Representative Charles Everton Kellogg View All Years
MR. SPEAKER: Your committee appointed to prepare suitable resolutions commemorating the life and services of the Hon. Charles E. Kellogg, of Adams county, member of the House of Representatives in the Thirty-eighth General Assembly, beg leave to submit the following memorial:
Charles E. Kellogg was born in Berlin Heights, Ohio, February 13, 1873. He came with his parents to Iowa when a child. He received his early education at Greenfield, Iowa, and later attended Simpson College at Indianola, Iowa.
After completing his college work, he was a teacher in rural schools and later engaged in farming in Adair and Adams counties. He also served as justice of peace at Nevinville, Iowa, and for several years was in the implement business at Corning, Iowa. He represented Adams county in the Thirty-eighth General Assembly.
He was married to Sarah Van Vleet at Orient, Iowa, September 28, 1898, and to this union were born eight children. Those living are Wellington E., Doris A., Gladys A., Charles Philip, and Helen L. The dead are Mary E., Bessie A., and Sarah L.
He was a member of the Masonic lodge, the I. O. O. F., and the Modern Woodmen of America.
He died August 17, 1925, at Waterloo, Iowa.
He gave to his community, state and nation, largely of his time, his talents and his love. He sought no greater reward than the reward of faithful friends, which he gained in large measures.
Be It Resolved, By the House of Representatives of the Forty-second General Assembly, that in the passing of Hon. Charles E. Kellogg, this assembly express its realization of the loss of a man of strong character and sterling worth, and the House would by this resolution tender sympathy to the family who survives.
Be It Further Resolved, That a duly enrolled copy of this resolution be forwarded to the family of the deceased.
Unanimously adopted April 6, 1927.