Representative Paul E. Craig View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Date of Death: 8/26/2005
Birth Place: Reinbeck
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Assemblies Served:
House: 61 (1965)
Home County: Marshall
Paul E. Craig
Marshall County
Marshalltown Marshall County Democrat. Born December 29, 1920, near Hudson, Iowa. Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Craig, Reinbeck, Iowa. Attended public school at Reinbeck Consolidated School, graduating May, 1940. Attended one year at University of Iowa, 1946-47. Served four years in U.S. Navy December 1941 to December 1945. Active in Boy Scouts. Member of American Legion. Employee of Northwestern Bell Telephone Company 15 years. Presbyterian. Married Betty Louise Krivohlavy. Two children, Steven Paul and Cathy Ann. Serving first term.
House District 51
61st GA (1965)
Legislation Sponsored
61st GA (1965)