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February 13, 2025GA 90

Senate File (SF)

Bill Bill Title
SF 135 A bill for an act relating to registered interior design and providing penalties. (Formerly SF 27.) Effective date: 07/01/2023.
SF 461 A bill for an act to include veterans in the small business linked investments program. (Formerly SSB 1174.) Effective date: 07/01/2024.

Senate Joint Resolution (SJR)

Bill Bill Title
SJR 9 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to the qualifications of electors. (Formerly SSB 1109.)

House File (HF)

Bill Bill Title
HF 158 A bill for an act relating to alcohol beverage control concerning product placement and inducements by manufacturers and wholesalers of alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer. (Formerly HSB 39.) Effective date: 07/01/2023.
HF 333 A bill for an act relating to the filing of complaints with the Iowa public information board.(Formerly HSB 145.)
HF 350 A bill for an act relating to public records requests.(Formerly HSB 144.)
HF 551 A bill for an act relating to access to and use of the county land record information system.(Formerly HSB 164.)
HF 2303 A bill for an act relating to the reporting requirements of the state librarian.(Formerly HSB 592.)
HF 2398 A bill for an act relating to bonds and insurance policies for public officers. (Formerly HSB 597.) Effective date: 07/01/2024.
HF 2578 A bill for an act relating to certain emergency services provided by a city.(Formerly HSB 598.)