Senator Edward S. Parker View All Years
MR. PRESIDENT: Your committee, appointed to prepare suitable resolutions commemorating the life, character and public service of the late Honorable Edward S. Parker of Ida Grove, Iowa, begs leave to submit the following:
Edward S. Parker was born in Blue Earth County, Minnesota, November 10, 1881. He attended the Minnesota State Teachers College and graduated in 1908 from the College of Medicine, University of Iowa. He was married to the former Dora Hall Young of Mankato, Minnesota. Dr. Parker was a major in the U. S. Army and chief of service during World War I, and a veteran of A. E. F.
He had a wide variety of interests and was affiliated with various medical societies, Masons, Legionnaires, and Izaak Walton League, of which he was a former state president.
Dr. Parker was elected to the State Senate from Cherokee, Ida and Plymouth Counties in 1948 and served in the Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth General Assemblies. Prior to his death on October 6, 1952, he had been nominated for re-election without opposition.
Dr. Parker was a man of integrity and of character, with an intense sense of loyalty to his friends and to his principles. While not a follower of dogmas and creeds, he had a profound and a sincere faith. It was his belief that as he lived, so would he be judged, and as he deserved when the record was finally written, so would he be rewarded.
BeĀ·It Resolved by the Senate of the Fifty-fifth General Assembly: That in the passing of the Honorable Edward S. Parker, the state has lost a valuable and honorable citizen and one who contributed unselfish service to the State of Iowa.
Be It Further Resolved: That a copy of this resolution be spread on the Journal of the Senate, and that the Secretary of the Senate be directed to forward an enrolled copy to the members of the family of the deceased.
The resolution was unanimously adopted.