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February 08, 2025GA 89

House File (HF)

Bill Bill Title
HF 120 A bill for an act modifying the elements defining hate crimes, and providing penalties.
HF 122 A bill for an act relating to the state minimum hourly wage.
HF 123 A bill for an act relating to the choice of doctor to treat an injured employee under workers’ compensation laws and including applicability date provisions.
HF 124 A bill for an act requiring employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees based on pregnancy or childbirth and making penalties applicable.
HF 130 A bill for an act relating to law enforcement profiling by standardizing collection and centralizing the compilation and reporting of officer stop and compliance data, providing for officer training, creating a community policing advisory board, providing for penalties and remedies, and including effective date provisions.
HF 136 A bill for an act restoring the right to register to vote and to vote and hold elective office for certain persons and including effective date provisions.
HF 138 A bill for an act providing for the registration of eligible electors upon review of electronic records received from state agencies and including effective date provisions.
HF 159 A bill for an act designating correctional officers as public safety employees for purposes of public employee collective bargaining and including applicability provisions.
HF 160 A bill for an act designating licensed teachers as public safety employees for purposes of public employee collective bargaining and including applicability provisions.
HF 161 A bill for an act requiring the payment of local prevailing wage rates to persons working on public improvements for public bodies, providing remedies and penalties, and including effective date provisions.
HF 162 A bill for an act requiring certain weekly workers’ compensation benefits to be calculated by including an employee’s overtime and premium pay, and to include an annual cost-of-living adjustment.
HF 163 A bill for an act relating to the manufacture, delivery, or possession of marijuana and the possession of drug paraphernalia, and providing penalties.
HF 177 A bill for an act relating to employee organization elections administered by the public employment relations board and including effective date and applicability provisions.
HF 178 A bill for an act prohibiting employers and employment agencies from seeking the criminal record or criminal history from applicants for employment under certain circumstances, establishing a criminal history employment application task force, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions.
HF 179 A bill for an act concerning employment matters involving public employees including collective bargaining, educator employment matters, personnel records and settlement agreements, city civil service requirements, and health insurance matters, and including effective date, applicability, and transition provisions.
HF 188 A bill for an act relating to wage discrimination under the Iowa civil rights Act of 1965 and in state contracting, making penalties applicable, and establishing an equal pay task force.
HF 189 A bill for an act establishing a retirement savings plan trust, and including implementation and effective date provisions.
HF 194 A bill for an act requiring the consideration of project labor agreements for certain state construction projects.
HF 206 A bill for an act relating to minimum sentences for certain offenders and parole and work release eligibility.
HF 223 A bill for an act relating to the expungement of certain nonviolent class “D” felonies.(See HF 831.)
HF 243 A bill for an act requiring radon testing and mitigation in public schools, and including applicability provisions.
HF 245 A bill for an act requiring school districts to adopt a child sexual abuse prevention instructional program for students in kindergarten through grade twelve.
HF 246 A bill for an act making an appropriation to the department of education for the Iowa reading research center.
HF 306 A bill for an act requiring the installation and maintenance of adult changing stations at certain locations, providing penalties, and including effective date and applicability provisions.
HF 322 A bill for an act relating to the electronic delivery of ballots to persons with certain physical disabilities.
HF 333 A bill for an act relating to health care coverage benefits for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility, and for fertility preservation services, and including applicability provisions.
HF 336 A bill for an act relating to child care facilities, including licensing and registration, and providing penalties.
HF 337 A bill for an act relating to licensed and registered child care provider reimbursement rates under the state child care assistance program.
HF 338 A bill for an act relating to state child care assistance payments.
HF 339 A bill for an act relating to the expansion of the newborn metabolic screening panel.
HF 352 A bill for an act relating to the reimbursement of child care providers from the child care assistance program.
HF 440 A bill for an act relating to the regulation of confinement feeding operations, including by providing for partially roofed structures and prohibiting the construction, including expansion, of structures, making penalties applicable, and including effective date provisions.
HF 473 A bill for an act relating to the collection of unemployment benefit payments and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.
HF 478 A bill for an act providing for minority impact statements to be attached to appropriations bills and including effective date provisions.
HF 505 A bill for an act relating to the state child care assistance eligibility requirements and provider reimbursement rates.
HF 570 A bill for an act relating to family planning and abortion reduction in the state and including effective date provisions.
HF 572 A bill for an act relating to implicit bias training required for the licensure or certification of certain persons and facilities providing care to children.
HF 573 A bill for an act relating to the minimum per hour wage provided to home health aides under the Medicaid program, and making an appropriation.
HF 574 A bill for an act designating snow plow operators as public safety employees for purposes of public employee collective bargaining and including applicability provisions.
HF 579 A bill for an act exempting from the state sales tax and use tax the purchase price of tangible personal property or specified digital products sold and services furnished to a nonprofit food bank.
HF 608 A bill for an act making an appropriation to the Iowa small business relief program, and including effective date provisions.
HF 609 A bill for an act relating to nonprofit food banks, and making an appropriation.
HF 612 A bill for an act relating to reimbursement rates for health care services provided to covered persons by telehealth, and including retroactive applicability provisions.
HF 613 A bill for an act relating to the state child care assistance eligibility requirements, and making an appropriation.
HF 614 A bill for an act modifying the elements defining hate crimes, and providing penalties.
HF 617 A bill for an act providing small businesses with income, franchise, moneys and credits, and gross premiums tax credits for providing child care benefits to employees of the small business, making appropriations, and including retroactive applicability date provisions.
HF 657 A bill for an act making an appropriation to the Iowa finance authority for the Iowa eviction and foreclosure prevention program, extending the temporary halt on residential evictions, and including effective date provisions.
HF 659 A bill for an act establishing a school district pandemic recovery competitive grant program in the department of education and making appropriations.
HF 662 A bill for an act relating to treatment or intervention involving an intersex minor.
HF 668 A bill for an act relating to the Iowa child and dependent care credit by increasing the Iowa net income threshold levels for purposes of calculating the Iowa child and dependent care credit available against the individual income tax, making appropriations, and including retroactive applicability provisions.
HF 687 A bill for an act related to health insurance coverage for the assessment or diagnosis of a health condition, illness, or disease related to COVID-19, and for the administration of COVID-19 vaccines, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.
HF 688 A bill for an act relating to COVID-19 vaccine clinics, making an appropriation, and providing effective and applicability dates.
HF 689 A bill for an act relating to oversight of expenditures of federal funds relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, and including effective date provisions.
HF 696 A bill for an act relating to the establishment of a study committee on child marriage.
HF 2033 A bill for an act relating to reimbursement of providers under the Medicaid program.
HF 2181 A bill for an act establishing the teacher student loan repayment program and making appropriations.
HF 2211 A bill for an act prohibiting a county or city from adopting, enforcing, or administering legislation specific to the breed or physical characteristics of a dog.
HF 2332 A bill for an act relating to financial support for the development of early childhood educators.
HF 2363 A bill for an act relating to the medical cannabidiol Act.

House Joint Resolution (HJR)

Bill Bill Title
HJR 2001 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to the right to read and restrictions relating to written materials used in educational institutions.

House Resolution (HR)

Bill Bill Title
HR 7 A resolution urging the Iowa High School Girls Athletic Union to sanction girls wrestling as a high school sport.
HR 10 A resolution honoring the achievements and contributions of Steve Ovel.
HR 102 A resolution honoring the life and service of Representative John Landon.
HR 108 A resolution recognizing and affirming support for Ukrainian sovereignty and firmly stating that the people of Iowa stand on the side of freedom and individual self-determination and self-governance.
HR 121 A resolution commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the enactment of the Clean Water Act, recognizing the impact of the landmark legislation, and committing to necessary and appropriate legislative action to prevent water pollution, improve water quality, and protect public health.
HR 122 A resolution urging the Governor and executive agencies to use federal funding to support climate adaptation, resilience, and equity in Iowa.