William Linnevold
Farmer, Insurance Agent | |
Winneshiek | |
55 | |
01/12/1953 - 01/09/1955 | |
42 |
Decorah Republican 42nd Senatorial District Howard and Winneshiek Counties Born at Decorah, Iowa, December 13, 1876, son of George and Johanne Linnevold. Attended rural schools; Valder Business College; Normal School; Luther College. Taught rural school two years. Post office clerk six years. Manager and secretary, Nordness Creamery Company five years. Postmaster, Decorah, Iowa, 1923 to 1936. Vice president, Iowa Mutual Tornado Insurance Association, Des Moines, Iowa. Secretary Norwegian Protective Association since 1913. Director Security Trust and Savings Bank, Decorah, Iowa. Member Board of Home Missions, Iowa District Evangelical Lutheran Church. Married Edith Hamrey (deceased), at Decorah, Iowa, December 13, 1906. Father of four children; Ruth, Elizabeth, Williard and Paul. Lives on the farm which has been in the family since 1853.
Farmer, Insurance Agent | |
Winneshiek | |
54 | |
01/08/1951 - 01/11/1953 | |
42 |
Decorah Republican 42nd Senatorial District Howard and Winneshiek Counties. Born at Decorah, Iowa, December 13, 1876; son of George and Johanne Linnevold. Attended rural schools; Valder Business College; Normal School; Luther College. Taught rural school two years. Post office clerk six years. Manager and secretary Nordness Creamery Company five years. Postmaster, Decorah, Iowa, 1923 to 1936. Vice president, Iowa Mutual Tornado Insurance Association, Des Moines, Iowa. Secretary Norwegian Protective Association since 1913. Director Security Trust and Savings Bank, Decorah, Iowa. Member Board of Home Missions, Iowa District Evangelical Lutheran church. Married Edith Hamrey (deceased) at Decorah, December 13, 1906. Father of four children: Ruth, Elizabeth, Williard and Paul. Lives on the farm which has been in the family since 1853.
Farmer, Insurance Agent | |
Winneshiek | |
53 | |
01/10/1949 - 01/07/1951 | |
42 |
Decorah Republican 42nd Senatorial District Howard and Winneshiek Counties. Born at Decorah, Iowa, December 13, 1876; son of George and Johanne Linnevold. Attended rural schools, Valder Business college, Normal School, and Luther College. Taught rural school two years. Post office clerk six years. Manager and Secretary Nordness Creamery Company five years. Postmaster, Decorah, Iowa, 1923 to 1936. Director and adjustor, Iowa Mutual Tornado Insurance association, Des Moines, Iowa. Secretary Norwegian Protective Association since 1913. Director Security Trust and Savings Bank, Decorah, Iowa. Member Board of Home Missions, Iowa District Evangelical Lutheran Church. Married Edith Hamrey, Decorah, December 13, 1906. Father of four children: Ruth, Elizabeth, Willard and Paul. Lives on the farm which has been in the family since 1853.
Farmer, Insurance Agent | |
Winneshiek | |
52 | |
01/13/1947 - 01/09/1949 | |
42 |
Decorah Republican 42nd Senatorial District Howard and Winneshiek Counties. Born at Decorah, Iowa, December 13, 1876; son of George and Johanne Linnevold. Attended rural schools, Valder Business college and Normal school, and Luther college. Taught rural school two years. Postoffice clerk six years. Manager and secretary Nordness Creamery Company five years. Postmaster, Decorah, Iowa, 1923 to 1936. Director and adjustor, Iowa Mutual Tornado Insurance association, Des Moines, Iowa. Secretary Norwegian Protective association since 1913. Director Security Trust and Savings Bank, Decorah, Iowa. Member board of Home Missions, Iowa District Evangelical Lutheran church. Married Edith Hamrey, Decorah, December 13, 1906. Father of four children: Ruth, Elizabeth, Willard and Paul. Lives on the farm which has been in the family since 1853.