Representative Reuben Fenton Price View All Years
MR. SPEAKER—Your committee appointed to prepare resolutions commemorating the life and services of the Hon. R. F. Price, late of Dickinson county, Iowa, beg leave to report the following memorial:
Reuben F. Price was born in Delhi, Iowa, January 1, 1858, and lived practically all his life in his native state. In 1882 he settled on the prairies of Dickinson county, and for a period of eight years applied himself diligently and successfully to farming. March 16, 1886, he married Miss Jennie E. Jones, who survives.
In 1890 Mr. Price became a resident of Milford, where for the remainder of his life he was a substantial community factor. For twelve years he was postmaster, and for a long time he served on the town council. For years prior to his death he was engaged in the real estate business.
So well had he lived and served that when Mr. Price aspired to legislative honors, two terms came to him practically without opposition. He was a useful legislator. All the details of service had his earnest attention and few roll calls found him listed as absent. His judgment was safe, his courage unfailing, his devotion absolute. These elements, vital in legislative character, gave him the confidence of the House as he became rich in friendship through rare temperamental equipment.
In character, in personality, in all the better elements of citizenship, Reuben Price was so strong as to win the esteem of his community and all with whom he served during his life of marked probity and distinct usefulness.
Therefore Be It Resolved, That the House of Representatives take this occasion to present this tribute to the memory of a faithful public servant and to express appreciation of his character and public services, and that there be extended to the widow and relatives most sincere sympathy.
Be It Further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the Journal of the House and that the Chief Clerk be directed to send copy of the same to the relatives.
Adopted April 12, 1923.