Representative Tollef Christianson Rone View All Years
TOLLEF CHRISTIANSON RONE was born in Romsdahl, Norway, April 27, 1854, and died in Northwood, Iowa, January 7, 1935. Burial was in Shell Rock Cemetery three miles northwest of Northwood. He was with his parents, Christen and Ingeborg Rone, when they immigrated to America, settling in Dane County, Wisconsin, in 1870. He obtained a common school education while in his native country, and in 1874 entered as a student Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he remained four years, then taught school, first parochial, and later public school in Worth County, Iowa, for a few years. He then located on a farm about three miles south of Northwood, remaining there until 1914 when he retired from farming and became a resident of Northwood. He held different township offices and in 1887 became secretary of Worth County Farmers Mutual Insurance Association which he retained for forty years. In 1912 he was elected representative and was reelected in 1914, serving in the Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth general assemblies. He was an educated and cultured man, was on the local library board, had a large private library, and had traveled extensively on this continent and in Europe.