House File 135 - ReprintedA Bill ForAn Act 1relating to the responsibilities of the state board of
2regents and the institutions of higher education governed by
3the state board of regents, including requiring the board to
4publish certain information related to the average income
5and student debt of institution graduates and requiring the
6institutions to provide the board with information related
7to the average income and student debt of institution
8graduates and to adopt procedures that require institutions
9to provide information related to the average income and
10student debt of institution graduates to undergraduates.
1 Section 1. Section 262.9, Code 2023, is amended by adding
2the following new subsection:
3 NEW SUBSECTION. 39. a. Develop and publish on the board’s
4internet site a report related to students who have completed
5a baccalaureate degree program at an institution of higher
6education governed by the board that is sortable by graduating
7class, academic major, and institution of higher education and
8that includes all of the following information:
9(1) The percentage of students who have completed a master’s
10or doctorate degree program after completing the baccalaureate
11degree program.
12(2) The median annual income of students one year, five
13years, and ten years after completing the baccalaureate degree
15(3) The median student loan debt of students who have
16completed the baccalaureate degree program.
17(4) The ratio of the student loan debt of students who have
18completed the baccalaureate degree program to the annual gross
19income of such students.
20(5) An estimate of the amount of student loan payment
21students who have completed the baccalaureate degree program
22are required to make each month and the amount, expressed as a
23percentage, of such payments related to the students’ monthly
24gross income.
25b. Direct the institutions of higher education governed by
26the board to provide the board with the information necessary
27to complete and annually update the report described in
28paragraph “a”.
29c. Direct the institutions of higher education governed
30by the board to publish a link to the report described in
31paragraph “a” on the institution’s internet site.
32d. Direct the institutions of higher education governed
33by the board to adopt procedures, subject to the approval of
34the board, that require the institution to provide students
35who are in the process of completing the first year of a
-1-1baccalaureate program at an institution with a link to the
2report described in paragraph “a”, and that require the students
3to provide a written notice to the institution indicating that
4the student has been provided with the link to the report and,
5if the student has declared an academic major, that the student
6understands the employment and wage prospects associated with
7the student’s academic major.
2regents and the institutions of higher education governed by
3the state board of regents, including requiring the board to
4publish certain information related to the average income
5and student debt of institution graduates and requiring the
6institutions to provide the board with information related
7to the average income and student debt of institution
8graduates and to adopt procedures that require institutions
9to provide information related to the average income and
10student debt of institution graduates to undergraduates.
1 Section 1. Section 262.9, Code 2023, is amended by adding
2the following new subsection:
3 NEW SUBSECTION. 39. a. Develop and publish on the board’s
4internet site a report related to students who have completed
5a baccalaureate degree program at an institution of higher
6education governed by the board that is sortable by graduating
7class, academic major, and institution of higher education and
8that includes all of the following information:
9(1) The percentage of students who have completed a master’s
10or doctorate degree program after completing the baccalaureate
11degree program.
12(2) The median annual income of students one year, five
13years, and ten years after completing the baccalaureate degree
15(3) The median student loan debt of students who have
16completed the baccalaureate degree program.
17(4) The ratio of the student loan debt of students who have
18completed the baccalaureate degree program to the annual gross
19income of such students.
20(5) An estimate of the amount of student loan payment
21students who have completed the baccalaureate degree program
22are required to make each month and the amount, expressed as a
23percentage, of such payments related to the students’ monthly
24gross income.
25b. Direct the institutions of higher education governed by
26the board to provide the board with the information necessary
27to complete and annually update the report described in
28paragraph “a”.
29c. Direct the institutions of higher education governed
30by the board to publish a link to the report described in
31paragraph “a” on the institution’s internet site.
32d. Direct the institutions of higher education governed
33by the board to adopt procedures, subject to the approval of
34the board, that require the institution to provide students
35who are in the process of completing the first year of a
-1-1baccalaureate program at an institution with a link to the
2report described in paragraph “a”, and that require the students
3to provide a written notice to the institution indicating that
4the student has been provided with the link to the report and,
5if the student has declared an academic major, that the student
6understands the employment and wage prospects associated with
7the student’s academic major.