Senator Becky Schmitz View All Years
- General Assembly: 83 (01/12/2009 - 01/09/2011) ▼
- General Assembly: 83 (01/12/2009 - 01/09/2011)
- General Assembly: 82 (01/08/2007 - 01/11/2009)
Compiled Historical Information
Birth Place: Charles City, Iowa
Birth County: Floyd
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Assemblies Served:
82 (2007) - 83 (2009)
Home County: Jefferson
Becky Schmitz
Jefferson County
Serving first term in Senate.
Social worker.
Received B.A. in social work from the University of Kansas, and M.S. in social work from the University of Washington.
Memberships and Activities
Past president of Iowa School Social Workers Association and Southern Prairie Education Association. Member of the Iowa State Education Association and Fairfield Chamber of Commerce. Board member of Fairfield Cultural Alliance.
Birth and Residence
Born in 1949 in Charles City. Resides in Fairfield.
Family Members
Husband Ron; one son and one daughter.
Text above from Iowa Official Register/Other
All Biographies
83rd GA (2009)
83rd GA (2009)
- School Finance Formula Review Committee (07/01/2009 - 06/30/2010)
- Adult Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities (MH/DD) Stakeholder Task Force (07/01/2009 - 06/30/2010)
- Medicaid Elderly Waiver Program Study Committee (11/10/2008 - 06/30/2009)
- Medicaid Program Drug Product Selection Study Committee (07/01/2008 - 06/30/2009)
- Advisory Council for Agricultural Education (05/20/2009 - 07/01/2010)
- Advisory Council for Agricultural Education (01/28/2009 - 05/19/2009)
- Council on Human Services (07/29/2009 - 08/09/2009)