Representative Todd E. Taylor View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Assemblies Served:
Senate: 88 (2019) - 90 (2023)
House: 76 (1995) - 87 (2017)
Home County: Linn
Todd E. Taylor
Linn County
Birth: May 21, 1966, Ames. Parents: Robert and Wanda (deceased) Taylor. Education: Graduated from Jefferson H.S., Cedar Rapids; B.A., English/writing, Graceland College, Lamoni, 1988; B.S., political science, U of I, 1990. Spouse: Kim. Profession and Activities: Commissioner, Department of Elder Affairs (IDEA). Community action volunteer - Cub Scout Troop 8, Cedar Rapids. Member: University of Iowa Alumni Association; National Conference of State Legislators, Standing Committee on Telecommunications and Information Policy Committee. Bowhay Institute for Legislative Leadership Development (BILLD) Fellow, Fellowship 1998. Labor Arbitration Institute - Labor Studies Continuing Education, Chicago, 1997-98 sessions. Elected to Iowa House in special election in 1995. Term: Third.