House Resolution 8 - Introduced
An Act 1designating February 28, 2023, as
2Community College Day.
3WHEREAS, the first junior college in Iowa, a
4two-year postsecondary educational institution, was
5established in Mason City in 1918;and
6WHEREAS, credit enrollment in community colleges in
7Iowa has increased progressively since their inception,
8with nearly 118,000 students taking over 1.5 million
9credit hours in the last calendar year;and
10WHEREAS, minority enrollment in community colleges
11in Iowa continues to increase, with a record high of
1224.3 percent recorded in the last academic year;and
13WHEREAS, more than 17,000 credit awards were
14successfully achieved by students in the last academic
15year, and 15.7 percent of students continued their
16education at a four-year school after receiving an
18WHEREAS, in the last academic year, the Iowa Skilled
19Worker and Job Creation Fund provided training and
20support to more than 1,000 Gap Tuition Assistance
21Program participants, 2,800 Pathways for Academic
22Career and Employment Program (PACE) participants,
23and 95,000 teachers and kindergarten through grade
2412 students who engaged in work-based learning
25opportunities;NOW THEREFORE,
27That the House of Representatives designates February
-1-128, 2023, as Community College Day to educate others
2about the success that community colleges have had,
3continue to have, and will have in the future for
4Iowa’s students, workforce, and economy.
An Act 1designating February 28, 2023, as
2Community College Day.
3WHEREAS, the first junior college in Iowa, a
4two-year postsecondary educational institution, was
5established in Mason City in 1918;and
6WHEREAS, credit enrollment in community colleges in
7Iowa has increased progressively since their inception,
8with nearly 118,000 students taking over 1.5 million
9credit hours in the last calendar year;and
10WHEREAS, minority enrollment in community colleges
11in Iowa continues to increase, with a record high of
1224.3 percent recorded in the last academic year;and
13WHEREAS, more than 17,000 credit awards were
14successfully achieved by students in the last academic
15year, and 15.7 percent of students continued their
16education at a four-year school after receiving an
18WHEREAS, in the last academic year, the Iowa Skilled
19Worker and Job Creation Fund provided training and
20support to more than 1,000 Gap Tuition Assistance
21Program participants, 2,800 Pathways for Academic
22Career and Employment Program (PACE) participants,
23and 95,000 teachers and kindergarten through grade
2412 students who engaged in work-based learning
25opportunities;NOW THEREFORE,
27That the House of Representatives designates February
-1-128, 2023, as Community College Day to educate others
2about the success that community colleges have had,
3continue to have, and will have in the future for
4Iowa’s students, workforce, and economy.