Representative Timothy P. Harrington View All Years
MR. SPEAKER: Your committee appointed under Resolution No. 10, to commemorate the life, character and services of the late Honorable Timothy P. Harrington, a former member of this House, begs leave to make the following memorial:
Timothy P. Harrington was born at New Diggings, Wisconsin, December 17, 1867. When a small boy, the Harrington family moved to Wright county, Iowa, where Mr. Harrington grew to manhood.
He was educated in the country school and in the Clarion High School. Later be attended the Cedar Rapids Business College and then spent five years on his father’s farm. He then attended the State University Law School and was graduated in June, 1899.
In the fall of 1899 he formed a law partnership with Lester J. Dickinson, present senior United States Senator from Iowa, and located at Algona. This partnership continued nominally at least until his death. Mr. Harrington died at his home in Algona with that dread disease, cancer, May 17, 1933.
Mr. Harrington was a man of splendid personality. He was always interested in public affairs, and had the courage of his convictions. His popularity is evidenced by his being made for twenty years, member of the Algona school board. He served for many years on the Library board and City Council. He served as County Attorney of Kossuth county for several terms.
In 1916 Mr. Harrington was elected to the Iowa House of Representatives and served two terms. As member of the House he served as chairman of the Judiciary Committee. He, with J. B. Weaver, led the fight for the ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Mr. Harringon had much following as candidate for Attorney General and again as candidate for Governor in 1922. Few men had stronger and warmer friends. Few men were more generally beloved by those who knew him best. In his passing, Kossuth county and Iowa lost one of its foremost, valued and popular citizens.
Therefore, Be It Resolved, That these resolutions be printed in the records of the House and a copy of same be sent to his family.
Unanimously adopted, March 7, 1934.