Representative James Peters View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Date of Death: 5/19/1934
Birth Place: Ypsilanti, Michigan
Party Affiliation: Republican
Assemblies Served:
House: 37 (1917) - 39 (1921)
Home County: Dallas
James Peters
Dallas County
Representative from Dallas county, was born of Irish parents in Ypsilanti, Washtenaw county, Mich., February 9, 1858. When he was two years old his parents moved to Cass county, Illinois, and at the close of the war to Warren county, Iowa. He attended school in the rural and common schools. After attaining his majority he came to Dallas county and engaged in general farming, stock raising, and feeding in which business he continued for thirty-six years. He was united in marriage, July 13, 1881, to Mary E. Snyder of Dallas county. Has six children, three boys and three girls, one son being a lieutenant in the aviation corps in France. On March 1, 1915, he moved to Perry, Iowa, but is still actively managing his farms. Is a member of the M.E. church, the Masonic and Woodmen orders. Elected in 1918. A republican in politics.