Thomas H. Miller
Journalist | |
Cherokee | |
75 | |
01/11/1993 - 01/08/1995 | |
9 |
Birth: April 11, 1925, Park Rapids, Minnesota. Military service: U.S. Navy during World War II. Spouse: Jean Neil, 1947. Children: 4 daughters; 7 sons. Activities: Newspaper career in Minnesota, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Iowa. Purchased Cherokee Daily Times, 1969. The Times was twice named Newspaper of the Year by Iowa Newspaper Association (INA). Selected as Master Editor-Publisher by INA. Now self-employed journalist. Chair: Iowa Compensation Commission, 1974-1983; 5 county JTPA program, 1983-1984. Served on 3 state level education councils and longtime board member of local education, business, and industrial development organizations. Received Scouting's Silver Beaver Award. Term: Fifth.
Journalist | |
Cherokee | |
74 | |
01/14/1991 - 01/10/1993 | |
7 |
Birth: April 11, 1925, Park Rapids, Minnesota. Military service: U.S. Navy during World War II. Spouse: Jean Neil, 1947. Children: 4 daughters; 7 sons. Activities: Newspaper career in Minnesota, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Iowa. Purchased Cherokee Daily Times, 1969. The Times was twice named Newspaper of the Year by Iowa Newspaper Association (INA). Selected as Master Editor-Publisher by INA. Now self-employed journalist. Chair: Iowa Compensation Commission, 1974-1983; 5 county JTPA program, 1983-1984. Served on 3 state level education councils and longtime board member of local education, business, and industrial development organizations. Received Scouting's Silver Beaver Award. Term: Fourth.
Journalist | |
Cherokee | |
73 | |
01/09/1989 - 01/13/1991 | |
7 |
Birth: April 11, 1925, Park Rapids, Minnesota. Military service: U.S. Navy during World War II. Spouse: Jean Neil, 1947. Children: 4 daughters; 7 sons. Activities: Newspaper career in Minnesota, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Iowa. Purchased Cherokee Daily Times, 1969. The Times was twice named Newspaper of the Year by Iowa Newspaper Association (INA). Selected as Master Editor-Publisher by INA. Now self-employed journalist. Chair: Iowa Compensation Commission, 1974- 1983; 5 county JTPA program, 1983-1984. Served on 3 state level education councils and longtime board member of local education, business, and industrial development organizations. Received Scouting's Silver Beaver Award. Term: Third.
Journalist | |
Cherokee | |
72 | |
01/12/1987 - 01/08/1989 | |
7 |
Born Park Rapids, Minnesota, April 11, 1925. U.S. Navy during World War II, ages 17-21. Married Jean Neil in Minot, N.D., 1947. Eleven children; four daughters, seven sons. Newspaper career in Minnesota, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota and Iowa. Purchased Cherokee Daily Times, 1969. The Times was twice named Newspaper of the Year by Iowa Newspaper Association. Selected as Master Editor-Publisher by INA. Now self-employed journalist. Chairman, 1974-83, of Iowa Compensation Commission; service on three state-level education councils; 1983-84, chairman of five-county JTPA program; long-time board member of local education, business, industrial development organizations. Recipient of Scouting's Silver Beaver award. Second term.
Journalist | |
Cherokee | |
71 | |
01/14/1985 - 01/11/1987 | |
7 |
Born Park Rapids, Minn., April 11, 1925. U.S. Navy during World War II, ages 17-21. Married Jean Neil in Minot, N. D., 1947. Eleven children; 4 daughters, 7 sons. Newspaper career in Minnesota, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa. Purchased Cherokee Daily Times 1969. The Times was twice named Newspaper of Year by Iowa Newspaper Assn. Selected as Master Editor-Publisher by INA. Now self-employed journalist. Chairman 1974-83 of Iowa Compensation Commission; service on three state-level education councils; 1983-84 chairman of 5-county JTPA program; long-time board member of local education, business, industrial development organizations. Recipient of Scouting's Silver Beaver award. First term.