Vincent F. Harrington

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State Senator
01/14/1935 - 01/02/1937

Senator from the thirty-second district, was born on May 16, 1903, in Sioux City, Iowa, the son of Thomas F. Harrington and Maria (O'Leary) Harrington. Attended Cathedral grammar school, Sioux City, Iowa, Trinity college academy, Sioux City, Iowa, and the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, where he was graduated in June, 1925, from the college of liberal arts. Following graduation, he was employed by Columbia university at Portland, Oregon, as instructor in history, economics and athletic director. In 1927 he returned to Sioux City, where he associated with his father in the Continental Mortgage company as treasurer and assistant manager. On June 7, 1929, he was married to Catherine O'Connor of Homer, Nebraska. They have two daughters, Catherine Tim and Patricia Ann. Elected senator in 1932. A democrat.

Information from State Historical Society of Iowa resources
No Photo
State Senator
01/09/1933 - 01/13/1935

Senator from the thirty-second district, was born on May 16, 1903, in Sioux City, Iowa, the son of Thomas F. Harrington and Maria (O'Leary) Harrington. Attended Cathedral Grammar School, Sioux City, Iowa, Trinity College Academy, Sioux City, Iowa, and the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, where he was graduated in June, 1925, from the College of Liberal Arts. Following graduation, he was employed by Columbia University at Portland, Oregon, as instructor in history, economics and athletic director. In 1927 he returned to Sioux City, where he associated with his father in the Continental Mortgage Company as treasurer and assistant manager. On June 7, 1929, he was married to Catherine O'Connor of Homer, Nebraska. They have two daughters, Catherine Tim and Patricia Ann. A democrat.

Information from State Historical Society of Iowa resources