Senator Burl Nelson Ridout View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Date of Death: 7/18/1978
Birth Place: Alden, Iowa
Birth County: Hardin
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Assemblies Served:
Senate: 53 (1949) - 54 (1951)
Home County: Emmet
Burl Nelson Ridout
Emmet County
Estherville Democrat 49th Senatorial District Emmet, Kossuth and Palo Alto Counties. Born August 8, 1910, at Alden, Iowa. Attended public schools at Iowa Falls, Iowa, and Ellsworth college, Iowa Falls, Iowa. Married. Two sons. Member of Christian Church. Served in U.S. Navy during World War II. Member of Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion and AMVETS. Restaurant operator at Estherville and Armstrong, Iowa. Formerly with the Iowa State Board of Assessment and Review, 1935 to 1939; also, field supervisor with the Farm Credit Administration at Omaha, Nebraska, for two years. Elected to Senate in 1948.