Representative Nathan K. Reichert View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Assemblies Served:
House: 81 (2005) - 83 (2009)
Home County: Muscatine
Nathan K. Reichert
Muscatine County


Serving first term House.


Allsteel customer support representative. Works with family small businesses – Pepperstone Mortgage, Strawberry Farm Bed and Breakfast, and family century farm.


Graduated from Muscatine High School. Received B.A. in history from the University of Northern Colorado and M.B.A. from the University of Iowa.

Memberships and Activities

Member of the Muscatine Safe Streets Board of Directors, Muscatine Jaycees, Pheasants Forever, and Wesley United Methodist Church. Past chair of the Muscatine Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee. Received Community Service Project of the Year from the Iowa Jaycees, 2000.

Birth and Residence

Born, raised, and resides in Muscatine.

Family Members

Wife Rebecca; two sons.