Robert Rush
Lawyer | |
Linn | |
69 | |
01/12/1981 - 01/09/1983 | |
15 |
BOB RUSH Son of Bob and Erma Rush, lifelong residents of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Born in Lake Forest, Ill.., on Oct. 30, 1944. Received early education in Cedar Rapids public schools, graduating from Washington High School in 1962. B.A., Northwestern University, 1966, and J.D., University of Iowa Law School, 1970. Graduate study, George Washington University. Married Judy Burgin Ptacek; two daughters. Substitute teacher. Served as special assistant to the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, and trial attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Washington, D.C., 1971-73. Returned to Cedar Rapids to private law practice. Member, League of Women Voters. Methodist. Second term. Assistant minority leader, 1979-80.
Lawyer | |
Linn | |
68 | |
01/08/1979 - 01/11/1981 | |
15 |
BOB RUSH Cedar Rapids 15th Senatorial District Democrat Son of Bob and Erma Rush, lifelong residents of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Born in Lake Forest, Illinois October 30, 1944 while father stationed at Great Lakes Naval Station. Received early education in Cedar Rapids public schools, graduating from Washington High School in 1962. Continued education at Northwestern University, B.A. 1966 and University of Iowa Law School, J.D. 1970. Substitute teacher. Served as Special Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia and trial attorney for the U.S. Dept. of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Washington, D.C. 1971-1973. Following 3 years in Washington, he returned to Cedar Rapids to practice law. Member: American Red Cross Board of Directors, League of Women Voters, Iowa Civil Liberties Union and Cedar Rapids Law Club Past President. Methodist. 2nd term. Assistant minority leader.
Lawyer | |
Linn | |
67 | |
01/10/1977 - 01/07/1979 | |
15 |
BOB RUSH Cedar Rapids 15th Senatorial District Democrat Born in Lake Forest, Ill. Oct. 30, 1944, son of Bob and Erma Rush. Graduated from Washington High School in Cedar Rapids, 1962. B.A. Northwestern University, 1966. J.D. University of Iowa Law School, 1970. Member of Campaign Staff of Senator Robert Kennedy and John Culver. Substitute teacher. Served as Special Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Dist. of Columbia and trial attorney for the U.S. Dept. of Justice, Civil Rights Division. Private practice of law since 1973. Member: American Red Cross Board of Directors, Linn County Criminal Law Association Board of Directors, League of Women Voters, Iowa Civil Liberties Union and Cedar Rapids Law Club Vice President. Methodist. First term.