Representative Harry Justin Miles View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Date of Death: 4/13/1936
Birth Place: Miles, Iowa
Birth County: Jackson
Party Affiliation: Republican
Assemblies Served:
House: 37 (1917) - 38 (1919)
Home County: Jackson
Family Members Who Served in the Iowa Legislature: Uncle: Justin W. Miles; GA 17
Harry Justin Miles
Jackson County
Representative from Jackson county, was born in Miles, Jackson county, Iowa, September 13, 1869, of Scotch descent. Was educated in the graded schools of Miles, and at Grinnell College. Was married to Alice Lehman of Lyons, Iowa, in 1902. Is engaged in farming and stock raising, and served four terms as mayor of Miles. Is a member of the Masonic, Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows. Elected representative in 1916, and re-elected in 1918. A republican in politics.