Senate Joint Resolution 12 - IntroducedA Bill ForA Joint Resolution 1proposing an amendment to the Constitution
2of the State of Iowa providing that the people of the state
3have a right to hunt, fish, trap, and harvest wildlife.
1 Section 1. The following amendment to the Constitution of
2the State of Iowa is proposed:
3Article I of the Constitution of the State of Iowa is amended
4by adding the following new section:
5Sec.24A. Right to hunt, fish, trap, and harvest wildlife.
61. The people of this state have the right to hunt, fish,
7trap, and harvest wildlife, including by the use of traditional
8methods, subject to reasonable laws enacted by the general
9assembly and reasonable rules adopted by the natural resource
10commission that promote wildlife conservation and management,
11that maintain natural resources in trust for public use, and
12that preserve the future of hunting, fishing, trapping, and
13harvesting wildlife.
142. Public hunting, fishing, trapping, and harvesting of
15wildlife shall be a preferred means of managing and controlling
173. This section shall not be construed to modify any
18provision of law relating to eminent domain, trespass, property
19rights, or water resources.
20 Sec. 2.REFERRAL AND PUBLICATION. The foregoing proposed
21amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa is referred
22to the general assembly to be chosen at the next general
23election for members of the general assembly, and shall be
24published as provided by law for three months previous to the
25date of that election.
27The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
28the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
29This joint resolution proposes an amendment to the
30Constitution of the State of Iowa providing that the people
31of this state have the right to hunt, fish, trap, and harvest
32wildlife, including by the use of traditional methods,
33subject to reasonable laws enacted by the general assembly and
34reasonable rules adopted by the natural resource commission
35that promote wildlife conservation and management, that
-1-1maintain natural resources in trust for public use, and
2that preserve the future of hunting, fishing, trapping, and
3harvesting wildlife. The proposed amendment further states
4that hunting, fishing, trapping, and harvesting wildlife shall
5be a preferred means of managing and controlling wildlife and
6that the proposed amendment shall not be construed to modify
7any provision of law relating to eminent domain, trespass,
8property rights, or water resources.
9The resolution, if adopted, would be published and then
10referred to the next general assembly (91st) for adoption,
11before being submitted to the electorate for ratification.
2of the State of Iowa providing that the people of the state
3have a right to hunt, fish, trap, and harvest wildlife.
1 Section 1. The following amendment to the Constitution of
2the State of Iowa is proposed:
3Article I of the Constitution of the State of Iowa is amended
4by adding the following new section:
5Sec.24A. Right to hunt, fish, trap, and harvest wildlife.
61. The people of this state have the right to hunt, fish,
7trap, and harvest wildlife, including by the use of traditional
8methods, subject to reasonable laws enacted by the general
9assembly and reasonable rules adopted by the natural resource
10commission that promote wildlife conservation and management,
11that maintain natural resources in trust for public use, and
12that preserve the future of hunting, fishing, trapping, and
13harvesting wildlife.
142. Public hunting, fishing, trapping, and harvesting of
15wildlife shall be a preferred means of managing and controlling
173. This section shall not be construed to modify any
18provision of law relating to eminent domain, trespass, property
19rights, or water resources.
20 Sec. 2.REFERRAL AND PUBLICATION. The foregoing proposed
21amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa is referred
22to the general assembly to be chosen at the next general
23election for members of the general assembly, and shall be
24published as provided by law for three months previous to the
25date of that election.
27The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
28the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
29This joint resolution proposes an amendment to the
30Constitution of the State of Iowa providing that the people
31of this state have the right to hunt, fish, trap, and harvest
32wildlife, including by the use of traditional methods,
33subject to reasonable laws enacted by the general assembly and
34reasonable rules adopted by the natural resource commission
35that promote wildlife conservation and management, that
-1-1maintain natural resources in trust for public use, and
2that preserve the future of hunting, fishing, trapping, and
3harvesting wildlife. The proposed amendment further states
4that hunting, fishing, trapping, and harvesting wildlife shall
5be a preferred means of managing and controlling wildlife and
6that the proposed amendment shall not be construed to modify
7any provision of law relating to eminent domain, trespass,
8property rights, or water resources.
9The resolution, if adopted, would be published and then
10referred to the next general assembly (91st) for adoption,
11before being submitted to the electorate for ratification.