Representative Cindy Golding View All Years
Serving first term in House.
Early career: analytical chemist (Esmark Corp); Mid-career: homemaker, mother, volunteer; late career: entrepreneur, business executive, farmer, real estate investor.
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb; Elmhurst University in Illinois, majored in biochemistry.
Memberships and Activities
National Federation of Independent Business Leadership Council, Linn County Farm Bureau Board; Linn County Republican Central Committee (former chair), Five Seasons Republican Women (Board member); Iowa Federation of Republican Women (former second vice president). Prior positions: Heartland Youth for Christ (former chair); HACAP board; color guard and cheerleading coach; Chemistry Olympiad proctor; Academic Decathalon coach and judge; MathCounts coach; church youth leader; Boy Scout and Girl Scout leader; FFA volunteer and judge; Olympic torch bearer.
Birth and Residence
Born in 1952 in Chicago, Illinois. Raised in northern Illinois and resides in rural Linn County.
Family Members
Husband, Joe; six children and 21 grandchildren.