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February 11, 2025GA 85

House File (HF)

Bill Bill Title
HF 89 A bill for an act relating to a foreign language requirement at the elementary school level and including effective date provisions.
HF 93 A bill for an act relating to bidding for purchases through a competitive bidding process by the state or political subdivisions.
HF 114 A bill for an act relating to reimbursement for services provided under a medical assistance home and community-based services waiver for the elderly.
HF 115 A bill for an act relating to the department on aging, and making an appropriation.
HF 116 A bill for an act relating to the long-term care resident's advocate program and making appropriations.
HF 129 A bill for an act relating to employee stock ownership plans by making an appropriation to provide assistance, promotion, and education to interested businesses and to obtain the services of an expert in employee stock ownership plans.
HF 142 A bill for an act relating to student performance by establishing an education remediation council and an advanced placement funding formula.
HF 153 A bill for an act authorizing the college student aid commission to organize a nonprofit corporation to provide Iowans with postsecondary educational financial assistance.
HF 156 A bill for an act relating to state funding for intensive instructional services and supports and to the retention in grade three of students who are deficient in reading and who fail to enroll in an intensive summer reading program.
HF 157 A bill for an act relating to the Iowa early intervention block grant program by extending the repeal date of the chapter establishing the program and including effective date provisions.
HF 163 A bill for an act prohibiting the sale or transfer of large capacity ammunition feeding devices, providing penalties, and including effective date and applicability provisions.
HF 164 A bill for an act relating to the sale or transfer of firearms, providing penalties, and including applicability provisions.
HF 179 A bill for an act relating to school district funding from the taxpayers trust fund by making transfers to the property tax equity and relief fund, establishing a school district property tax replacement fund and making transfers to the fund, making appropriations, and including effective date and applicability provisions.
HF 180 A bill for an act providing for the licensure of music therapists and providing for fees.
HF 183 A bill for an act relating to policies at public institutions of higher education granting resident status for purposes of paying postsecondary tuition and fees.
HF 187 A bill for an act relating to the prevention of bullying in school districts and accredited nonpublic schools and including effective date provisions.
HF 206 A bill for an act relating to the establishment of one or more facilities for the housing of certain sex offenders in need of medical and personal care.
HF 255 A bill for an act relating to direct and indirect costs under the statewide preschool program for four-year-old children and including effective date provisions.
HF 256 A bill for an act relating to the membership requirements for early childhood Iowa area boards. (See Cmte. Bill HF 482)
HF 264 A bill for an act concerning the vehicle height limit for a flatbed trailer carrying a load of hay, straw, or stover.
HF 269 A bill for an act appropriating moneys to support a local food and farm initiative.
HF 277 A bill for an act relating to the designation of Kwanzaa week.
HF 292 A bill for an act relating to an assault that occurs between persons in an intimate relationship and the crime of domestic abuse assault and making penalties applicable.
HF 295 A bill for an act relating to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
HF 296 A bill for an act providing for population impact statements on bills, resolutions, and amendments.
HF 327 A bill for an act providing for training on suicide prevention and trauma-informed care for school personnel.
HF 328 A bill for an act relating to city attorneys and part-time county attorneys and conflicts of interest.
HF 329 A bill for an act relating to an assault that occurs between persons in an intimate relationship and the crime of domestic abuse assault and making penalties applicable.
HF 347 A bill for an act establishing an emergency medical services task force.
HF 363 A bill for an act creating a responsible governing fund, making transfers, and including applicability provisions.
HF 366 A bill for an act relating to children's health by creating a center for child health excellence and innovation.
HF 388 A bill for an act relating to the square footage requirements for certain cosmetology schools and making penalties applicable.
HF 403 A bill for an act relating to specific criteria for teacher preparation and including effective date provisions.
HF 425 A bill for an act prohibiting public employers from seeking information regarding felony convictions from job applicants unless required by law.
HF 430 A bill for an act relating to named driver exclusions in motor vehicle insurance policies and providing criminal penalties.
HF 437 A bill for an act establishing a world language education pilot project to be administered by the department of education and making an appropriation.
HF 438 A bill for an act relating to school resource officers and private security staff.
HF 447 A bill for an act relating to consideration for early parole or work release.
HF 452 A bill for an act establishing Juneteenth a legal public holiday and a paid holiday.
HF 463 A bill for an act requiring consumer labeling information for food, and including penalties.
HF 611 A bill for an act relating to property taxation by providing a property assessment adjustment for certain persons, applying income and age limitations, providing a penalty, modifying the time period for property tax assessment protests, and including retroactive and other applicability provisions.
HF 2055 A bill for an act relating to Iowa's public records Act and library records of a minor.
HF 2075 A bill for an act making a supplemental appropriation for the low-income home energy assistance program and including effective date provisions.
HF 2078 A bill for an act establishing the state percent of growth and including effective date provisions.
HF 2079 A bill for an act establishing the categorical state percent of growth and including effective date provisions.
HF 2087 A bill for an act making an appropriation for preserving community newspapers to the department of cultural affairs for the state archives and records program.
HF 2091 A bill for an act relating to the aging and disability resource center network and providing an appropriation.
HF 2095 A bill for an act relating to the department on aging and providing an appropriation.
HF 2104 A bill for an act relating to the determination of preschool budget enrollment for the statewide preschool program and including effective date and applicability provisions.
HF 2105 A bill for an act relating to academic indicators for students.
HF 2106 A bill for an act relating to elder abuse and providing penalties.
HF 2115 A bill for an act relating to the privacy of a victim of sexual related crimes.
HF 2118 A bill for an act relating to local long-term care ombudsmen and providing an appropriation.
HF 2120 A bill for an act relating to the submission of a Medicaid state plan amendment for the provision of home and community-based services to elders.
HF 2121 A bill for an act relating to the reimbursement of providers of home and community-based services waiver services.
HF 2122 A bill for an act relating to elderly persons with aggressive or psychiatric behaviors in long-term care facilities.
HF 2135 A bill for an act eliminating braiding from the definition of cosmetology.
HF 2145 A bill for an act relating to an award for rescuing a victim of human trafficking.
HF 2185 A bill for an act relating to the development of a proposal to establish family courts in the judicial branch.
HF 2207 A bill for an act granting immunity from prosecution to persons seeking medical assistance in possession-of-a-controlled-substance cases.
HF 2210 A bill for an act relating to the establishment of an urban-ag academy under the board of regents. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2424)
HF 2221 A bill for an act renaming the commission and office on the status of African Americans to include Africans.
HF 2222 A bill for an act establishing a point of contact within the office on the status of African Americans concerning the African community in this state.
HF 2235 A bill for an act relating to placement options for a child adjudicated as delinquent or a child in need of assistance, at the time the child becomes an adult.
HF 2238 A bill for an act including children who have been subjected to human trafficking in child in need of assistance provisions under the juvenile justice code.
HF 2246 A bill for an act requiring employment background checks of community college employees who work with children.
HF 2247 A bill for an act relating to competency-based education and making appropriations.
HF 2248 A bill for an act relating to the concurrent enrollment program between school districts and community colleges.
HF 2249 A bill for an act relating to community-directed attendant care requirements, and including effective and retroactive applicability date provisions.
HF 2291 A bill for an act making an appropriation to provide assistance to parents, guardians, and custodians with costs resulting from the death of a child.
HF 2295 A bill for an act providing a property tax exemption for land used to produce food within the limits of a city.
HF 2308 A bill for an act relating to private instruction.

House Joint Resolution (HJR)

Bill Bill Title
HJR 6 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to an individual's right to keep and bear arms.

House Concurrent Resolution (HCR)

Bill Bill Title
HCR 105 A concurrent resolution urging the Federal Emergency Management Agency to reverse its unilateral decision to place new and unachievable conditions on the eligibility of the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, rural electric cooperatives, and municipal utilities to receive storm recovery funding in the event of a presidential major disaster declaration.
HCR 108 A concurrent resolution urging the Congress of the United States to propose an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to allow Congress and the states to prohibit or otherwise regulate the expenditure of funds for political speech by corporate entities, and to limit or otherwise regulate political contributions and spending.

House Resolution (HR)

Bill Bill Title
HR 11 A resolution designating February 2013 as Black History Month.
HR 17 A resolution honoring United States Senator Thomas Richard "Tom" Harkin for four decades of public service.
HR 29 A resolution honoring the 133rd Test Squadron of the Iowa National Guard.
HR 34 A resolution recognizing the month of April 2013 as Genocide Awareness Month.
HR 35 A resolution honoring the Iowa Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.
HR 36 A resolution honoring the life and career of Royce White.
HR 102 A resolution requesting the United States Congress to immediately enact a new federal food, farm, and jobs bill.
HR 107 A resolution congratulating the Grandview University Vikings football team on winning the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics National Championship.
HR 108 A resolution commemorating the members of the United States Cadet Nurse Corps.
HR 109 A resolution recognizing February 10, 2014, as the 60th anniversary of the introduction of federal legislation to add the words, "under God," to the United States Pledge of Allegiance.
HR 111 A resolution to recognize the Iowa Small Business Development Centers and honor 2013 award winners.
HR 119 A resolution commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program.
HR 120 A resolution recognizing May 9 and 10, 2014, as Iowa School Band Days.
HR 124 A resolution honoring the Iowa State University men's basketball team.
HR 126 A resolution directing the standing Committee on Government Oversight to investigate certain state government matters.