Representative Herbrand L. Olson View All Years
MR. SPEAKER: Your committee appointed to prepare resolutions commemorating the life and services of the Honorable Herbrand L. Olson, former member of the House of Representatives from Worth county, Iowa, begs leave to submit the following memorial:
Herbrand L. Olson was born January 27, 1845, in Hallingdal, Norway, the son of Ole and Gertie Trustem. He was baptized by Rev. Tonneson, confirmed by Rev. Clausen, and came to America in 1853, settling for a time in Wisconsin. In 1856, the family moved to Worth county, Iowa. Herbrand was one of a large family of which only two are now living, one brother, P. O. Peterson, and one sister, Mrs. Amund Myre, both of Brookfield township, Worth county.
On August 22, 1862, he enlisted for service in the Civil War. The company in which he served was known as Company B, 32nd Iowa. He was honorably discharged in June, 1863, because of sickness from hardships and exposures in the various camps. In 1925, at the Norse-American Centennial, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, he was one of those who served as honorary bodyguard to President Coolidge.
He was county supervisor for three years, school treasurer of Brookfield township for fourteen years, township clerk, school director, trustee and assessor at various times. He was also trustee and treasurer in the congregation of Elk Creek of which he was one of the charter members. In 1903 he was elected to the Iowa House of Representatives by the counties of Worth and Winnebago and served in the Thirtieth and Thirty-first General Assemblies.
Mr. Olson was married on April 7, 1868, to Ragnild Mickelson. Two children are left to mourn his departure, Mrs. Osten Amundson of Gordonsville, Minnesota, and Mrs. Levor T. Johnson of Northwood, Iowa. There are six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Two of the grandchildren, Radine and Agnes Ranum, lost their mother in the year 1909, at the ages of four and five and were lovingly cared for by their grandparents. Mrs. Olson died March 10, 1925. Mr. Olson died December 30, 1926. Both were within one month of reaching the ripe age of eightytwo years.
Mr. Olson was a good man. He was honest, kind-hearted and considerate and was faithful to the trusts placed upon him. He was a man of strong convictions, who had the welfare of his community and state ever at heart and looked only to the interest of the people whom he served.
In the death of Herbrand L. Olson, Worth county and the state of Iowa have sustained a great loss.
Therefore, Be It Resolved, By the House of Representatives of the Forty-second General Assembly, that in the passing of the Honorable Herbrand L. Olson, the state has lost an honored and valuable citizen, a man of high ideals in Christian living and useful citizenship.
Be It Further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the Journal of the House and that the Chief C1erk be directed to forward an enrolled copy of it to the relatives of the deceased.
Unanimously adopted April 6, 1927.