Representative Bob Kressig View All Years
Serving ninth term in House.
Retired from John Deere.
Graduated from Waterloo West High School. Attended Hawkeye Tech. Received postsecondary teaching license from the University of Northern Iowa.
Memberships and Activities
Current board member and former chair of Veridian Credit Union. Current member of the Statewide Interoperable Communications System Board and the UNI College of Education Advisory Board. Serves on the UNI Metal Casting Board. Former member and chair of the Cedar Falls Planning and Zoning Commission. Member of the Cedar Falls Lions Club and the Sons of AMVETS Post 49, Cedar Falls. Retired member of the UAW and member of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Cedar Falls.
Birth and Residence
Born in 1953 in Dubuque. Resides in Cedar Falls.
Family Members
Wife, Liz; two daughters and four grandchildren.