Lobbyist Declarations

Displays all registered lobbyists or clients for each session with links to additional lobbyist information.
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Bill LSB Number Lobbyist Declaration Client Date Comments
HF 2 1119YH Ashley Hayek For America First Works 05/01/2023 10:42 AM
HF 2 1119YH Ashley Hayek For America First Works 04/05/2023 10:15 AM
HF 2 1119YH Maison Bleam Undecided Iowa Utilities Commission 03/10/2023 11:05 AM
HF 2 1119YH Geri Huser Undecided Iowa Utilities Commission 03/10/2023 11:05 AM
HF 2 1119YH Louis Vander Streek Undecided Iowa Utilities Commission 03/10/2023 11:05 AM
HF 2 1119YH Dan Cassady Undecided Municipal Fire & Police Retirement System of Iowa (MFPRSI) 03/08/2023 12:30 PM
HF 2 1119YH Gary Grant Undecided Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance 03/06/2023 09:49 AM
HF 2 1119YH Catherine Gunsalus Undecided Heritage Action for America 03/03/2023 02:06 PM
HF 2 1119YH Eli Huber Undecided Heritage Action for America 03/03/2023 02:06 PM
HF 2 1119YH Brad Cranston For Iowa Baptists For Biblical Values 02/26/2023 04:01 AM
HF 2 1119YH Ashley Hayek For America First Works 02/24/2023 08:32 AM
HF 2 1119YH Jim Carney Undecided Wells Fargo & Company 02/23/2023 12:47 PM
HF 2 1119YH Jennifer Dorman Undecided Wells Fargo & Company 02/23/2023 12:47 PM
HF 2 1119YH Doug Struyk Undecided Wells Fargo & Company 02/23/2023 12:47 PM
HF 2 1119YH Jim Carney Withdrawn Wells Fargo & Company 02/23/2023 12:46 PM
HF 2 1119YH Jennifer Dorman Withdrawn Wells Fargo & Company 02/23/2023 12:44 PM
HF 2 1119YH Doug Struyk Withdrawn Wells Fargo & Company 02/23/2023 12:44 PM
HF 2 1119YH Brad Epperly Undecided Iowa Broadcasters Association 02/22/2023 10:46 AM
HF 2 1119YH Dustin Miller Undecided Iowa Broadcasters Association 02/22/2023 10:46 AM
HF 2 1119YH Gracie Brandsgard Undecided Iowa Credit Union League 02/22/2023 10:36 AM
HF 2 1119YH Justin Hupfer Undecided Iowa Credit Union League 02/22/2023 10:36 AM
HF 2 1119YH Matt Hinch Undecided Voya Financial 02/22/2023 09:48 AM
HF 2 1119YH Jim Carney Against Wells Fargo & Company 02/21/2023 08:07 PM
HF 2 1119YH Jennifer Dorman Against Wells Fargo & Company 02/21/2023 08:07 PM
HF 2 1119YH Doug Struyk Against Wells Fargo & Company 02/21/2023 08:07 PM
HF 2 1119YH Onnalee Gettler Undecided MidAmerican Energy Company 02/10/2023 07:46 AM
HF 2 1119YH Mark Roth Undecided Federation of Iowa Insurers 02/09/2023 03:58 PM
HF 2 1119YH Paige Thorson Undecided Federation of Iowa Insurers 02/09/2023 03:58 PM
HF 2 1119YH Matthew McKinney Undecided Federation of Iowa Insurers 02/09/2023 03:57 PM
HF 2 1119YH RG Schwarm Undecided Federation of Iowa Insurers 02/09/2023 03:57 PM
HF 2 1119YH Margaret Buckton Undecided Rural School Advocates of Iowa 02/07/2023 12:58 PM 1
HF 2 1119YH Margaret Buckton Undecided Urban Education Network of Iowa 02/07/2023 12:58 PM 1
HF 2 1119YH James Kersten Undecided Iowa Central Community College 02/03/2023 08:46 AM
HF 2 1119YH Dave Daughton Undecided Rural School Advocates of Iowa 01/30/2023 12:14 PM
HF 2 1119YH Dave Daughton Undecided School Administrators of Iowa 01/30/2023 12:14 PM
HF 2 1119YH Jim Carney Undecided Wells Fargo & Company 01/27/2023 12:38 PM
HF 2 1119YH Jennifer Dorman Undecided Wells Fargo & Company 01/27/2023 12:38 PM
HF 2 1119YH Doug Struyk Undecided Wells Fargo & Company 01/27/2023 12:38 PM
HF 2 1119YH Matt Everson Undecided National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB /IA) 01/27/2023 11:17 AM
HF 2 1119YH Michelle Johnson Undecided Iowa Association of School Boards 01/25/2023 12:54 PM
HF 2 1119YH Emily Piper Undecided Iowa Association of School Boards 01/25/2023 12:54 PM
HF 2 1119YH Kent Keene For Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation 01/25/2023 12:40 PM
HF 2 1119YH Jeff Pitts For Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition 01/24/2023 01:31 PM
HF 2 1119YH Pam Mackey-Taylor Against Iowa Chapter of Sierra Club 01/21/2023 02:33 PM
HF 2 1119YH James Kersten Undecided Iowa Central Community College 01/20/2023 09:17 AM
HF 2 1119YH Matt Everson Undecided National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB /IA) 01/19/2023 03:58 PM
HF 2 1119YH Dan Cassady Undecided Municipal Fire & Police Retirement System of Iowa (MFPRSI) 01/19/2023 11:49 AM
HF 2 1119YH Carlton Chin Undecided Municipal Fire & Police Retirement System of Iowa (MFPRSI) 01/19/2023 11:49 AM
HF 2 1119YH BriAnna Nystrom Undecided Municipal Fire & Police Retirement System of Iowa (MFPRSI) 01/19/2023 11:49 AM
HF 2 1119YH Patrick Purtill For Faith & Freedom Coalition 01/19/2023 11:05 AM