Senator Frank F. Jones View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Date of Death: 1/29/1941
Birth Place: Bath, New York
Party Affiliation: Republican
Assemblies Served:
Senate: 35 (1913) - 36 (1915)
House: 30 (1904) - 32 (1907)
Home County: Montgomery
Frank F. Jones
Montgomery County
Senator from the Eighth district, composed of Mills and Montgomery counties, was born in the state of New York August 25, 1855, of American parentage. His family moved to Illinois in 1863 and to Iowa in 1875. He acquired a high school education and at the age of eighteen began teaching school. After coming to Iowa he taught school and farmed for several years and then became a bookkeeper in a large hardware and agricultural implement store in Villisca. Remained in this store as bookkeeper and salesman seven or eight years and until he embarked in business on his own account. This venture proved a success, and the "Jones store," still owned by him, is now one of the largest hardware and implement stores in that part of the state. He is also cashier and active manager of the Villisca National Bank, which position he has filled during the last twelve years. Superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school in Villisca for many years. Has held office in the State Sabbath School Association as state treasurer and afterward as chairman of the executive board. Previous to his election to the legislature he had held no public office except a service of three terms on the city council. Elected representative in 1903 and re-elected in 1906. In connection with his legislative work he was a member of the commission appointed by the thirtieth general assembly to visit the reformatories of the east and investigate the workings of the reformatory and indeterminate sentence systems of the country and report to the thirty-first general assembly. He was also a member of the legislative insurance investigating commission of 1906. Elected senator in 1912. A republican in politics.