Family Members Who Served in the Iowa Legislature:Spouse: Jack W. Hester; GAs 68 - 75
Joan L. Hester
Pottawattamie County
Born in Persia, November 20, 1932, daughter of Waldron and Helen Goshorn. Attended a rural grade school. Graduated from Persia High School, Married Jack Hester of Persia in 1951. Six children; 2 sons and 4 daughters. Farmed for 32 years. Honey Creek Postal Clerk for several years. Member of Hazel Dell United Methodist Church. Governor's Appointee to 4th District Judicial Nominating Commission, Member of the West Pottawattamie Farm Bureau - past women's chairman, 4-H Leader West Pottawattamie County Youth Committee, Supt. of Home Economics Projects at Westfair, Tri-Center School committees, Pork Producers, Live and Learn Extension Club, Republican township committee and numerous Republican positions. First term.
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