Representative Floyd H. Millen View All Years
Mr. Speaker: Your committee, appointed to prepare a suitable resolution commemorating the life, character, and public service of the late Honorable Floyd Millen begs leave to submit the following memorial:
The Honorable Floyd Millen was born May 17, 1919 in Watertown, South Dakota. He married Betty Coffin in 1942. They had three sons.
Mr. Millen lived for many years in Farmington before moving to West Des Moines in 1970. He owned Valley Limestone and Gravel and was president of the local school board.
Mr. Millen served nine terms in the House of Representatives, beginning in 1963, the 60th General Assembly. He was House Majority Leader the 62nd General Assembly; Speaker Pro Tempore the 63rd and 64th General Assemblies; House Minority Leader the 66th and 67th General Assemblies; and Speaker of the House the 68th General Assembly. After leaving public office, Mr. Millen worked as a lobbyist for Iowa Funeral Directors Association and Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Iowa.
Mr. Millen served in the Army during World War II. He was a volunteer for both the Animal Rescue League and the Alzheimer’s Disease Association. He was a member of Society of American Military Engineers, Elks Lodge, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Izaak Walton League, and State Legislative Leaders Foundation, of which he had been director.
Mr. Millen died of cancer, May 18, 1998, in Des Moines at Iowa Methodist Medical Center. His wife, Betty and son, Robert of West Des Moines; and seven grandchildren survive him.
Now Therefore, Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the Seventy-eighth General Assembly of Iowa, That in the passing of the Honorable Floyd H. Millen, the State has lost an honored citizen and a faithful and useful public servant, and the House by this Resolution would express its appreciation of his service.
Be It Further Resolved, That a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the Journal of the House, and that the Chief Clerk be directed to forward an enrolled copy to the family of the deceased.