022, for pregnant women and women with
25dependent children.
26(2) For the state fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, the
27department shall expend no less than an amount equal to the
28amount expended for treatment services in the state fiscal
29year beginning July 1, 2023, for pregnant women and women with
30dependent children.
312. At least 20 percent of the moneys remaining from the
32appropriation made in subsection 1 for each federal fiscal year
33shall be allocated for prevention programs.
343. In implementing the federal prevention and treatment
35of substance abuse block grant under 42, subch.
-1-1XVII, and any other applicable provisions of the federal Public
2Health Service Act under 42, the department shall
3apply the provisions of Pub.L. No.106-310, §3305, as codified
4in 42 U.S.C.§300x-65, relating to services under such federal
5law being provided by religious and other nongovernmental
81. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
9section 8.41 to the department of health and human services for
10the following federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and
11ending September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $12FFY 2023-2024:5,641,385
.................................................. $13FFY 2024-2025:5,641,385
14b. The appropriations made in this subsection are in the
15amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
16for the designated federal fiscal years under 42
176A, subch.XVII, part B, subpart i, which provides for the
18community mental health services block grant. The department
19shall expend the moneys appropriated in this subsection as
20provided in the federal law making the moneys available and in
21conformance with chapter 17A.
22c. The department shall allocate not less than 95 percent
23of the amount of the block grant each federal fiscal year for
24eligible community mental health services for carrying out
25the plan submitted to and approved by the federal substance
26abuse and mental health services administration or required
27by the federal substance abuse and mental health services
28administration for the fiscal year involved.
29d. Of the amount allocated to eligible services providers
30in paragraph “c”, 70 percent of the amount each federal
31fiscal year shall be distributed to the state’s accredited
32community mental health centers established in accordance with
33chapter 230A or applicable administrative rule. The funding
34distributed shall be used by recipients of the funding for
35the purpose of staff training or services to adults with a
-2-1serious mental illness and children with a serious emotional
2disturbance. The distribution amounts shall be announced at
3the beginning of the federal fiscal year and distributed on
4a quarterly basis. Recipients of the funding shall submit
5quarterly reports to the department of health and human
6services containing data consistent with the performance
7measures approved by the federal substance abuse and mental
8health services administration.
92. An amount not exceeding 5 percent of the moneys
10appropriated in subsection 1 for each federal fiscal year shall
11be used by the department of health and human services for
12administrative expenses. From the moneys set aside by this
13subsection for administrative expenses, the department shall
14pay to the auditor of state an amount sufficient to pay the
15cost of auditing the use and administration of the state’s
16portion of the moneys appropriated in subsection 1. The
17auditor of state shall bill the department for the costs of the
201. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
21section 8.41 to the department of health and human services for
22the following federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and
23ending September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $24FFY 2023-2024:6,611,198
.................................................. $25FFY 2024-2025:6,611,198
26b. The appropriations made in this subsection are in the
27amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
28for the designated federal fiscal years under 42
297, subch.V, which provides for the maternal and child health
30services block grant. The department shall expend the moneys
31appropriated in this subsection as provided in the federal law
32making the moneys available and in conformance with chapter
34c. Moneys appropriated in this subsection shall not be used
35by the university of Iowa hospitals and clinics for indirect
22. An amount not exceeding 10 percent of the moneys
3appropriated in subsection 1 for each federal fiscal year shall
4be used by the department of health and human services for
5administrative expenses.
63. The department of health and human services, department
7of education, and the university of Iowa’s mobile and regional
8child health specialty clinics shall continue to pursue to the
9maximum extent feasible the coordination and integration of
10services to women and children.
114. a. Sixty-three percent of the amount remaining after the
12allocation made in subsection 2 for each federal fiscal year
13shall be allocated to supplement appropriations for maternal
14and child health programs within the department of health and
15human services. Of these moneys, the following amounts shall
16be set aside for the statewide perinatal care program for the
17following federal fiscal years:
.................................................. $18FFY 2023-2024:300,291
.................................................. $19FFY 2024-2025:300,291
20b. Thirty-seven percent of the amount remaining after
21the allocation made in subsection 2 for each federal fiscal
22year shall be allocated to the university of Iowa hospitals
23and clinics under the control of the state board of regents
24for mobile and regional child health specialty clinics. The
25university of Iowa hospitals and clinics shall not receive an
26allocation for indirect costs from the moneys for this program.
27Priority shall be given to establishment and maintenance of a
28statewide system of mobile and regional child health specialty
305. The department of health and human services shall
31administer the statewide maternal and child health program
32and the disabled children’s program by conducting mobile and
33regional child health specialty clinics and conducting other
34activities to improve the health of low-income women and
35children and to promote the welfare of children with actual
-4-1or potential handicapping conditions and chronic illnesses
2in accordance with the requirements of Tit.V of the federal
3Social Security Act.
61. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
7section 8.41 to the department of health and human services for
8the following federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and
9ending September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $10FFY 2023-2024:1,697,468
.................................................. $11FFY 2024-2025:1,697,468
12b. The appropriations made in this subsection are in the
13amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
14for the designated federal fiscal years under 42,
15subch.XVII, part A, which provides for the preventive health
16and health services block grant. The department shall expend
17the moneys appropriated in this subsection as provided in the
18federal law making the moneys available and in conformance with
19chapter 17A.
202. Of the moneys appropriated in subsection 1 for each
21federal fiscal year, an amount not exceeding 10 percent shall
22be used by the department for administrative expenses.
233. Of the moneys appropriated in subsection 1 for each
24federal fiscal year, the specific amount of moneys stipulated
25by the notice of the block grant award shall be allocated
26for services to victims of sex offenses and for sex offense
284. After deducting the moneys allocated in subsections 2 and
293, the remaining moneys appropriated in subsection 1 for each
30federal fiscal year may be used by the department for healthy
31people 2030 and Iowa’s health improvement plan 2023-2027
32program objectives, preventive health advisory committee, and
33risk reduction services, including nutrition programs, health
34incentive programs, chronic disease services, emergency medical
35services, monitoring of the fluoridation program and start-up
-5-1fluoridation grants, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome
2services. The moneys specified in this subsection shall not be
3used by the university of Iowa hospitals and clinics or by the
4state hygienic laboratory for the funding of indirect costs.
7appropriated from the fund created by section 8.41 to the
8office of drug control policy of the department of public
9safety for the following federal fiscal years beginning October
101, and ending September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $11FFY 2023-2024:291,874
.................................................. $12FFY 2024-2025:364,122
13The appropriations made in this section are the amounts
14anticipated to be received from the federal government for the
15designated federal fiscal years under 42, subch.
16XII-G, which provides grants for substance abuse treatment
17programs in state and local correctional facilities. The drug
18policy coordinator shall expend the moneys appropriated in
19this section as provided in the federal law making the moneys
20available and in conformance with chapter 17A.
22PROGRAM APPROPRIATIONS. There is appropriated from the fund
23created by section 8.41 to the office of drug control policy
24of the department of public safety for the following federal
25fiscal years beginning October 1, and ending September 30, the
26following amounts:
.................................................. $27FFY 2023-2024:1,944,870
.................................................. $28FFY 2024-2025:1,964,093
29The appropriations made in this section are in the amounts
30anticipated to be received from the federal government for the
31designated fiscal years under 42, subch.V, which
32provides for the Edward Byrne memorial justice assistance grant
33program. The drug policy coordinator shall expend the moneys
34appropriated in this section as provided in the federal law
35making the moneys available and in conformance with chapter
31. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
4section 8.41 to the division of community action agencies of
5the department of health and human services for the following
6federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and ending September
730, the following amounts:
.................................................. $8FFY 2023-2024:7,979,245
.................................................. $9FFY 2024-2025:7,979,245
10b. The appropriations made in this subsection are in the
11amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
12for the designated federal fiscal years under 42
13106, which provides for the community services block grant.
14The division of community action agencies of the department of
15health and human services shall expend the moneys appropriated
16in this subsection as provided in the federal law making the
17moneys available and in conformance with chapter 17A.
18c. Each federal fiscal year, the administrator of the
19division of community action agencies of the department of
20health and human services shall allocate not less than 96
21percent of the amount of the block grants to eligible community
22action agencies for programs benefiting low-income persons.
23Each eligible agency shall receive a minimum allocation of not
24less than $100,000. The minimum allocation shall be achieved
25by redistributing increased moneys from agencies experiencing
26a greater share of available moneys. The moneys shall be
27distributed on the basis of the poverty-level population in the
28area represented by the community action areas compared to the
29size of the poverty-level population in the state.
302. An amount not exceeding 4 percent of the moneys
31appropriated in subsection 1 for each federal fiscal year shall
32be used by the division of community action agencies of the
33department of health and human services for administrative
34expenses. From the moneys set aside by this subsection for
35administrative expenses, the division of community action
-7-1agencies of the department of health and human services shall
2pay to the auditor of state an amount sufficient to pay the
3cost of auditing the use and administration of the state’s
4portion of the moneys appropriated in subsection 1. The
5auditor of state shall bill the division of community action
6agencies for the costs of the audits.
81. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
9section 8.41 to the economic development authority for the
10following federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and ending
11September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $12FFY 2023-2024:26,500,000
.................................................. $13FFY 2024-2025:26,500,000
14b. The appropriations made in this subsection are in the
15amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
16for the designated federal fiscal years under 42
1769, which provides for community development block grants.
18The economic development authority shall expend the moneys
19appropriated in this subsection as provided in the federal law
20making the moneys available and in conformance with chapter
222. a. An amount not exceeding $1,160,000 for the federal
23fiscal year beginning October 1, 2023, shall be used by the
24economic development authority for administrative expenses for
25the community development block grant. The total amount used
26for administrative expenses includes $630,000 for the federal
27fiscal year beginning October 1, 2023, of moneys appropriated
28in subsection 1 and a matching contribution from the state
29equal to $530,000 from the appropriation of state moneys for
30the community development block grant and state appropriations
31for related activities of the economic development authority.
32From the moneys set aside for administrative expenses by this
33subsection, the economic development authority shall pay to
34the auditor of state an amount sufficient to pay the cost of
35auditing the use and administration of the state’s portion of
-8-1the moneys appropriated in subsection 1. The auditor of state
2shall bill the authority for the costs of the audit.
3b. An amount not exceeding $1,160,000 for the federal
4fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024, shall be used by the
5economic development authority for administrative expenses for
6the community development block grant. The total amount used
7for administrative expenses includes $630,000 for the federal
8fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024, of moneys appropriated
9in subsection 1 and a matching contribution from the state
10equal to $530,000 from the appropriation of state moneys for
11the community development block grant and state appropriations
12for related activities of the economic development authority.
13From the moneys set aside for administrative expenses by this
14subsection, the economic development authority shall pay to
15the auditor of state an amount sufficient to pay the cost of
16auditing the use and administration of the state’s portion of
17the moneys appropriated in subsection 1. The auditor of state
18shall bill the authority for the costs of the audit.
20APPROPRIATIONS. There is appropriated from the fund created
21by section 8.41 to the department of transportation for the
22following federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and ending
23September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $24FFY 2023-2024:185,100,000
.................................................. $25FFY 2024-2025:188,800,000
26The appropriations made in this section are the amounts
27anticipated to be received from the federal government for
28the designated fiscal years under 23, §133,
29which provides funding allocated by the state transportation
30commission for state and local transportation projects. The
31department shall expend the moneys appropriated in this section
32as provided in the federal law making the moneys available and
33in conformance with chapter 17A.
351. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
-9-1section 8.41 to the division of community action agencies of
2the department of health and human services for the following
3federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and ending September
430, the following amounts:
.................................................. $5FFY 2023-2024:54,554,297
.................................................. $6FFY 2024-2025:54,554,297
7b. The appropriations made in this subsection are in the
8amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
9for the designated federal fiscal years under 42
1094, subch.II, which provides for the low-income home energy
11assistance block grants. The division of community action
12agencies of the department of health and human services
13shall expend the moneys appropriated in this subsection as
14provided in the federal law making the moneys available and in
15conformance with chapter 17A.
162. Up to 15 percent, or up to 25 percent if a waiver is
17approved by the United States department of health and human
18services, of the amount appropriated in this section that is
19actually received for each federal fiscal year shall be used
20for residential weatherization or other related home repairs
21for low-income households. Of this allocation amount, not more
22than 10 percent may be used for administrative expenses.
233. After subtracting the allocation in subsection 2, up to
2410 percent of the remaining moneys for each federal fiscal year
25are allocated for administrative expenses of the low-income
26home energy assistance program of which $377,000 is allocated
27each federal fiscal year for administrative expenses of the
28division. The costs of auditing the use and administration
29of the portion of the appropriation in this section that is
30retained by the state shall be paid from the amount allocated
31in this subsection each federal fiscal year to the division.
32The auditor of state shall bill the division for the audit
344. The remaining moneys of the appropriation made in this
35section for each federal fiscal year following the allocations
-10-1made in subsections 2 and 3, shall be used to help eligible
2households as defined in 42, subch.II, to meet
3home energy costs.
45. Not more than 10 percent of the amount appropriated in
5this section each federal fiscal year that is actually received
6may be carried forward for use in the succeeding federal fiscal
86. Expenditures for assessment and resolution of energy
9problems shall be limited to not more than 5 percent of the
10amount appropriated in this section for each federal fiscal
11year that is actually received.
131. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
14section 8.41 to the department of health and human services for
15the following federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and
16ending September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $17FFY 2023-2024:15,323,000
.................................................. $18FFY 2024-2025:15,323,000
19b. The appropriations made in this subsection are in the
20amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
21for the designated federal fiscal years under 42,
22subch.XX, which provides for the social services block grant.
23The department of health and human services shall expend the
24moneys appropriated in this subsection as provided in the
25federal law making the moneys available and in conformance with
26chapter 17A.
272. Not more than the following amounts of the moneys
28appropriated in subsection 1 for the following federal fiscal
29years shall be allocated by the department of health and human
30services for general administration:
31a.FFY 2023-2024:
.................................................. $32910,649
33b.FFY 2024-2025:
.................................................. $34910,649
35From the moneys allocated in this subsection for general
-11-1administration for each federal fiscal year, the department
2of health and human services shall pay to the auditor of
3state an amount sufficient to pay the cost of auditing the
4use and administration of the state’s portion of the moneys
5appropriated in subsection 1.
63. In addition to the allocation for general administration
7in subsection 2, the remaining moneys appropriated in
8subsection 1 for each federal fiscal year shall be allocated
9in the following amounts to supplement appropriations for the
10following federal fiscal years for the following programs
11within the department of health and human services:
12a. Field operations:
13FFY 2023-2024:
.................................................. $145,446,690
15FFY 2024-2025:
.................................................. $165,446,690
17b. Child and family services:
18FFY 2023-2024:
.................................................. $198,324,784
20FFY 2024-2025:
.................................................. $218,324,784
22c. Local administrative costs and other local services:
23FFY 2023-2024:
.................................................. $24577,636
25FFY 2024-2025:
.................................................. $26577,636
27d. Volunteers:
28FFY 2023-2024:
.................................................. $2963,241
30FFY 2024-2025:
.................................................. $3163,241
331. The department of health and human services during each
34state fiscal year shall develop a plan for the use of federal
35social services block grant moneys for the subsequent state
-12-1fiscal year.
22. The proposed plan shall include all programs and services
3at the state level which the department proposes to fund with
4federal social services block grant moneys, and shall identify
5state and other moneys which the department proposes to use to
6fund the state programs and services.
73. The proposed plan shall also include all local programs
8and services which are eligible to be funded with federal
9social services block grant moneys, the total amount of federal
10social services block grant moneys available for the local
11programs and services, and the manner of distribution of the
12federal social services block grant moneys to the counties.
13The proposed plan shall identify state and local moneys which
14will be used to fund the local programs and services.
154. The proposed plan shall be submitted with the
16department’s budget requests to the governor and the general
201. Upon receipt of the minimum formula grant from the
21substance abuse and mental health services administration to
22provide mental health services for the homeless, for the state
23fiscal years beginning July 1, 2023, and July 1, 2024, the
24department of health and human services shall assure that a
25project which receives moneys under the formula grant shall do
26all of the following:
27a. Provide outreach and engagement to homeless individuals
28and individuals at risk of homelessness and assesses those
29individuals for serious mental illness.
30b. Enroll those individuals with serious mental illness who
31are willing to accept services through the project.
32c. Provide case management to homeless persons.
33d. Provide appropriate training to persons who provide
34services to persons targeted by the grant.
35e. Assure a local match share of 25 percent.
-13- 1f. Refer homeless individuals and individuals at risk of
2homelessness to primary health care, job training, educational
3services, and relevant housing services.
42. A project may expend moneys for community mental health
5services, diagnostic services, crisis intervention services,
6habilitation and rehabilitation services, substance-related
7disorder services, supportive and supervisory services to
8homeless persons living in residential settings that are
9not otherwise supported, and housing services including
10minor renovation, expansion, and repair of housing, security
11deposits, planning of housing, technical assistance in
12applying for housing, improving the coordination of housing
13services, the costs associated with matching eligible homeless
14individuals with appropriate housing, and one-time rental
15payments to prevent eviction.
171. a. There is appropriated from the fund created by
18section 8.41 to the department of health and human services for
19the following federal fiscal years beginning October 1, and
20ending September 30, the following amounts:
.................................................. $21FFY 2023-2024:76,813,177
.................................................. $22FFY 2024-2025:76,813,177
23b. The appropriations made in this section are in the
24amounts anticipated to be received from the federal government
25for the designated federal fiscal years under 42 U.S.C.
26ch.105, subch.II-B, which provides for the child care and
27development block grant. The department shall expend the
28moneys appropriated in this section as provided in the federal
29law making the moneys available and in conformance with chapter
312. Moneys appropriated in this section that remain
32unencumbered or unobligated at the close of the fiscal year
33shall revert to be available for appropriation for purposes of
34the child care and development block grant in the succeeding
35fiscal year.
21. Unless otherwise necessary to meet federal requirements,
3if the moneys received from the federal government for
4the block grants specified in this Act are less than the
5amounts appropriated, the moneys actually received shall be
6prorated by the governor for the various programs, other
7than for the services to victims of sex offenses and for sex
8offense prevention under section 4, subsection 3, of this
9Act, for which each block grant is available according to
10the percentages that each program is to receive as specified
11in this Act. However, if the governor determines that the
12moneys allocated by the percentages will not be sufficient to
13accomplish the purposes of a particular program, or if the
14appropriation is not allocated by percentage, the governor may
15allocate the moneys in a manner which will accomplish to the
16greatest extent possible the purposes of the various programs
17for which the block grants are available.
182. Before the governor implements the actions provided for
19in subsection 1, the following procedures shall be taken:
20a. The chairpersons and ranking members of the senate and
21house standing committees on appropriations, the appropriate
22chairpersons and ranking members of subcommittees of those
23committees, and the director of the legislative services agency
24shall be notified of the proposed action.
25b. The notice shall include the proposed allocations,
26and information on the reasons why particular percentages or
27amounts of moneys are allocated to the individual programs,
28the departments and programs affected, and other information
29deemed useful. Chairpersons and ranking members notified shall
30be allowed at least two weeks to review and comment on the
31proposed action before the action is taken.
331. Unless otherwise necessary to meet federal requirements,
34if moneys received from the federal government in the form of
35block grants exceed the amounts appropriated in sections 1, 2,
-15-13, 4, 6, 8, and 11 of this Act, the excess shall be prorated to
2the appropriate programs according to the percentages specified
3in those sections, except additional moneys shall not be
4prorated for administrative expenses.
52. If actual moneys received from the federal government
6from block grants exceed the amount appropriated in section 10
7of this Act for the low-income home energy assistance program,
8not more than 15 percent of the excess may be allocated to the
9low-income residential weatherization program and not more than
1010 percent of the excess may be used for administrative costs.
113. If moneys received from the federal government from
12community services block grants exceed the amount appropriated
13in section 7 of this Act, 100 percent of the excess is
14allocated to the community services block grant program.
16MONEYS. If other federal grants, receipts, and moneys and
17other nonstate grants, receipts, and moneys become available
18or are awarded which are not available or awarded during the
19period in which the general assembly is in session, but which
20require expenditure by the applicable department or agency
21prior to March 15 of the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2023,
22and July 1, 2024, these grants, receipts, and moneys are
23appropriated to the extent necessary, provided that the fiscal
24committee of the legislative council is notified within 30 days
25of receipt of the grants, receipts, or moneys and the fiscal
26committee of the legislative council has an opportunity to
27comment on the expenditure of the grants, receipts, or moneys.
29grants, receipts, and moneys and other nonstate grants,
30receipts, and moneys, available in whole or in part of the
31state fiscal years beginning July 1, 2023, and July 1, 2024,
32are appropriated to the following departments and agencies that
33are designated by and for the purposes set forth in the grants,
34receipts, or conditions accompanying the receipt of the moneys,
35unless otherwise provided by law:
-16- 11. Department of administrative services.
22. Department of agriculture and land stewardship.
33. Office of auditor of state.
44. Department for the blind.
55. Department of corrections.
66. Economic development authority.
77. Department of education.
88. Iowa ethics and campaign disclosure board.
99. Iowa finance authority.
1010. Offices of the governor and lieutenant governor.
1111. Department of health and human services.
1212. Department of homeland security and emergency
1413. Department of inspections, appeals, and licensing.
1514. Department of insurance and financial services.
1615. Judicial branch.
1716. Department of justice.
1817. Iowa law enforcement academy.
1918. Department of management.
2019. Department of natural resources.
2120. Board of parole.
2221. Department of public defense.
2322. Public employment relations board.
2423. Department of public safety.
2524. State board of regents.
2625. Department of revenue.
2726. Office of secretary of state.
2827. Iowa state fair authority.
2928. Office for state-federal relations.
3029. Iowa telecommunications and technology commission.
3130. Office of treasurer of state.
3231. Department of transportation.
3332. Iowa utilities board.
3433. Department of veterans affairs.
3534. Department of workforce development.
2ffy 2020-2021
51. There is appropriated from the fund created by section
68.41 to the economic development authority for the federal
7fiscal year beginning October 1, 2020, and ending September 30,
82021, the following amount:
.................................................. $957,566,000
102. The appropriation made in this section is in the
11amount awarded to the state from the federal government for
12community development block grants under the federal Disaster
13Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022, Pub.L.No.
14117-43, Division B. The economic development authority shall
15expend the moneys appropriated in this section to assist Iowa
16communities with long-term recovery from major disasters as
17provided in the federal law making the moneys available and in
18conformance with chapter 17A.
193. An amount not exceeding 5 percent of the moneys
20appropriated in this section shall be used by the economic
21development authority for administrative expenses. From
22the moneys set aside for administrative expenses by this
23subsection, the economic development authority shall pay to
24the auditor of state an amount sufficient to pay the cost of
25auditing the use and administration of the state’s portion of
26the moneys appropriated in this section. The auditor of state
27shall bill the authority for the costs of the audit.
28 Sec. 20. EFFECTIVE DATE. This division of this Act, being
29deemed of immediate importance, takes effect upon enactment.
30 Sec. 21. RETROACTIVE APPLICABILITY. This division of this
31Act applies retroactively to October 1, 2020.
33The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
34the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
35This bill makes appropriations of federal block grants,
-18-1other federal moneys, and nonstate moneys.
2DIVISION I. The bill appropriates moneys for the 2023-2024
3and 2024-2025 federal fiscal years from block grants available
4from the federal government and provides procedures for
5increasing or decreasing the appropriations if the amounts of
6the block grants are increased or decreased from the amounts
7anticipated. The federal fiscal year begins October 1, and the
8state fiscal year begins July 1.
9The bill also makes standing appropriations for the
102023-2024 and 2024-2025 state fiscal years of other federal and
11nonstate grants, receipts, and moneys.
12DIVISION II. The bill appropriates moneys for the 2020-2021
13federal fiscal year made available from federal legislation.
14These provisions are effective upon enactment and retroactively
15applicable to October 1, 2020.