Robert J. Brunkhorst
Bills & Committees | |
Computer Analyst | |
Bremer | |
81 | |
01/10/2005 - 01/07/2007 | |
9 |
Served five terms in House. Serving first term in Senate.
Computer analyst. Graduated from Waverly-Shell Rock High School. Graduated with honors from Loras College. M.B.A. from the University of Northern Iowa. Professional designations include FMLI, ACS, and AIAA. Member of Boy Scouts of America, Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, Bremer County Farm Bureau, Kiwanis of Waverly, Rotary, and the Taxpayers Rights Association. Member of the Trinity United Methodist Church, Waverly. Born, raised, and resides in Waverly. Wife Kris; one son and one daughter.Term
Memberships and Activities
Birth and Residence
Family Members
Bills & Committees | |
Computer Analyst | |
Bremer | |
80 | |
01/13/2003 - 01/09/2005 | |
9 |
Computer analyst. Born, raised, and resides in Waverly. Graduated from Waverly-Shell Rock High School. Graduated with honors from Loras College. M.B.A. work at the University of Northern Iowa. Professional designations include FMLI, ACS, and AIAA. Member of Boy Scouts of America, Iowa Cattlemen's Association, Bremer County Farm Bureau, Kiwanis of Waverly, Rotary, and the Taxpayer's Rights Association. Member of the Trinity United Methodist Church, Waverly. Wife Kris; one son and one daughter. Served five terms in House. Serving first term in Senate.
Bills & Committees | |
Computer Analyst | |
Bremer | |
79 | |
01/08/2001 - 01/12/2003 | |
22 |
Computer analyst. Born, raised, and resides in Waverly. Graduated from Waverly-Shell Rock High School. Graduated with honors from Loras College. M.B.A. work at the University of Northern Iowa. Professional designations include FMLI, ACS, and AIAA. Member of Boy Scouts of America, Iowa Cattlemen's Association, Bremer County Farm Bureau, Kiwanis of Waverly, Rotary, and the Taxpayer's Rights Association. Member of the Trinity United Methodist Church, Waverly. Wife Kris; one son and one daughter. Serving fifth term in House.
Bills & Committees | |
Computer Analyst | |
Bremer | |
78 | |
01/11/1999 - 01/07/2001 | |
22 |
Birth: December 5, 1965, Bremer County. Parents: Dr. John and Edna Brunkhorst. Education: Graduated from Waverly-Shell Rock High School, 1984; Loras College with honors, 1989. Spouse: Kris, 1992. Children: 1 daughter, Karalynn. Profession and Activities: Computer analyst at CUNA Mutual Life Insurance Company. Founding member of the Waverly Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC). Member: Jaycees, Boy Scouts, Bremer County Farm Bureau, Tax Payers Rights Association, Friends of the Waverly Chamber/Main Street Organization, Waverly Rotary, Kiwanis. Term: Fourth.
Bills & Committees | |
Computer Analyst | |
Bremer | |
77 | |
01/13/1997 - 01/10/1999 | |
22 |
Birth: December 5, 1965. Bremer County. Parents: Dr. John and Edna Brunkhorst. Education: Graduated from Waverly-Shell Rock High School, 1981; Loras College, 1989.Spouse: Kris, 1992. Children: 1 daughter, Karalynn. Profession and Activities: Founding member of the Waverly Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC). Member: Jaycees, Boy Scouts, Bremer County Farm Bureau, Tax Payers Rights Association, Friends of the Waverly Chamber/Main Street Organization. Waverly Rotary, Kiwanis. Term: Third.
Bills & Committees | |
Computer Analyst | |
Bremer | |
76 | |
01/09/1995 - 01/12/1997 | |
22 |
Birth: December 5, 1965, Bremer County. Parents: Dr. John and Edna Brunkhorst. Education: Graduated from Waverly-Shell Rock High School, 1984; Loras College, 1989. Spouse: Kris, 1992. Activities: Founding member of the Waverly Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC). Member: Jaycees and Boy Scouts. Served under Senator Charles Grassley, Washington, D.C. Computer programmer for Century Companies of America, Waverly. Term: Second.
Computer Analyst | |
Bremer | |
75 | |
01/11/1993 - 01/08/1995 | |
22 |
Birth: December 5, 1965, Bremer County. Parents: Dr. John and Edna Brunkhorst. Education: Graduated from Waverly-Shell Rock High School, 1984; Loras College, 1989. Spouse: Kris, 1992. Activities: Founding member of the Waverly Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC). Member: Jaycees and Boy Scouts. Served under Senator Charles Grassley, Washington, D.C. Computer programmer for Century Companies of America, Waverly. Term: First.