Senator Ephraim M. Reynolds View All Years
Senator Porter, from the special committee appointed to draft resolutions on the death of Senator Ephriam M. Reynolds, late of Appanoose county, submitted the following report and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Honorable Ephriam M. Reynolds, a member of this body in the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth General Assemblies, departed this life at his home in the city of Centerville on the 8th day of January, 1903; therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Senate takes occasion to express its sense of the loss sustained in the death of one who, as a member of each house of the general assembly, and as one of the first members of the state board of health, and some time its president, rendered the state in each capacity honorable and efficient service.
Resolved, That the Senate unites with the community in which he long lived and labored, an honored physician and citizen, in regret at his departure from earth, and tenders to his bereaved family its sympathy in its severe affliction.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions, suitably engrossed, be transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to the bereaved family of Dr. Reynolds.