Representative Harry W. Ramseyer View All Years
MR. SPEAKER: Your committee, appointed to prepare a suitable resolution commemorating the life, character and public service of the late Honorable Harry W. Ramseyer, begs leave to submit the following memorial:
Harry W. Ramseyer was born May 28, 1896, in Davis County, Iowa. He attended schools in Pulaski, graduated from Bluffton College in Ohio, and did graduate work at the University of Wisconsin.
On September 6, 1926 he was married in the Little Brown Church at Nashua, Iowa to Lena Irene Prevo. To this union were born one son and one daughter. Mr. Ramseyer died on July 8, 1966 at Washington, Iowa.
Mr. Ramseyer was a member of the First Presbyterian church and served as Ruling Elder for many years. He served as president of the Washington Board of Education; president of Rotary Club; president of the Chamber of Commerce; president of the Iowa Poultry Improvement Association; and as a member of the Washington County board of health. He was a member of the national legislative committee for Veterans of World War I and was named state commander of that organization.
He is survived by his widow, Lena Ramseyer of Washington, Iowa; one son, Dr. Harry W. Ramseyer, Jr. of Phoenix, Arizona, and one daughter, Mrs. Gwendolyn Schneider of Davenport, and their families.
Mr. Ramseyer, a Republican, served in the Iowa House of Representatives in the Fifty-fourth, Fifty-fifth, and Fifty-sixth sessions of the General Assembly as the representative of Washington County.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE SIXTY-SECOND GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF IOWA: That in the passing of the Honorable Harry W. Ramseyer, the state has lost an honored citizen and a faithful and useful public servant, and the House by this resolution would express its appreciation of his service, and tender its sympathy to the members of his family.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the Journal of the House and that the Chief Clerk be directed to forward an enrolled copy to the family of the deceased.