Representative Gustavus A. Justice View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Date of Death: 3/18/1933
Birth County: Linn
Party Affiliation: Republican
Assemblies Served:
House: 38 (1919) - 39 (1921)
Home County: Shelby
Gustavus A. Justice
Shelby County


MR. SPEAKER: Your committee, appointed to prepare resolutions in commemoration of the life and services of the Honorable G. A. Justice, beg leave to submit the following:

G. A. Justice was born in Linn County, Iowa, December 31, 1857, moving to Shelby County about 1880.

October 13, 1881, Mr. Justice was united in marriage to Miss Clara E. Miller. To this union five children were born, two of whom are deceased.

In 1880 Mr. Justice moved to Shelby County, finally locating near Panama. He lived on this farm for several years, during which time he increased his holdings and brought this land to a high state of cultivation, and later he sold this farm, buying land near Defiance where he lived until he retired from the farming industry.

Mr. Justice took an active part in the civic affairs of the community and the state. He served as a public officer in various offices, always doing his best for the interest of the community. He served on school boards, on the county board of supervisors, and was treasurer of the town of Defiance. He served as a member of the General Assembly of the thirty-eighth and thirty-ninth assemblies, which position he filled with credit and distinction.

Therefore, Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the Forty-fifth General Assembly, That in appreciation of the splendid service rendered the State by the late G. A. Justice, this House of Representatives extends its sincere sympathy to the surviving relatives.

Be It Further Resolved, That this resolution be spread upon the Journal of the House and that an enrolled copy thereof be sent to the family.





Unanimously adopted April 11, 1933.