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February 07, 2025GA 81

House File (HF)

Bill Bill Title
HJR 2 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa to change the length of term of office for members of the Iowa House of Representatives from two years to four years. (See Cmte. Bill HJR 2005)
HR 5 A resolution to honor the service of the 132nd Fighter Wing of the Iowa Air National Guard.
HR 37 A resolution honoring America's Vietnam veterans.
HR 111 A resolution welcoming the Whirlpool Corporation to the State of Iowa and offering support and assistance for Whirlpool's success and future in Iowa.
HCR 112 A concurrent resolution designating May 2006 as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.
HR 117 A resolution honoring Sergeant Major (Select) Brad Kasal for his rare courage and inspiring sacrifice in the Iraq war.
HF 124 A bill for an act relating to the sales of beer kegs by requiring an identification number on each keg of beer, recording of the purchase of beer by the keg, and providing penalties.
HF 135 A bill for an act relating to the disclosure of the annual percentage rate for a delayed deposit service transaction.
HR 149 A resolution to welcome the 2006 Special Olympics USA National Games to Iowa.
HF 164 A bill for an act providing a sales and use tax exemption for certain appliances that meet the energy efficiency rating established for the appliance by the United States environmental protection agency and providing an effective date. (See Cmte. Bill HF 606)
HF 180 A bill for an act relating to free resident landowner deer and turkey hunting licenses. (See Cmte. Bill HF 419)
HF 236 A bill for an act providing volunteer fire fighters and emergency medical services personnel with an individual income tax credit and providing effective and retroactive applicability dates. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2783)
HF 250 A bill for an act relating to the maximum gross weight limit for vehicles hauling crops during the annual period of harvest.
HF 307 A bill for an act regulating title loans and title loan lenders, including the establishment of licensing requirements, disclosure requirements, title loan agreement provision requirements, limitations on interest and fees charged, recordkeeping requirements, and providing for fees and penalties.
HF 317 A bill for an act providing standards for ethanol blended gasoline and biodiesel fuel, and making penalties applicable.
HF 342 A bill for an act relating to the establishment of a prescription drug assistance program by the commissioner of insurance, and providing for a contingent appropriation. (See Cmte. Bill HF 821) (See Cmte. Bill HF 709)
HF 353 A bill for an act relating to asset disregard under the medical assistance program for the purchase of a certified long-term care insurance policy, providing for a repeal, providing a contingent effective date, and providing an appropriation. (See Cmte. Bill HF 819) (See Cmte. Bill HF 736)
HF 422 A bill for an act creating the Iowa high-cost mortgage Act.
HF 2081 A bill for an act relating to eligibility for the military service property tax credit and exemption and including effective and applicability date provisions. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2751)
HF 2120 A bill for an act relating to eminent domain authority and condemnation procedures and including effective and applicability provisions. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2351)
HF 2132 A bill for an act relating to committing disorderly conduct near a military funeral, memorial service, funeral procession, or burial, and providing penalties. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2365)
HF 2517 A bill for an act concerning horse racing by providing for minimum racing days and arbitration for resolving disputes on horse racing agreements among representatives of horse breeds.
HF 2581 A bill for an act establishing a child endangerment offense for the mother of a newborn child who caused an illegal drug to be present in the newborn child's body, and providing a penalty.
HF 2630 A bill for an act relating to the state general fund expenditure limitation by providing for inclusion of appropriations previously made from the general fund of the state, and providing effective and applicability dates.