Family Members Who Served in the Iowa Legislature:Son: Kent A. Kramer; GA 80
President Video:
Mary E. Kramer
Polk County
Birth: June 14, 1935. Parents: Ross and Geneva Barnett. Education: Graduated from Iowa City High School, 1953. Received B.A., University of Iowa, 1957. Received M.A., University of Iowa, 1971. Spouse: Kay F. Kramer, 1958. Children: 1 daughter; 1 son. Grandchildren: 1. Activities: Vice president of Human Resources and Blue Cross/Blue Shield. President, Iowa Management Association. Member: Westminster Presbyterian Church, Greater Des Moines Chamber of Commerce Federation, Polk County Child Care Resource Center, YWCA of Greater Des Moines, Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center, Rotary, Family Work Life Initiative Committee chair for the Iowa Association of Business and Industry, Grievance Commission of the Iowa Supreme Court. Recipient: YWCA Woman of Achievement Award, Manager of the Year Award for the Iowa Management Association, Distinguished Service Award from the Department of Human Services, Community Involvement Award for the Business Record. Term: First.
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