Representative Burl E. Scott View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Date of Death: 5/6/2022
Birth Place: Macendonia, Iowa
Birth County: Pottawattamie
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Assemblies Served:
House: 61 (1965)
Home County: Pottawattamie
Burl E. Scott
Pottawattamie County
Avoca Pottawattamie County Democrat. Born on a farm near Macedonia, August 23, 1928, to Richard P. and Bernice M. Scott. Graduated 1945 Macedonia High School. Vocational Agriculture training under the G. I. bill of rights, 36 months. Special electrical training. Married Lois Gustafsen of Avoca in 1952. Their children are Debra, Randy, Cynthia, Ken, and Daniel. Electrical contractor. Korean war veteran. Past chairman of A.S.C. committee Macedonia Township. Vice-president Shelby Business Club. Past commander, Macedonia and Shelby American Legion posts. Masonic orders. Congregationalist. Serving first term.
House District 31
61st GA (1965)
Legislation Sponsored
61st GA (1965)