Born near Madison, Wisconsin, in June 1845, and received his education in the schools o his native county. In 1862 he enlisted as a private in Company L, Third Wisconsin Cavalry, and served about fourteen months, when he was honorably discharged on account of a wound receive in the batter of Prairie Grove, Arkansas. Soon after being discharged from the army, he took up the study of medicine and graduated at the Bennett Medical College. After practicing in Wisconsin for a while he decided to try his fortune in Iowa and located at Lake Mills, where he soon built up a lucrative practice for that day. In 1877 he was elected coroner of Winnebago county and held the office foe one term and in 1879 he was elected to the Legislature and served in the Eighteenth General Assembly. In 1881 he was appointed a member of the State Board of Health by Governor Gear and three years later was reappointed by Governor Sherman. He was one of the founders of the Medical Society of Northern Iowa. Dr. Hull was an Odd Fellow and a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and was recognized generally was a capable physician and a progressive citizen.
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