House Study Bill 118 - IntroducedA Bill ForAn Act 1relating to entities supported in whole or in part by
2public moneys, including the sale of public bonds, the
3duties and responsibilities of the directors and officers
4of school boards, school districts, the department of
5education, the department of health and human services,
6accredited nonpublic schools, charter schools, community
7colleges, institutions under the control of the state board
8of regents, area education agencies, election commissioners
9and children’s residential facilities, and the membership
10and voting units of county and city conference boards.
3 Section 1. Section 75.2, Code 2023, is amended to read as
575.2 Notice of sale.
6When public bonds are offered for sale, the official in
7charge of the bond issue shall, by advertisement published
8at least once, the last one of which shall be not less than
9four nor more than twenty days before the sale in a newspaper
10located in the county or a county contiguous to the place of
11sale, give notice of the time and place of sale of the bonds,
12the amount to be offered for sale, and any further information
13which the official deems pertinent by publishing the time and
14place of sale of the bonds, the amount to be offered for sale,
15and any additional information the official deems pertinent
16to the bond issue not less than four nor more than twenty
17days before the sale in at least one electronic or written
18publication with nationwide circulation that is recognized for
19providing information regarding the sale of public bonds or in
20a newspaper located in the county or a county contiguous to the
21place of sale.
22 Sec. 2. Section 75.14, Code 2023, is amended to read as
2475.14 Electronic bidding.
25Notwithstanding contrary provisions of this chapter,
26including section 75.3, a public body authorized to issue
27bonds, notes, or other obligations may elect to receive bids to
28purchase such bonds, notes, or other obligations by means of
29electronic, internet, or wireless communication; a proprietary
30bidding procedure or system; or by facsimile transmission
31to a location deemed appropriate by the governing body, in
32each instance as may be approved by the governing body and
33provided for in the notice of sale. An electronic bid shall
34be submitted in substantial conformity with the requirements
35of chapter 554D and any rules adopted pursuant to that chapter
-1-1with respect to the acceptance of electronic records by a
2governmental agency. Additionally, before approving the use
3of an electronic bidding procedure, the public body shall find
4and determine that the specific procedure to be used will
5provide reasonable security and maintain the integrity of
6the competitive bidding process, and facilitate the delivery
7of bids by interested parties under the circumstances of the
8particular sale.
11 Sec. 3. Section 256.11, subsection 9, Code 2023, is amended
12to read as follows:
139. Beginning July 1, 2006, each A school district shall
14have a qualified teacher librarian who shall be licensed by the
15board of educational examiners under chapter 272. The state
16board shall establish in rule a definition of and standards for
17an articulated sequential kindergarten through grade twelve
18media program. A school district that entered into a contract
19with an individual for employment as a media specialist or
20librarian prior to June 1, 2006, shall be considered to be
21in compliance with this subsection until June 30, 2011, if
22the individual is making annual progress toward meeting the
23requirements for a teacher librarian endorsement issued by the
24board of educational examiners under chapter 272. A school
25district that entered into a contract with an individual for
26employment as a media specialist or librarian who holds at
27least a master’s degree in library and information studies
28shall be considered to be in compliance with this subsection
29 until the individual leaves the employ of the school district.
30 Sec. 4. Section 279.6, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 2023,
31is amended to read as follows:
32a. Except as provided in paragraph “b” and subsection 2,
33vacancies occurring among the officers or members of a school
34board shall be filled by the board by appointment. A person
35so appointed to fill a vacancy in an elective office shall
-2-1hold office until a successor is elected and qualified at the
2next regular school election, unless there is an intervening
3special election for the school district, in which event a
4successor shall be elected at the intervening special election,
5in accordance with section 69.12. To fill a vacancy occurring
6among the members of a school board, the board shall publish
7notice either on the board’s internet site or in the manner
8prescribed by section 279.36, stating that the board intends to
9fill the vacancy by appointment but that the electors of the
10school district have the right to file a petition requiring
11that the vacancy be filled by a special election conducted
12pursuant to section 279.7. The board may publish notice in
13advance if a member of the board submits a resignation to take
14effect at a future date. The board may make an appointment to
15fill the vacancy after the notice is published or after the
16vacancy occurs, whichever is later.
17 Sec. 5. Section 279.6, subsection 1, paragraph b,
18subparagraphs (1) and (2), Code 2023, are amended to read as
20(1) If within fourteen days after publication of a providing
21 notice required pursuant to paragraph “a” for a vacancy that
22occurs more than one hundred eighty days before the next
23regular school election, or after the filing period closes
24pursuant to section 277.4, subsection 1, for the next regular
25school election, there is filed with the secretary of the
26school board a petition requesting a special election to fill
27the vacancy, an appointment to fill the vacancy is temporary
28until a successor is elected and qualified, and the board shall
29call a special election pursuant to section 279.7, to fill the
30vacancy for the remaining balance of the unexpired term.
31(2) If within fourteen days after publication of a providing
32 notice required pursuant to paragraph “a” for a vacancy that
33occurs one hundred eighty days or less but more than forty days
34before the next regular school election there is filed with the
35secretary of the school board a petition requesting to fill
-3-1the vacancy by election, an appointment to fill the vacancy is
2temporary until a successor is elected and qualified, and the
3school board shall require that the remaining balance of the
4unexpired term be filled at the next regular school election.
5 Sec. 6. Section 279.8, subsection 1, Code 2023, is amended
6to read as follows:
71. The board shall make rules for its own government and
8that of the directors, officers, employees, teachers and
9pupils, and for the care of the schoolhouse, grounds, and
10property of the school corporation, and shall aid in the
11enforcement of the rules, and require the performance of duties
12imposed by law and the rules. The board shall include in its
13rules provisions regulating the loading and unloading of pupils
14from a school bus stopped on the highway during a period of
15reduced highway visibility caused by fog, snow or other weather
16conditions. The board shall have the authority to include in
17its rules provisions allowing school corporation employees to
18use school credit cards to pay for the actual and necessary
19expenses incurred in the performance of work-related duties.
20 Sec. 7. Section 279.20, subsection 2, Code 2023, is amended
21to read as follows:
222. The board of directors of a school district may delegate
23the authority to hire support personnel and sign the support
24personnel employment contracts, if applicable, if the board
25adopts a policy authorizing the superintendent to perform
26such duties and specifying the positions the superintendent
27is authorized to fill. The board of directors of a school
28district and the superintendent, if authorized pursuant to
29this subsection, may use electronic signatures and electronic
30contracts pursuant to chapter 554D and facsimile signatures
31when entering into the contracts described in this subsection.
32 For purposes of this subsection, the term “support personnel”
33includes, but is not limited to, bus drivers, custodians,
34educational associates, and clerical and food service
-4-1 Sec. 8. Section 279.69, subsection 1, Code 2023, is amended
2to read as follows:
31. Prior to hiring an applicant for a school employee
4position, a school district shall have access to and shall
5review the information in the Iowa court information system
6available to the general public, the sex offender registry
7information under section 692A.121 available to the general
8public, the central registry for child abuse information
9established under section 235A.14, and the central registry for
10dependent adult abuse information established under section
11235B.5 for information regarding the applicant. A school
12district shall follow the same procedure by June 30, 2014, for
13each school employee employed by the school district as of July
141, 2013. A school district shall implement a consistent policy
15to follow the same procedure for each school employee employed
16by the school district on or after July 1, 2013, at least every
17five years after the school employee’s initial date of hire. A
18school district shall not may charge an employee for the cost
19of the registry checks conducted pursuant to this subsection,
20not to exceed the actual cost of the registry checks. A school
21district shall maintain documentation demonstrating compliance
22with this subsection.
23 Sec. 9. Section 280.5, subsection 2, Code 2023, is amended
24to read as follows:
252. The board of directors of each Each public school
26district shall administer the pledge of allegiance in grades
27one through twelve each school day. Each classroom in which
28the pledge of allegiance is recited pursuant to this subsection
29shall display the United States flag during the recitation. A
30student shall not be compelled against the student’s objections
31or those of the student’s parent or guardian to recite the
33 Sec. 10. Section 291.1, Code 2023, is amended to read as
35291.1 President — duties.
-5- 1The president of the board of directors shall preside at
2all of its meetings, sign all contracts made by the board, and
3appear on behalf of the corporation in all actions brought by
4or against it, unless individually a party, in which case this
5duty shall be performed by the secretary. The president or the
6president’s designee shall have the authority to enter into
7original contracts or electronic contracts pursuant to chapter
8554D and sign, using an original, or facsimile, or electronic
9 signature, as defined in section 554D.103, all school district
10payments drawn and authorize electronic funds transfers as
11provided by law. The board of directors, by resolution, may
12designate an individual, who shall not be the secretary, to
13sign payments or authorize electronic funds transfers on behalf
14of the president pursuant to this section.
15 Sec. 11. Section 291.4, Code 2023, is amended to read as
17291.4 Oath.
18Each shall take the oath required of civil officers, which
19shall be endorsed upon the bond, and shall complete the
20qualification within ten days.
23 Sec. 12. Section 8A.318, subsections 1 and 3, Code 2023, are
24amended to read as follows:
251. Findings and intent. The general assembly finds that
26human beings are vulnerable to and may be severely affected by
27exposure to chemicals, hazardous waste, and other environmental
28hazards. The federal environmental protection agency estimates
29that human exposure to indoor air pollutants can be two to
30five times, and up to one hundred times, higher than outdoor
31levels. Children, teachers, janitors, and other staff members
32spend a significant amount of time inside school buildings.
33Likewise, state State employees and citizens of this state
34spend a significant amount of time inside state buildings.
35These individuals are continuously exposed to chemicals from
-6-1cleaners, waxes, deodorizers, and other maintenance products.
23. Use of environmentally preferable cleaning and maintenance
4a. All school districts in this state, community colleges,
5institutions under the control of the state board of regents,
6and state agencies utilizing state buildings, are encouraged
7to conform to an environmentally preferable cleaning policy
8designed to facilitate the purchase and use of environmentally
9preferable cleaning and maintenance products for purposes of
10public school, community college, regents institution, and
11 state building cleaning and maintenance.
12b. Each school district, community college, institution
13under the control of the state board of regents, or state
14agency utilizing public buildings shall conduct an evaluation
15and assessment regarding implementation of an environmentally
16preferable cleaning policy pursuant to this section. On or
17after July 1, 2012, all All state agencies, and all school
18districts, community colleges, and institutions under the
19control of the state board of regents which have not opted
20out of compliance pursuant to paragraph “c”, shall purchase
21only cleaning and maintenance products identified by the
22department or that meet nationally recognized standards.
23School districts, community colleges, institutions under the
24control of the state board of regents, and state State agencies
25procuring supplies for schools and state buildings may deplete
26their existing cleaning and maintenance supply stocks and
27implement the new requirements in the procurement cycle for
28the following year. This section shall not be interpreted
29in a manner that prohibits the use of disinfectants,
30disinfecting cleaners, sanitizers, or any other antimicrobial
31product regulated by the federal Insecticide, Fungicide,
32and Rodenticide Act, 7 U.S.C. §136 et seq., when necessary
33to protect public health and provided that the use of these
34products is in accordance with responsible cleaning procedure
-7- 1c. A school district, community college, or institution
2under the control of the state board of regents may, based upon
3the evaluation and assessment conducted pursuant to paragraph
4“b”, opt out of compliance with the requirements of this section
5 upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the
6board of directors of the school district or a determination by
7the president of the community college or by the president or
8administrative officer of the regents institution. A school
9district, community college, or regents institution opting
10out of compliance pursuant to this paragraph shall notify the
11department of education, the state board of education, or the
12state board of regents, as appropriate, of this decision.
13 Sec. 13. Section 256.11, subsection 9B, Code 2023, is
14amended to read as follows:
159B. Beginning July 1, 2007, each A school district shall
16have a school nurse to provide health services to its students.
17Each school district shall work toward the goal of having one
18school nurse for every seven hundred fifty students enrolled in
19the school district. For purposes of this subsection, “school
20nurse” means a person who holds an endorsement or a statement of
21professional recognition for school nurses issued by the board
22of educational examiners under chapter 272.
23 Sec. 14. Section 280.7A, subsection 1, Code 2023, is amended
24by striking the subsection.
271. The department of education shall convene and provide
28administrative support to a health care-related training
29for school personnel work group. The work group shall
30review and develop a plan to ensure Iowa educators have the
31health care training necessary to perform their duties and
32responsibilities, and shall consider and submit recommendations
33for delivery and implementation of training required under
34state law or rule.
352. The work group shall include all of the following:
-8- 1a. (1) Two members who are staff members from the
2department of education, one of whom shall be an administrative
3consultant in the bureau of nutrition and health services.
4A member appointed under this subparagraph shall coordinate
5the work group and act as chairperson for the organizational
7(2) One member who is a staff member from the Iowa
8department of health and human services.
9b. Members who shall represent each of the following:
10(1) One member from a statewide organization representing
12(2) One member from a statewide organization representing
13school board members.
14(3) One member from a statewide organization representing
15school administrators.
16(4) One member from a statewide organization representing
17authorities in charge of accredited nonpublic schools.
18(5) One member representing the area education agencies.
19(6) One member from a statewide organization representing
21(7) One member from a statewide organization representing
22athletic trainers.
23(8) One member from a statewide organization representing
24emergency management services.
25(9) One member from a statewide organization representing
26health care organizations.
27(10) One member from a statewide organization representing
28school nurses.
293. Any expenses incurred by a member of the work group
30shall be the responsibility of the individual member or the
31respective entity represented by the member.
324. The director of the department of education or the
33director’s designee shall compile and provide to the work group
34a list of, and the purposes for, the health care training
35programs that school personnel are required to complete, as
-9-1well as any requirements school personnel must meet following
2such training, in order be in compliance with state law or
3administrative rule.
45. The work group shall do all of the following:
5a. Identify which trainings can be best provided over the
6internet, and how such training can be rotated on a five-year
7basis for school personnel.
8b. Develop a plan for a regular cycle of health care-related
9training for school personnel review, with the goal of removing
10or modifying training or training programs that are no longer
11relevant, and identifying less costly and more efficient
12options that still provide the appropriate level of training to
13school personnel.
14c. Standardize the process of establishing new training
15requirements in state law or rule to manage stakeholder
16expectations relating to the timeline for establishing the
18d. Create an ongoing review process to find efficiencies,
19identify training options that better utilize time and
20financial resources, and offer a continuous improvement model
21for the system moving forward.
22e. Study and make any recommended changes on rules adopted
23by the state board of education under 281 IAC ch.14, relating
24to individual health plans prepared for students with various
25health conditions.
26f. Ensure a public comment process for patient advocacy
27groups and parents to provide input on the recommendations of
28the work group.
296. If the work group recommends elimination or significant
30modification of certain health care-related training for
31school personnel, the department of education shall identify
32stakeholders who would potentially be affected by such
33change, and shall invite representatives from organizations
34representing such stakeholders to submit comments before or
35at an upcoming work group meeting before the work group makes
-10-1final recommendations.
27. The department of education shall compile the work
3group’s findings and recommendations and shall submit the
4compilation, including any proposal for legislation, in a
5report to the general assembly, the governor, and the state
6board of education by December 1, 2023.
9 Sec. 16. Section 423F.3, subsections 2 and 4, Code 2023, are
10amended to read as follows:
112. A revenue purpose statement in existence for the
12expenditure of local sales and services tax for school
13infrastructure purposes imposed by a county pursuant to
14section 423E.2, Code Supplement 2007, prior to July 1, 2008,
15shall remain in effect until amended or extended. The board
16of directors of a school district may take action to adopt
17or amend a revenue purpose statement specifying the specific
18purposes for which the revenues received from the secure an
19advanced vision for education fund will be expended. If a
20school district is located in a county which has imposed a
21local sales and services tax for school infrastructure purposes
22prior to July 1, 2008, this action shall be taken before
23expending or anticipating revenues to be received after the
24unextended term of the tax unless the school district elects to
25adopt a revenue purpose statement as provided in subsection 3.
264. The revenues received pursuant to this chapter shall
27be expended for the purposes specified in the revenue purpose
28statement. If a board of directors has not approved a revenue
29purpose statement, the revenues shall be expended in the order
30listed in subsection 1 except that the payment of bonds for
31which the revenues have been pledged shall be paid first.
32Once approved, a revenue purpose statement is effective until
33amended or repealed by the foregoing procedures. A revenue
34purpose statement shall not be amended or repealed to reduce
35the amount of revenue pledged to the payment of principal and
-11-1interest on bonds as long as any bonds authorized by sections
2423E.5 and 423F.4 are outstanding unless funds sufficient
3to pay principal, interest, and premium, if any, on the
4outstanding obligations at or prior to maturity have been
5properly set aside and pledged for that purpose. A school
6district affected by a reorganization under chapter 275 that
7has issued bonds under section 423E.5 or 423F.4 and that has
8not approved a revenue purpose statement shall first use
9revenues to make timely and sufficient payment of principal and
10interest, and premium if applicable, on the outstanding bonds.
11 Sec. 17. Section 423F.3, subsection 3, paragraph c, Code
122023, is amended by striking the paragraph.
13 Sec. 18. Section 423F.3, subsection 3, paragraph d, Code
142023, is amended to read as follows:
15d. The board secretary shall notify the county commissioner
16of elections of the intent to take an issue to the voters
17pursuant to paragraph “b” or “c”. The county commissioner of
18elections shall publish the notices required by law for special
19or general elections, and the election shall be held on a date
20specified in section 39.2, subsection 4, paragraph “c”. A
21majority of those voting on the question must favor approval
22of the revenue purpose statement. If the proposal is not
23approved, the school district shall not submit the same or new
24revenue purpose statement to the electors for a period of six
25months from the date of the previous election.
26 Sec. 19. Section 423F.3, subsection 6, paragraph a,
27subparagraph (1), Code 2023, is amended to read as follows:
28(1) For purposes of this chapter, “school infrastructure”
29means those activities authorized in section 423E.1, subsection
303, Code 2007 for which a school district is authorized to
31contract indebtedness and issue general obligation bonds under
32section 296.1, except those activities related to a teacher’s
33or superintendent’s home or homes.
34 Sec. 20. Section 423F.3, subsection 6, paragraph a, Code
352023, is amended by adding the following new subparagraphs:
-12-1 NEW SUBPARAGRAPH. (5) Additionally, “school infrastructure”
2includes the construction, reconstruction, repair, demolition
3work, purchasing, or remodeling of schoolhouses, stadiums,
4gymnasiums, fieldhouses, and school bus garages, the
5procurement of schoolhouse construction sites, the making of
6site improvements, and those activities for which revenues
7under section 298.3 or chapter 300 may be spent.
8 NEW SUBPARAGRAPH. (6) Additionally, “school infrastructure”
9includes a joint infrastructure project with one or more school
10districts or one or more school districts and a community
11college established under chapter 260C, for which buildings
12or facilities are constructed or leased for the purpose of
13offering classes under a district-to-community college sharing
14agreement or concurrent enrollment program that meets the
15requirements for funding under section 257.11, subsection 3.
16 Sec. 21. Section 423F.4, Code 2023, is amended to read as
18423F.4 Borrowing authority for school districts.
191. Subject to the conditions established under subsection
202, a school district may anticipate its share of the revenues
21under section 423F.2 by issuing bonds in the manner provided
22in section 423E.5, Code 2019 this section. However, to the
23extent any school district has issued bonds anticipating the
24proceeds of an extended local sales and services tax for school
25infrastructure purposes imposed by a county pursuant to former
26chapter 423E, Code and Code Supplement 2007, prior to July 1,
272008, the pledge of such revenues for the payment of principal
28and interest on such bonds shall be replaced by a pledge of its
29share of the revenues under section 423F.2.
302. a. Bonds issued on or after July 1, 2019, shall not be
31sold at public sale as provided in chapter 75, or at a private
32sale, without notice and hearing. Notice of the time and place
33of the public hearing shall be published not less than ten nor
34more than twenty days before the public hearing in a newspaper
35which is a newspaper of general circulation in the school
-13-1district. This paragraph does not apply to the refinancing of
3b. For bonds subject to the requirements of paragraph
4“a”, if at any time prior to the fifteenth day following the
5hearing, the secretary of the board of directors receives a
6petition containing the required number of signatures and
7asking that the question of the issuance of such bonds be
8submitted to the voters of the school district, the board shall
9either rescind its adoption of the resolution or direct the
10county commissioner of elections to submit the question to the
11registered voters of the school district at an election held
12on a date specified in section 39.2, subsection 4, paragraph
13“c”. The petition must be signed by eligible electors equal
14in number to not less than one hundred or thirty percent of
15the number of voters at the last preceding election of school
16officials under section 277.1, whichever is greater. If the
17board submits the question at an election and a majority of
18those voting on the question favors issuance of the bonds, the
19board shall be authorized to issue the bonds.
20c. After fourteen days from the date of the hearing under
21paragraph “a” or fourteen days after the date of the election
22held under paragraph “b”, if applicable, whichever is later,
23an action shall not be brought questioning the legality of
24any bonds or the power of the authority to issue any bonds
25or to the legality of any proceedings in connection with the
26authorization or issuance of the bonds.
273. The repeal of section 423E.5 shall not affect the
28validity of any previously issued bonds or other evidences of
304. The board of directors of a school district may issue
31negotiable, interest-bearing school bonds, without election,
32and utilize tax receipts derived from the secure an advanced
33vision for education fund for principal and interest repayment.
34Proceeds of the bonds issued pursuant to this subsection shall
35be utilized solely for school infrastructure as defined in
-14-1section 423F.3, subsection 6, paragraph “a”. Bonds issued
2under this subsection may be sold at public sale as provided
3in chapter 75, or at private sale, without notice and hearing.
4Bonds may bear dates, bear interest at rates not exceeding that
5permitted by chapter 74A, mature in one or more installments,
6be in registered form, carry registration and conversion
7privileges, be payable as to principal and interest at times
8and places, be subject to terms of redemption prior to maturity
9with or without premium, and be in one or more denominations,
10all as provided by the resolution of the board of directors
11authorizing the issuance. The resolution may also prescribe
12additional provisions, terms, conditions, and covenants which
13the board of directors deems advisable, including provisions
14for creating and maintaining reserve funds, the issuance of
15additional bonds ranking on a parity with such bonds and
16additional bonds junior and subordinate to such bonds, and
17that such bonds shall rank on a parity with or be junior and
18subordinate to any bonds which may be then outstanding. Bonds
19may be issued to refund outstanding and previously issued
20bonds under this subsection. The bonds are a contractual
21obligation of the school district, and the resolution issuing
22the bonds and its share of the revenues distributed pursuant
23to section 423F.2 to the payment of principal and interest on
24the bonds is a part of the contract. Bonds issued pursuant to
25this subsection shall not constitute indebtedness within the
26meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or
27restriction, and shall not be subject to any other law relating
28to the authorization, issuance, or sale of bonds.
295. a. A school district may enter into an agreement
30pursuant to chapter 28E with one or more cities or a county
31whose boundaries encompass all or a part of the area of the
32school district. A city entering into an agreement with a
33school district pursuant to chapter 28E may expend the city’s
34designated portion of the revenues for any valid purpose
35permitted in this chapter or authorized by the governing body
-15-1of the city. A county entering into an agreement with a school
2district pursuant to chapter 28E may expend its designated
3portion of the revenues to provide property tax relief within
4the boundaries of the school district located in the county.
5b. A school district may enter into an agreement pursuant to
6chapter 28E with another school district, a community college,
7or an area education agency which is located partially or
8entirely in or is contiguous to the county where the school
9district is located. The school district or community college
10shall only expend its designated portion of the revenues
11for infrastructure purposes. The area education agency
12shall only expend its designated portion of the revenues for
13infrastructure and maintenance purposes.
16 Sec. 22. Section 441.2, Code 2023, is amended to read as
18441.2 Conference board.
19In each county and each city having an assessor there
20shall be established a conference board. In counties the
21conference board shall consist of the mayors or a designated
22member of a city council of all incorporated cities in the
23county whose property is assessed by the county assessor; one
24representative from the board of directors of each high school
25district of containing a high school in the county, who is a
26resident of the county, said board of directors appointing said
27representative for a one-year term and notifying the clerk of
28the conference board as to their representative; and members
29of the board of supervisors. In cities having an assessor
30the conference board shall consist of the members of the city
31council, school board the board of directors of each school
32district containing a high school in the city, and county board
33of supervisors. In the counties the chairperson of the board
34of supervisors shall act as chairperson of the conference
35board, in cities having an assessor the mayor of the city
-16-1council shall act as chairperson of the conference board. In
2any action taken by the conference board, the mayors of all
3incorporated cities in the county whose property is assessed
4by the county assessor shall constitute one voting unit, the
5members of the city board of education board of directors of
6each school district containing a high school in the city or
7one representative from the board of directors of each high
8 school district of containing a high school in the county shall
9constitute one voting unit, the members of the city council
10shall constitute one voting unit, and the county board of
11supervisors shall constitute one voting unit, each unit having
12a single vote and no action shall be valid except by the vote of
13not less than two out of the three units. In any action taken
14by the conference board, if a city or a county contains only
15one school district containing a high school, the members of
16or the representative of the board of directors of the school
17district, as applicable, shall constitute one voting unit.
18 The majority vote of the members present of each unit shall
19determine the vote of the unit. The assessor shall be clerk of
20the conference board.
23 Sec. 23. Section 282.34, Code 2023, is amended by adding the
24following new subsection:
25 NEW SUBSECTION. 6. For children requiring admission to
26a residential treatment facility, the residential treatment
27facility shall complete and provide to the district of
28residence the documentation necessary to seek Medicaid
29reimbursement for eligible services.
33 Sec. 24. Section 273.3, subsection 12, Code 2023, is amended
34to read as follows:
3512. Prepare an annual budget estimating income and
-17-1expenditures for programs and services as provided in sections
2273.1, 273.2, this section, sections 273.4 through 273.8, and
3chapter 256B within the limits of funds provided under section
4256B.9 and chapter 257. The board shall post notice of a
5public hearing on the proposed budget on the area education
6agency’s internet site and by publication in the newspaper of
7general circulation in the territory of the area education
8agency in which the principal place of business of a school
9district that is a part of the area education agency is located
10 or in the manner prescribed in section 279.36. The notice
11shall specify the date, which shall be not later than March
121 of each year, the time, and the location of the public
13hearing. The proposed budget as approved by the board shall
14then be submitted to the state board of education, on forms
15provided by the department, no later than March 15 preceding
16the next fiscal year for approval. The state board shall
17review the proposed budget of each area education agency and
18shall before May 1, either grant approval or return the budget
19without approval with comments of the state board included. An
20unapproved budget shall be resubmitted to the state board for
21final approval not later than May 15. The state board shall
22give final approval only to budgets submitted by area education
23agencies accredited by the state board or that have been given
24conditional accreditation by the state board.
27 Sec. 25. Section 47.6, subsection 2, Code 2023, is amended
28to read as follows:
292. For the purpose of this section, a conflict between two
30elections exists only when some but not all of the registered
31voters of any precinct would be entitled to vote in one of
32the elections and all of the registered voters of the same
33precinct would be entitled to vote in the other election.
34Nothing in this subsection shall deny a commissioner who is
35responsible for conducting the election discretionary authority
-18-1to approve holding a special election on the same date as
2another election, even though the two elections may be defined
3as being in conflict, if the commissioner concludes that to do
4so will cause no undue difficulties.
6The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
7the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
8This bill relates to entities supported in whole or in part
9by public moneys, including the sale of public bonds, the
10duties and responsibilities of the directors and officers of
11school boards, school districts, the department of education,
12the department of health and human services, accredited
13nonpublic schools, charter schools, community colleges,
14institutions under the control of the state board of regents,
15area education agencies, election commissioners, and children’s
16residential facilities, and the membership and voting units of
17county and city conference boards.
18DIVISION I — BOND SALES. Current law provides that when
19public bonds are offered for sale, the official in charge
20of the bond issue shall give notice of the time and place
21of sale, the amount to be offered for sale, and any further
22information which the official deems pertinent by publishing
23an advertisement in a newspaper. The division modifies this
24provision to require the official in charge of the bond issue
25to give notice of the sale by publishing the time and place of
26sale, the amount to be offered for sale, and any additional
27information the official deems pertinent to the bond issue in
28at least one electronic or written publication with nationwide
29circulation that is recognized for providing information
30regarding the sale of public bonds or in a newspaper located in
31the county or a county contiguous to the place of sale.
32Code section 75.14 provides that, notwithstanding contrary
33provisions of Code chapter 75 (authorization and sale of public
34bonds), a public body authorized to issue bonds or other
35obligations may elect to receive bids to purchase such bonds
-19-1or other obligations by means of electronic communication, a
2proprietary bidding procedure, or by facsimile transmission
3to a location deemed appropriate by the governing body. The
4division adds a reference to Code section 75.3 (sealed and open
5bids) to the notwithstanding provision.
7RESPONSIBILITIES. Current law provides that individuals who
8either have a master’s degree or are making annual progress
9toward meeting the requirements for a teacher librarian
10endorsement issued by the board of educational examiners are
11considered to be in compliance with rules associated with
12media specialists or librarians. The division strikes these
14Code section 279.6 provides a process to fill vacancies
15occurring among the members of a school board. This process
16requires, among other things, the publication in a newspaper of
17notice stating that the board intends to fill the vacancy by
18appointment. The division authorizes notice to be provided by
19publication on the board’s internet site as well.
20The division strikes a provision requiring school boards to
21have rules regulating the loading and unloading of pupils from
22a school bus stopped on the highway during inclement weather.
23The division authorizes the board of directors of a
24school district and the superintendent, in certain specified
25circumstances, to use electronic signatures and electronic
26contracts pursuant to Code chapter 554D (electronic
27transactions) and facsimile signatures when entering into
28contracts to hire support personnel.
29Currently, school districts are prohibited from charging
30employees for the cost of registry checks. The bill provides
31that a school district may charge an employee for the cost
32of the registry checks, not to exceed the actual cost. The
33division strikes obsolete language relating to school employee
34registry checks.
35Current law requires the board of directors of each public
-20-1school district to administer the pledge of allegiance in
2grades 1 through 12 each school day. The division modifies
3this provision to require each public school district to
4administer the pledge of allegiance in grades 1 through 12 each
5school day.
6The division authorizes the president of the board of
7directors of a school district, or the president’s designee, to
8enter into original contracts or electronic contracts pursuant
9to chapter 554D and sign, using an original, facsimile, or
10electronic signature, all school district payments drawn and
11authorize electronic funds transfers as provided by law.
12Current law requires the secretary and treasurer of a
13school district to execute to the school corporation a surety
14bond in an amount sufficient to cover current operations as
15determined by the board. Current law also requires the oath
16required of civil officers to be endorsed upon the bond. The
17division strikes the requirement that the oath required of
18civil officers be endorsed upon the bond.
20TO HEALTH. The division strikes requirements that school
21districts, community colleges, and institutions under the
22control of the state board of regents conduct an evaluation
23and assessment regarding implementation of an environmentally
24preferable cleaning policy and, unless the school districts,
25community colleges, or institutions under the control of the
26state board of regents opt out of compliance, to purchase only
27cleaning and maintenance products identified by the department
28of administrative services as being environmentally preferable
29or that meet nationally recognized standards.
30The division strikes the requirement that each school
31work toward a goal of having one school nurse for every 750
32students, and instead authorizes a school district to have a
33school nurse to provide health care to students.
34The division strikes a provision requiring that every
35parent or guardian of a child registered for kindergarten or
-21-1preschool be provided with a student vision card provided by
2the Iowa optometric association and approved by the department
3of education with a goal of every child receiving an eye
4examination by age seven.
5The division requires the department of education to
6convene and provide administrative support to a health
7care-related training for school personnel group. The bill
8requires the group to review and develop a plan to ensure
9that Iowa educators have the health care training necessary
10to perform their duties and to submit recommendations for
11delivery and implementation of training required under state
12law or rule. The bill specifies the members the group shall
13include. The bill requires the group to submit its findings
14and recommendations in a report to the general assembly, the
15governor, and the state board of education by December 1, 2023.
17Current law provides that if a school district is located in
18a county which has imposed a local sales and services tax for
19school infrastructure purposes prior to July 1, 2008, the board
20of directors of a school district is required to take action
21to adopt or amend a revenue purpose statement specifying the
22specific purposes for which the revenues received from the
23secure an advanced vision for education fund will be expended
24before expending or anticipating revenues to be received after
25the unextended term of the tax unless the school district
26elects to adopt a revenue purpose statement. The division
27strikes this provision.
28The division requires a school district affected by a
29reorganization that has issued bonds under Code section 423E.5
30(school infrastructure funding formula — bonding) or 423F.4
31(borrowing authority for school districts) and that has not
32approved a revenue purpose statement to first use revenues to
33make timely and sufficient payment of principal and interest
34and premium, if applicable, on the outstanding bonds.
35The division modifies the definition of “school
-22-1infrastructure” for purposes of Code chapter 423F (statewide
2school infrastructure funding) to mean those activities
3for which a school district is authorized to contract
4indebtedness and issue general obligation bonds under Code
5section 296.1 (indebtedness of school corporations), except
6those activities related to a teacher’s or superintendent’s
7home or homes. The division also modifies the definition
8of “school infrastructure” for purposes of Code chapter
9423F to include the construction, reconstruction, repair,
10demolition work, purchasing, or remodeling of schoolhouses,
11stadiums, gymnasiums, fieldhouses, and school bus garages, the
12procurement of schoolhouse construction sites, the making of
13site improvements, those activities for which other specified
14revenues may be spent, joint infrastructure projects with one
15or more school districts or one or more school districts and
16a community college, for which buildings or facilities are
17constructed or leased for the purpose of offering classes under
18a district-to-community college sharing agreement or concurrent
19enrollment program. Additionally, the division modifies the
20definition of “school infrastructure” for purposes of Code
21chapter 423F to remove requirements related to the adoption of
22a revenue purpose statement that is subject to the approval of
23the electors.
24Current law provides that bonds issued under Code chapter
25423F on or after July 1, 2019, shall not be sold at a public
26or private sale without notice and hearing. Current law
27also provides that notice of the sale shall be published in
28a newspaper. The bill provides that this provision does not
29apply to the refinancing of bonds.
30The division provides that the repeal of Code section 423E.5
31(bonding) shall not affect the validity of any previously
32issued bonds or other evidences of indebtedness. Code chapter
33423E sunsets on June 30, 2023.
34The division authorizes the board of directors of a school
35district to issue negotiable, interest-bearing school bonds,
-23-1without election, and utilize tax receipts derived from the
2secure an advanced vision for education fund for principal and
3interest repayment pursuant to standards established in the
5The division authorizes school districts to enter into an
6agreement pursuant to chapter 28E with one or more cities,
7school districts, community colleges, and certain specified
8counties and area education agencies. The division also
9establishes how revenues from such agreements may be expended.
11that each county and each city having an assessor shall have a
12conference board. Current law also provides that in counties,
13the conference board shall consist of the mayors of all
14incorporated cities in the county whose property is assessed
15by the county assessor, one representative from the board of
16directors of each high school district of the county, who is a
17resident of the county, said board of directors appointing said
18representative for a one-year term and notifying the clerk of
19the conference board as to their representative, and members of
20the board of supervisors. The division modifies this provision
21to require that the conference board consist of the mayors
22or a designated member of a city council. The division also
23modifies this provision by replacing references to high school
24districts with references to school districts containing a high
26The division strikes the requirement that the board of
27directors of a high school district appoint a representative
28for a one-year term and notify the clerk of the conference
29board as to the identity of the representative.
30The division provides that, in any action taken by the
31conference board, if a city or a county contains only one
32school district containing a high school, the members of or
33the representative of the board of directors of the school
34district, as applicable, shall constitute one voting unit.
-24-1division provides that, for children requiring admission to
2a residential treatment facility, the residential treatment
3facility shall complete and provide to the child’s school
4district of residence the documentation necessary to seek
5Medicaid reimbursement for eligible services.
7NOTICE ON PROPOSED BUDGET. Current law requires area education
8agency (AEA) boards to give notice of a public hearing on the
9AEA’s proposed budget by publication on the AEA’s internet
10site and by publication in a newspaper. The division strikes
11the requirement that notice be published in a newspaper. The
12division authorizes AEA boards to provide notice of a public
13hearing on the AEA’s proposed budget by publication on the
14AEA’s internet site or in accordance with Code section 279.36
15(publication in a newspaper).
17provides that, for purposes of special elections, nothing
18shall deny a commissioner who is responsible for conducting
19the election the discretionary authority to approve holding a
20special election on the same date as another election, even
21though the two elections may be defined as being in conflict,
22if the commissioner concludes that to do so will cause no undue
2public moneys, including the sale of public bonds, the
3duties and responsibilities of the directors and officers
4of school boards, school districts, the department of
5education, the department of health and human services,
6accredited nonpublic schools, charter schools, community
7colleges, institutions under the control of the state board
8of regents, area education agencies, election commissioners
9and children’s residential facilities, and the membership
10and voting units of county and city conference boards.
3 Section 1. Section 75.2, Code 2023, is amended to read as
575.2 Notice of sale.
6When public bonds are offered for sale, the official in
7charge of the bond issue shall, by advertisement published
8at least once, the last one of which shall be not less than
9four nor more than twenty days before the sale in a newspaper
10located in the county or a county contiguous to the place of
11sale, give notice of the time and place of sale of the bonds,
12the amount to be offered for sale, and any further information
13which the official deems pertinent by publishing the time and
14place of sale of the bonds, the amount to be offered for sale,
15and any additional information the official deems pertinent
16to the bond issue not less than four nor more than twenty
17days before the sale in at least one electronic or written
18publication with nationwide circulation that is recognized for
19providing information regarding the sale of public bonds or in
20a newspaper located in the county or a county contiguous to the
21place of sale.
22 Sec. 2. Section 75.14, Code 2023, is amended to read as
2475.14 Electronic bidding.
25Notwithstanding contrary provisions of this chapter,
26including section 75.3, a public body authorized to issue
27bonds, notes, or other obligations may elect to receive bids to
28purchase such bonds, notes, or other obligations by means of
29electronic, internet, or wireless communication; a proprietary
30bidding procedure or system; or by facsimile transmission
31to a location deemed appropriate by the governing body, in
32each instance as may be approved by the governing body and
33provided for in the notice of sale. An electronic bid shall
34be submitted in substantial conformity with the requirements
35of chapter 554D and any rules adopted pursuant to that chapter
-1-1with respect to the acceptance of electronic records by a
2governmental agency. Additionally, before approving the use
3of an electronic bidding procedure, the public body shall find
4and determine that the specific procedure to be used will
5provide reasonable security and maintain the integrity of
6the competitive bidding process, and facilitate the delivery
7of bids by interested parties under the circumstances of the
8particular sale.
11 Sec. 3. Section 256.11, subsection 9, Code 2023, is amended
12to read as follows:
139. Beginning July 1, 2006, each A school district shall
14have a qualified teacher librarian who shall be licensed by the
15board of educational examiners under chapter 272. The state
16board shall establish in rule a definition of and standards for
17an articulated sequential kindergarten through grade twelve
18media program. A school district that entered into a contract
19with an individual for employment as a media specialist or
20librarian prior to June 1, 2006, shall be considered to be
21in compliance with this subsection until June 30, 2011, if
22the individual is making annual progress toward meeting the
23requirements for a teacher librarian endorsement issued by the
24board of educational examiners under chapter 272. A school
25district that entered into a contract with an individual for
26employment as a media specialist or librarian who holds at
27least a master’s degree in library and information studies
28shall be considered to be in compliance with this subsection
29 until the individual leaves the employ of the school district.
30 Sec. 4. Section 279.6, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 2023,
31is amended to read as follows:
32a. Except as provided in paragraph “b” and subsection 2,
33vacancies occurring among the officers or members of a school
34board shall be filled by the board by appointment. A person
35so appointed to fill a vacancy in an elective office shall
-2-1hold office until a successor is elected and qualified at the
2next regular school election, unless there is an intervening
3special election for the school district, in which event a
4successor shall be elected at the intervening special election,
5in accordance with section 69.12. To fill a vacancy occurring
6among the members of a school board, the board shall publish
7notice either on the board’s internet site or in the manner
8prescribed by section 279.36, stating that the board intends to
9fill the vacancy by appointment but that the electors of the
10school district have the right to file a petition requiring
11that the vacancy be filled by a special election conducted
12pursuant to section 279.7. The board may publish notice in
13advance if a member of the board submits a resignation to take
14effect at a future date. The board may make an appointment to
15fill the vacancy after the notice is published or after the
16vacancy occurs, whichever is later.
17 Sec. 5. Section 279.6, subsection 1, paragraph b,
18subparagraphs (1) and (2), Code 2023, are amended to read as
20(1) If within fourteen days after publication of a providing
21 notice required pursuant to paragraph “a” for a vacancy that
22occurs more than one hundred eighty days before the next
23regular school election, or after the filing period closes
24pursuant to section 277.4, subsection 1, for the next regular
25school election, there is filed with the secretary of the
26school board a petition requesting a special election to fill
27the vacancy, an appointment to fill the vacancy is temporary
28until a successor is elected and qualified, and the board shall
29call a special election pursuant to section 279.7, to fill the
30vacancy for the remaining balance of the unexpired term.
31(2) If within fourteen days after publication of a providing
32 notice required pursuant to paragraph “a” for a vacancy that
33occurs one hundred eighty days or less but more than forty days
34before the next regular school election there is filed with the
35secretary of the school board a petition requesting to fill
-3-1the vacancy by election, an appointment to fill the vacancy is
2temporary until a successor is elected and qualified, and the
3school board shall require that the remaining balance of the
4unexpired term be filled at the next regular school election.
5 Sec. 6. Section 279.8, subsection 1, Code 2023, is amended
6to read as follows:
71. The board shall make rules for its own government and
8that of the directors, officers, employees, teachers and
9pupils, and for the care of the schoolhouse, grounds, and
10property of the school corporation, and shall aid in the
11enforcement of the rules, and require the performance of duties
12imposed by law and the rules. The board shall include in its
13rules provisions regulating the loading and unloading of pupils
14from a school bus stopped on the highway during a period of
15reduced highway visibility caused by fog, snow or other weather
16conditions. The board shall have the authority to include in
17its rules provisions allowing school corporation employees to
18use school credit cards to pay for the actual and necessary
19expenses incurred in the performance of work-related duties.
20 Sec. 7. Section 279.20, subsection 2, Code 2023, is amended
21to read as follows:
222. The board of directors of a school district may delegate
23the authority to hire support personnel and sign the support
24personnel employment contracts, if applicable, if the board
25adopts a policy authorizing the superintendent to perform
26such duties and specifying the positions the superintendent
27is authorized to fill. The board of directors of a school
28district and the superintendent, if authorized pursuant to
29this subsection, may use electronic signatures and electronic
30contracts pursuant to chapter 554D and facsimile signatures
31when entering into the contracts described in this subsection.
32 For purposes of this subsection, the term “support personnel”
33includes, but is not limited to, bus drivers, custodians,
34educational associates, and clerical and food service
-4-1 Sec. 8. Section 279.69, subsection 1, Code 2023, is amended
2to read as follows:
31. Prior to hiring an applicant for a school employee
4position, a school district shall have access to and shall
5review the information in the Iowa court information system
6available to the general public, the sex offender registry
7information under section 692A.121 available to the general
8public, the central registry for child abuse information
9established under section 235A.14, and the central registry for
10dependent adult abuse information established under section
11235B.5 for information regarding the applicant. A school
12district shall follow the same procedure by June 30, 2014, for
13each school employee employed by the school district as of July
141, 2013. A school district shall implement a consistent policy
15to follow the same procedure for each school employee employed
16by the school district on or after July 1, 2013, at least every
17five years after the school employee’s initial date of hire. A
18school district shall not may charge an employee for the cost
19of the registry checks conducted pursuant to this subsection,
20not to exceed the actual cost of the registry checks. A school
21district shall maintain documentation demonstrating compliance
22with this subsection.
23 Sec. 9. Section 280.5, subsection 2, Code 2023, is amended
24to read as follows:
252. The board of directors of each Each public school
26district shall administer the pledge of allegiance in grades
27one through twelve each school day. Each classroom in which
28the pledge of allegiance is recited pursuant to this subsection
29shall display the United States flag during the recitation. A
30student shall not be compelled against the student’s objections
31or those of the student’s parent or guardian to recite the
33 Sec. 10. Section 291.1, Code 2023, is amended to read as
35291.1 President — duties.
-5- 1The president of the board of directors shall preside at
2all of its meetings, sign all contracts made by the board, and
3appear on behalf of the corporation in all actions brought by
4or against it, unless individually a party, in which case this
5duty shall be performed by the secretary. The president or the
6president’s designee shall have the authority to enter into
7original contracts or electronic contracts pursuant to chapter
8554D and sign, using an original, or facsimile, or electronic
9 signature, as defined in section 554D.103, all school district
10payments drawn and authorize electronic funds transfers as
11provided by law. The board of directors, by resolution, may
12designate an individual, who shall not be the secretary, to
13sign payments or authorize electronic funds transfers on behalf
14of the president pursuant to this section.
15 Sec. 11. Section 291.4, Code 2023, is amended to read as
17291.4 Oath.
18Each shall take the oath required of civil officers, which
19shall be endorsed upon the bond, and shall complete the
20qualification within ten days.
23 Sec. 12. Section 8A.318, subsections 1 and 3, Code 2023, are
24amended to read as follows:
251. Findings and intent. The general assembly finds that
26human beings are vulnerable to and may be severely affected by
27exposure to chemicals, hazardous waste, and other environmental
28hazards. The federal environmental protection agency estimates
29that human exposure to indoor air pollutants can be two to
30five times, and up to one hundred times, higher than outdoor
31levels. Children, teachers, janitors, and other staff members
32spend a significant amount of time inside school buildings.
33Likewise, state State employees and citizens of this state
34spend a significant amount of time inside state buildings.
35These individuals are continuously exposed to chemicals from
-6-1cleaners, waxes, deodorizers, and other maintenance products.
23. Use of environmentally preferable cleaning and maintenance
4a. All school districts in this state, community colleges,
5institutions under the control of the state board of regents,
6and state agencies utilizing state buildings, are encouraged
7to conform to an environmentally preferable cleaning policy
8designed to facilitate the purchase and use of environmentally
9preferable cleaning and maintenance products for purposes of
10public school, community college, regents institution, and
11 state building cleaning and maintenance.
12b. Each school district, community college, institution
13under the control of the state board of regents, or state
14agency utilizing public buildings shall conduct an evaluation
15and assessment regarding implementation of an environmentally
16preferable cleaning policy pursuant to this section. On or
17after July 1, 2012, all All state agencies, and all school
18districts, community colleges, and institutions under the
19control of the state board of regents which have not opted
20out of compliance pursuant to paragraph “c”, shall purchase
21only cleaning and maintenance products identified by the
22department or that meet nationally recognized standards.
23School districts, community colleges, institutions under the
24control of the state board of regents, and state State agencies
25procuring supplies for schools and state buildings may deplete
26their existing cleaning and maintenance supply stocks and
27implement the new requirements in the procurement cycle for
28the following year. This section shall not be interpreted
29in a manner that prohibits the use of disinfectants,
30disinfecting cleaners, sanitizers, or any other antimicrobial
31product regulated by the federal Insecticide, Fungicide,
32and Rodenticide Act, 7 U.S.C. §136 et seq., when necessary
33to protect public health and provided that the use of these
34products is in accordance with responsible cleaning procedure
-7- 1c. A school district, community college, or institution
2under the control of the state board of regents may, based upon
3the evaluation and assessment conducted pursuant to paragraph
4“b”, opt out of compliance with the requirements of this section
5 upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the
6board of directors of the school district or a determination by
7the president of the community college or by the president or
8administrative officer of the regents institution. A school
9district, community college, or regents institution opting
10out of compliance pursuant to this paragraph shall notify the
11department of education, the state board of education, or the
12state board of regents, as appropriate, of this decision.
13 Sec. 13. Section 256.11, subsection 9B, Code 2023, is
14amended to read as follows:
159B. Beginning July 1, 2007, each A school district shall
16have a school nurse to provide health services to its students.
17Each school district shall work toward the goal of having one
18school nurse for every seven hundred fifty students enrolled in
19the school district. For purposes of this subsection, “school
20nurse” means a person who holds an endorsement or a statement of
21professional recognition for school nurses issued by the board
22of educational examiners under chapter 272.
23 Sec. 14. Section 280.7A, subsection 1, Code 2023, is amended
24by striking the subsection.
271. The department of education shall convene and provide
28administrative support to a health care-related training
29for school personnel work group. The work group shall
30review and develop a plan to ensure Iowa educators have the
31health care training necessary to perform their duties and
32responsibilities, and shall consider and submit recommendations
33for delivery and implementation of training required under
34state law or rule.
352. The work group shall include all of the following:
-8- 1a. (1) Two members who are staff members from the
2department of education, one of whom shall be an administrative
3consultant in the bureau of nutrition and health services.
4A member appointed under this subparagraph shall coordinate
5the work group and act as chairperson for the organizational
7(2) One member who is a staff member from the Iowa
8department of health and human services.
9b. Members who shall represent each of the following:
10(1) One member from a statewide organization representing
12(2) One member from a statewide organization representing
13school board members.
14(3) One member from a statewide organization representing
15school administrators.
16(4) One member from a statewide organization representing
17authorities in charge of accredited nonpublic schools.
18(5) One member representing the area education agencies.
19(6) One member from a statewide organization representing
21(7) One member from a statewide organization representing
22athletic trainers.
23(8) One member from a statewide organization representing
24emergency management services.
25(9) One member from a statewide organization representing
26health care organizations.
27(10) One member from a statewide organization representing
28school nurses.
293. Any expenses incurred by a member of the work group
30shall be the responsibility of the individual member or the
31respective entity represented by the member.
324. The director of the department of education or the
33director’s designee shall compile and provide to the work group
34a list of, and the purposes for, the health care training
35programs that school personnel are required to complete, as
-9-1well as any requirements school personnel must meet following
2such training, in order be in compliance with state law or
3administrative rule.
45. The work group shall do all of the following:
5a. Identify which trainings can be best provided over the
6internet, and how such training can be rotated on a five-year
7basis for school personnel.
8b. Develop a plan for a regular cycle of health care-related
9training for school personnel review, with the goal of removing
10or modifying training or training programs that are no longer
11relevant, and identifying less costly and more efficient
12options that still provide the appropriate level of training to
13school personnel.
14c. Standardize the process of establishing new training
15requirements in state law or rule to manage stakeholder
16expectations relating to the timeline for establishing the
18d. Create an ongoing review process to find efficiencies,
19identify training options that better utilize time and
20financial resources, and offer a continuous improvement model
21for the system moving forward.
22e. Study and make any recommended changes on rules adopted
23by the state board of education under 281 IAC ch.14, relating
24to individual health plans prepared for students with various
25health conditions.
26f. Ensure a public comment process for patient advocacy
27groups and parents to provide input on the recommendations of
28the work group.
296. If the work group recommends elimination or significant
30modification of certain health care-related training for
31school personnel, the department of education shall identify
32stakeholders who would potentially be affected by such
33change, and shall invite representatives from organizations
34representing such stakeholders to submit comments before or
35at an upcoming work group meeting before the work group makes
-10-1final recommendations.
27. The department of education shall compile the work
3group’s findings and recommendations and shall submit the
4compilation, including any proposal for legislation, in a
5report to the general assembly, the governor, and the state
6board of education by December 1, 2023.
9 Sec. 16. Section 423F.3, subsections 2 and 4, Code 2023, are
10amended to read as follows:
112. A revenue purpose statement in existence for the
12expenditure of local sales and services tax for school
13infrastructure purposes imposed by a county pursuant to
14section 423E.2, Code Supplement 2007, prior to July 1, 2008,
15shall remain in effect until amended or extended. The board
16of directors of a school district may take action to adopt
17or amend a revenue purpose statement specifying the specific
18purposes for which the revenues received from the secure an
19advanced vision for education fund will be expended. If a
20school district is located in a county which has imposed a
21local sales and services tax for school infrastructure purposes
22prior to July 1, 2008, this action shall be taken before
23expending or anticipating revenues to be received after the
24unextended term of the tax unless the school district elects to
25adopt a revenue purpose statement as provided in subsection 3.
264. The revenues received pursuant to this chapter shall
27be expended for the purposes specified in the revenue purpose
28statement. If a board of directors has not approved a revenue
29purpose statement, the revenues shall be expended in the order
30listed in subsection 1 except that the payment of bonds for
31which the revenues have been pledged shall be paid first.
32Once approved, a revenue purpose statement is effective until
33amended or repealed by the foregoing procedures. A revenue
34purpose statement shall not be amended or repealed to reduce
35the amount of revenue pledged to the payment of principal and
-11-1interest on bonds as long as any bonds authorized by sections
2423E.5 and 423F.4 are outstanding unless funds sufficient
3to pay principal, interest, and premium, if any, on the
4outstanding obligations at or prior to maturity have been
5properly set aside and pledged for that purpose. A school
6district affected by a reorganization under chapter 275 that
7has issued bonds under section 423E.5 or 423F.4 and that has
8not approved a revenue purpose statement shall first use
9revenues to make timely and sufficient payment of principal and
10interest, and premium if applicable, on the outstanding bonds.
11 Sec. 17. Section 423F.3, subsection 3, paragraph c, Code
122023, is amended by striking the paragraph.
13 Sec. 18. Section 423F.3, subsection 3, paragraph d, Code
142023, is amended to read as follows:
15d. The board secretary shall notify the county commissioner
16of elections of the intent to take an issue to the voters
17pursuant to paragraph “b” or “c”. The county commissioner of
18elections shall publish the notices required by law for special
19or general elections, and the election shall be held on a date
20specified in section 39.2, subsection 4, paragraph “c”. A
21majority of those voting on the question must favor approval
22of the revenue purpose statement. If the proposal is not
23approved, the school district shall not submit the same or new
24revenue purpose statement to the electors for a period of six
25months from the date of the previous election.
26 Sec. 19. Section 423F.3, subsection 6, paragraph a,
27subparagraph (1), Code 2023, is amended to read as follows:
28(1) For purposes of this chapter, “school infrastructure”
29means those activities authorized in section 423E.1, subsection
303, Code 2007 for which a school district is authorized to
31contract indebtedness and issue general obligation bonds under
32section 296.1, except those activities related to a teacher’s
33or superintendent’s home or homes.
34 Sec. 20. Section 423F.3, subsection 6, paragraph a, Code
352023, is amended by adding the following new subparagraphs:
-12-1 NEW SUBPARAGRAPH. (5) Additionally, “school infrastructure”
2includes the construction, reconstruction, repair, demolition
3work, purchasing, or remodeling of schoolhouses, stadiums,
4gymnasiums, fieldhouses, and school bus garages, the
5procurement of schoolhouse construction sites, the making of
6site improvements, and those activities for which revenues
7under section 298.3 or chapter 300 may be spent.
8 NEW SUBPARAGRAPH. (6) Additionally, “school infrastructure”
9includes a joint infrastructure project with one or more school
10districts or one or more school districts and a community
11college established under chapter 260C, for which buildings
12or facilities are constructed or leased for the purpose of
13offering classes under a district-to-community college sharing
14agreement or concurrent enrollment program that meets the
15requirements for funding under section 257.11, subsection 3.
16 Sec. 21. Section 423F.4, Code 2023, is amended to read as
18423F.4 Borrowing authority for school districts.
191. Subject to the conditions established under subsection
202, a school district may anticipate its share of the revenues
21under section 423F.2 by issuing bonds in the manner provided
22in section 423E.5, Code 2019 this section. However, to the
23extent any school district has issued bonds anticipating the
24proceeds of an extended local sales and services tax for school
25infrastructure purposes imposed by a county pursuant to former
26chapter 423E, Code and Code Supplement 2007, prior to July 1,
272008, the pledge of such revenues for the payment of principal
28and interest on such bonds shall be replaced by a pledge of its
29share of the revenues under section 423F.2.
302. a. Bonds issued on or after July 1, 2019, shall not be
31sold at public sale as provided in chapter 75, or at a private
32sale, without notice and hearing. Notice of the time and place
33of the public hearing shall be published not less than ten nor
34more than twenty days before the public hearing in a newspaper
35which is a newspaper of general circulation in the school
-13-1district. This paragraph does not apply to the refinancing of
3b. For bonds subject to the requirements of paragraph
4“a”, if at any time prior to the fifteenth day following the
5hearing, the secretary of the board of directors receives a
6petition containing the required number of signatures and
7asking that the question of the issuance of such bonds be
8submitted to the voters of the school district, the board shall
9either rescind its adoption of the resolution or direct the
10county commissioner of elections to submit the question to the
11registered voters of the school district at an election held
12on a date specified in section 39.2, subsection 4, paragraph
13“c”. The petition must be signed by eligible electors equal
14in number to not less than one hundred or thirty percent of
15the number of voters at the last preceding election of school
16officials under section 277.1, whichever is greater. If the
17board submits the question at an election and a majority of
18those voting on the question favors issuance of the bonds, the
19board shall be authorized to issue the bonds.
20c. After fourteen days from the date of the hearing under
21paragraph “a” or fourteen days after the date of the election
22held under paragraph “b”, if applicable, whichever is later,
23an action shall not be brought questioning the legality of
24any bonds or the power of the authority to issue any bonds
25or to the legality of any proceedings in connection with the
26authorization or issuance of the bonds.
273. The repeal of section 423E.5 shall not affect the
28validity of any previously issued bonds or other evidences of
304. The board of directors of a school district may issue
31negotiable, interest-bearing school bonds, without election,
32and utilize tax receipts derived from the secure an advanced
33vision for education fund for principal and interest repayment.
34Proceeds of the bonds issued pursuant to this subsection shall
35be utilized solely for school infrastructure as defined in
-14-1section 423F.3, subsection 6, paragraph “a”. Bonds issued
2under this subsection may be sold at public sale as provided
3in chapter 75, or at private sale, without notice and hearing.
4Bonds may bear dates, bear interest at rates not exceeding that
5permitted by chapter 74A, mature in one or more installments,
6be in registered form, carry registration and conversion
7privileges, be payable as to principal and interest at times
8and places, be subject to terms of redemption prior to maturity
9with or without premium, and be in one or more denominations,
10all as provided by the resolution of the board of directors
11authorizing the issuance. The resolution may also prescribe
12additional provisions, terms, conditions, and covenants which
13the board of directors deems advisable, including provisions
14for creating and maintaining reserve funds, the issuance of
15additional bonds ranking on a parity with such bonds and
16additional bonds junior and subordinate to such bonds, and
17that such bonds shall rank on a parity with or be junior and
18subordinate to any bonds which may be then outstanding. Bonds
19may be issued to refund outstanding and previously issued
20bonds under this subsection. The bonds are a contractual
21obligation of the school district, and the resolution issuing
22the bonds and its share of the revenues distributed pursuant
23to section 423F.2 to the payment of principal and interest on
24the bonds is a part of the contract. Bonds issued pursuant to
25this subsection shall not constitute indebtedness within the
26meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or
27restriction, and shall not be subject to any other law relating
28to the authorization, issuance, or sale of bonds.
295. a. A school district may enter into an agreement
30pursuant to chapter 28E with one or more cities or a county
31whose boundaries encompass all or a part of the area of the
32school district. A city entering into an agreement with a
33school district pursuant to chapter 28E may expend the city’s
34designated portion of the revenues for any valid purpose
35permitted in this chapter or authorized by the governing body
-15-1of the city. A county entering into an agreement with a school
2district pursuant to chapter 28E may expend its designated
3portion of the revenues to provide property tax relief within
4the boundaries of the school district located in the county.
5b. A school district may enter into an agreement pursuant to
6chapter 28E with another school district, a community college,
7or an area education agency which is located partially or
8entirely in or is contiguous to the county where the school
9district is located. The school district or community college
10shall only expend its designated portion of the revenues
11for infrastructure purposes. The area education agency
12shall only expend its designated portion of the revenues for
13infrastructure and maintenance purposes.
16 Sec. 22. Section 441.2, Code 2023, is amended to read as
18441.2 Conference board.
19In each county and each city having an assessor there
20shall be established a conference board. In counties the
21conference board shall consist of the mayors or a designated
22member of a city council of all incorporated cities in the
23county whose property is assessed by the county assessor; one
24representative from the board of directors of each high school
25district of containing a high school in the county, who is a
26resident of the county, said board of directors appointing said
27representative for a one-year term and notifying the clerk of
28the conference board as to their representative; and members
29of the board of supervisors. In cities having an assessor
30the conference board shall consist of the members of the city
31council, school board the board of directors of each school
32district containing a high school in the city, and county board
33of supervisors. In the counties the chairperson of the board
34of supervisors shall act as chairperson of the conference
35board, in cities having an assessor the mayor of the city
-16-1council shall act as chairperson of the conference board. In
2any action taken by the conference board, the mayors of all
3incorporated cities in the county whose property is assessed
4by the county assessor shall constitute one voting unit, the
5members of the city board of education board of directors of
6each school district containing a high school in the city or
7one representative from the board of directors of each high
8 school district of containing a high school in the county shall
9constitute one voting unit, the members of the city council
10shall constitute one voting unit, and the county board of
11supervisors shall constitute one voting unit, each unit having
12a single vote and no action shall be valid except by the vote of
13not less than two out of the three units. In any action taken
14by the conference board, if a city or a county contains only
15one school district containing a high school, the members of
16or the representative of the board of directors of the school
17district, as applicable, shall constitute one voting unit.
18 The majority vote of the members present of each unit shall
19determine the vote of the unit. The assessor shall be clerk of
20the conference board.
23 Sec. 23. Section 282.34, Code 2023, is amended by adding the
24following new subsection:
25 NEW SUBSECTION. 6. For children requiring admission to
26a residential treatment facility, the residential treatment
27facility shall complete and provide to the district of
28residence the documentation necessary to seek Medicaid
29reimbursement for eligible services.
33 Sec. 24. Section 273.3, subsection 12, Code 2023, is amended
34to read as follows:
3512. Prepare an annual budget estimating income and
-17-1expenditures for programs and services as provided in sections
2273.1, 273.2, this section, sections 273.4 through 273.8, and
3chapter 256B within the limits of funds provided under section
4256B.9 and chapter 257. The board shall post notice of a
5public hearing on the proposed budget on the area education
6agency’s internet site and by publication in the newspaper of
7general circulation in the territory of the area education
8agency in which the principal place of business of a school
9district that is a part of the area education agency is located
10 or in the manner prescribed in section 279.36. The notice
11shall specify the date, which shall be not later than March
121 of each year, the time, and the location of the public
13hearing. The proposed budget as approved by the board shall
14then be submitted to the state board of education, on forms
15provided by the department, no later than March 15 preceding
16the next fiscal year for approval. The state board shall
17review the proposed budget of each area education agency and
18shall before May 1, either grant approval or return the budget
19without approval with comments of the state board included. An
20unapproved budget shall be resubmitted to the state board for
21final approval not later than May 15. The state board shall
22give final approval only to budgets submitted by area education
23agencies accredited by the state board or that have been given
24conditional accreditation by the state board.
27 Sec. 25. Section 47.6, subsection 2, Code 2023, is amended
28to read as follows:
292. For the purpose of this section, a conflict between two
30elections exists only when some but not all of the registered
31voters of any precinct would be entitled to vote in one of
32the elections and all of the registered voters of the same
33precinct would be entitled to vote in the other election.
34Nothing in this subsection shall deny a commissioner who is
35responsible for conducting the election discretionary authority
-18-1to approve holding a special election on the same date as
2another election, even though the two elections may be defined
3as being in conflict, if the commissioner concludes that to do
4so will cause no undue difficulties.
6The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
7the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
8This bill relates to entities supported in whole or in part
9by public moneys, including the sale of public bonds, the
10duties and responsibilities of the directors and officers of
11school boards, school districts, the department of education,
12the department of health and human services, accredited
13nonpublic schools, charter schools, community colleges,
14institutions under the control of the state board of regents,
15area education agencies, election commissioners, and children’s
16residential facilities, and the membership and voting units of
17county and city conference boards.
18DIVISION I — BOND SALES. Current law provides that when
19public bonds are offered for sale, the official in charge
20of the bond issue shall give notice of the time and place
21of sale, the amount to be offered for sale, and any further
22information which the official deems pertinent by publishing
23an advertisement in a newspaper. The division modifies this
24provision to require the official in charge of the bond issue
25to give notice of the sale by publishing the time and place of
26sale, the amount to be offered for sale, and any additional
27information the official deems pertinent to the bond issue in
28at least one electronic or written publication with nationwide
29circulation that is recognized for providing information
30regarding the sale of public bonds or in a newspaper located in
31the county or a county contiguous to the place of sale.
32Code section 75.14 provides that, notwithstanding contrary
33provisions of Code chapter 75 (authorization and sale of public
34bonds), a public body authorized to issue bonds or other
35obligations may elect to receive bids to purchase such bonds
-19-1or other obligations by means of electronic communication, a
2proprietary bidding procedure, or by facsimile transmission
3to a location deemed appropriate by the governing body. The
4division adds a reference to Code section 75.3 (sealed and open
5bids) to the notwithstanding provision.
7RESPONSIBILITIES. Current law provides that individuals who
8either have a master’s degree or are making annual progress
9toward meeting the requirements for a teacher librarian
10endorsement issued by the board of educational examiners are
11considered to be in compliance with rules associated with
12media specialists or librarians. The division strikes these
14Code section 279.6 provides a process to fill vacancies
15occurring among the members of a school board. This process
16requires, among other things, the publication in a newspaper of
17notice stating that the board intends to fill the vacancy by
18appointment. The division authorizes notice to be provided by
19publication on the board’s internet site as well.
20The division strikes a provision requiring school boards to
21have rules regulating the loading and unloading of pupils from
22a school bus stopped on the highway during inclement weather.
23The division authorizes the board of directors of a
24school district and the superintendent, in certain specified
25circumstances, to use electronic signatures and electronic
26contracts pursuant to Code chapter 554D (electronic
27transactions) and facsimile signatures when entering into
28contracts to hire support personnel.
29Currently, school districts are prohibited from charging
30employees for the cost of registry checks. The bill provides
31that a school district may charge an employee for the cost
32of the registry checks, not to exceed the actual cost. The
33division strikes obsolete language relating to school employee
34registry checks.
35Current law requires the board of directors of each public
-20-1school district to administer the pledge of allegiance in
2grades 1 through 12 each school day. The division modifies
3this provision to require each public school district to
4administer the pledge of allegiance in grades 1 through 12 each
5school day.
6The division authorizes the president of the board of
7directors of a school district, or the president’s designee, to
8enter into original contracts or electronic contracts pursuant
9to chapter 554D and sign, using an original, facsimile, or
10electronic signature, all school district payments drawn and
11authorize electronic funds transfers as provided by law.
12Current law requires the secretary and treasurer of a
13school district to execute to the school corporation a surety
14bond in an amount sufficient to cover current operations as
15determined by the board. Current law also requires the oath
16required of civil officers to be endorsed upon the bond. The
17division strikes the requirement that the oath required of
18civil officers be endorsed upon the bond.
20TO HEALTH. The division strikes requirements that school
21districts, community colleges, and institutions under the
22control of the state board of regents conduct an evaluation
23and assessment regarding implementation of an environmentally
24preferable cleaning policy and, unless the school districts,
25community colleges, or institutions under the control of the
26state board of regents opt out of compliance, to purchase only
27cleaning and maintenance products identified by the department
28of administrative services as being environmentally preferable
29or that meet nationally recognized standards.
30The division strikes the requirement that each school
31work toward a goal of having one school nurse for every 750
32students, and instead authorizes a school district to have a
33school nurse to provide health care to students.
34The division strikes a provision requiring that every
35parent or guardian of a child registered for kindergarten or
-21-1preschool be provided with a student vision card provided by
2the Iowa optometric association and approved by the department
3of education with a goal of every child receiving an eye
4examination by age seven.
5The division requires the department of education to
6convene and provide administrative support to a health
7care-related training for school personnel group. The bill
8requires the group to review and develop a plan to ensure
9that Iowa educators have the health care training necessary
10to perform their duties and to submit recommendations for
11delivery and implementation of training required under state
12law or rule. The bill specifies the members the group shall
13include. The bill requires the group to submit its findings
14and recommendations in a report to the general assembly, the
15governor, and the state board of education by December 1, 2023.
17Current law provides that if a school district is located in
18a county which has imposed a local sales and services tax for
19school infrastructure purposes prior to July 1, 2008, the board
20of directors of a school district is required to take action
21to adopt or amend a revenue purpose statement specifying the
22specific purposes for which the revenues received from the
23secure an advanced vision for education fund will be expended
24before expending or anticipating revenues to be received after
25the unextended term of the tax unless the school district
26elects to adopt a revenue purpose statement. The division
27strikes this provision.
28The division requires a school district affected by a
29reorganization that has issued bonds under Code section 423E.5
30(school infrastructure funding formula — bonding) or 423F.4
31(borrowing authority for school districts) and that has not
32approved a revenue purpose statement to first use revenues to
33make timely and sufficient payment of principal and interest
34and premium, if applicable, on the outstanding bonds.
35The division modifies the definition of “school
-22-1infrastructure” for purposes of Code chapter 423F (statewide
2school infrastructure funding) to mean those activities
3for which a school district is authorized to contract
4indebtedness and issue general obligation bonds under Code
5section 296.1 (indebtedness of school corporations), except
6those activities related to a teacher’s or superintendent’s
7home or homes. The division also modifies the definition
8of “school infrastructure” for purposes of Code chapter
9423F to include the construction, reconstruction, repair,
10demolition work, purchasing, or remodeling of schoolhouses,
11stadiums, gymnasiums, fieldhouses, and school bus garages, the
12procurement of schoolhouse construction sites, the making of
13site improvements, those activities for which other specified
14revenues may be spent, joint infrastructure projects with one
15or more school districts or one or more school districts and
16a community college, for which buildings or facilities are
17constructed or leased for the purpose of offering classes under
18a district-to-community college sharing agreement or concurrent
19enrollment program. Additionally, the division modifies the
20definition of “school infrastructure” for purposes of Code
21chapter 423F to remove requirements related to the adoption of
22a revenue purpose statement that is subject to the approval of
23the electors.
24Current law provides that bonds issued under Code chapter
25423F on or after July 1, 2019, shall not be sold at a public
26or private sale without notice and hearing. Current law
27also provides that notice of the sale shall be published in
28a newspaper. The bill provides that this provision does not
29apply to the refinancing of bonds.
30The division provides that the repeal of Code section 423E.5
31(bonding) shall not affect the validity of any previously
32issued bonds or other evidences of indebtedness. Code chapter
33423E sunsets on June 30, 2023.
34The division authorizes the board of directors of a school
35district to issue negotiable, interest-bearing school bonds,
-23-1without election, and utilize tax receipts derived from the
2secure an advanced vision for education fund for principal and
3interest repayment pursuant to standards established in the
5The division authorizes school districts to enter into an
6agreement pursuant to chapter 28E with one or more cities,
7school districts, community colleges, and certain specified
8counties and area education agencies. The division also
9establishes how revenues from such agreements may be expended.
11that each county and each city having an assessor shall have a
12conference board. Current law also provides that in counties,
13the conference board shall consist of the mayors of all
14incorporated cities in the county whose property is assessed
15by the county assessor, one representative from the board of
16directors of each high school district of the county, who is a
17resident of the county, said board of directors appointing said
18representative for a one-year term and notifying the clerk of
19the conference board as to their representative, and members of
20the board of supervisors. The division modifies this provision
21to require that the conference board consist of the mayors
22or a designated member of a city council. The division also
23modifies this provision by replacing references to high school
24districts with references to school districts containing a high
26The division strikes the requirement that the board of
27directors of a high school district appoint a representative
28for a one-year term and notify the clerk of the conference
29board as to the identity of the representative.
30The division provides that, in any action taken by the
31conference board, if a city or a county contains only one
32school district containing a high school, the members of or
33the representative of the board of directors of the school
34district, as applicable, shall constitute one voting unit.
-24-1division provides that, for children requiring admission to
2a residential treatment facility, the residential treatment
3facility shall complete and provide to the child’s school
4district of residence the documentation necessary to seek
5Medicaid reimbursement for eligible services.
7NOTICE ON PROPOSED BUDGET. Current law requires area education
8agency (AEA) boards to give notice of a public hearing on the
9AEA’s proposed budget by publication on the AEA’s internet
10site and by publication in a newspaper. The division strikes
11the requirement that notice be published in a newspaper. The
12division authorizes AEA boards to provide notice of a public
13hearing on the AEA’s proposed budget by publication on the
14AEA’s internet site or in accordance with Code section 279.36
15(publication in a newspaper).
17provides that, for purposes of special elections, nothing
18shall deny a commissioner who is responsible for conducting
19the election the discretionary authority to approve holding a
20special election on the same date as another election, even
21though the two elections may be defined as being in conflict,
22if the commissioner concludes that to do so will cause no undue