Representative Joseph Cooper Lockin View All Years
MR. SPEAKER – Your committee appointed to draft resolutions concerning the life and public service of the Honorable Joseph C. Lockin of Cherokee county, Iowa, and an honorable member of the House of Representatives of the Twenty-second, Thirty-eighth and Thirty-ninth General Assemblies, beg leave to submit the following report:
Joseph C. Lockin was born in Brandon in the state of Wisconsin on the 3rd day of November, 1853. He removed to Cherokee county, Iowa, in the fall of 1876.
He was united in marriage with Miss Josephine Batson of Fairwater, Wisconsin, September 24, 1876, and immediately moved to their farm in Cherokee county, Iowa. He was there engaged for some time in farming and teaching school. He made a success of farming, as he did·of every enterprise in which be was engaged, during his successful business career.
He early became a member of the Methodist Church and was long identified with it in an official capacity, and was vitally interested in all the forward movements of the church. In 1900 he was elected a lay delegate to the general conference of the Methodist Church. He was for a long time one of the trustees of Morningside College, and for several years was its financial secretary. He was deeply interested in our public schools, and for twenty-five years was a member of the school board of the city of Aurelia, Iowa, his home town.
He was a member of the Twenty-second General Assembly of this state, where he was recognized as a young man of ability, conservative yet courageous for the right and best interests of the state. Later the people or Cherokee county honored themselves by electing him to represent them in the Thirty-eighth and Thirty-ninth General Assemblies, where he served with credit to himself and with honor to the county and to the state.
He was called to his final reward on the 16th day of October, A. D., 1922.
Resolved, That it is but a just tribute to the memory of the departed to say that we regret the loss of one so well worthy of our love and esteem, and in his death the state has lost one of its most esteemed and worthy citizens.
Resolved, That this memorial be spread upon the pages of the House Journal and an engrossed copy be sent to the family of the deceased.
Respectfully submitted,
Adopted April 12, 1923.