February 9, 202581GA
Bill History for House File 236
Floor Managers: Schueller
By Lukan, De Boef, Arnold, Thomas, Van Fossen, J., Granzow, Hutter, Jones, Rasmussen, Huseman, Alons, Baudler, Heaton, Roberts, Van Engelenhoven, Horbach, Rayhons, Wilderdyke, Drake, Schueller, Eichhorn, Sands, Lalk, Anderson, Olson, S., Greiner, Hoffman and Van Fossen, J.
A bill for an act providing volunteer fire fighters and emergency medical services personnel with an individual income tax credit and providing effective and retroactive applicability dates. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2783)
February 09, 2005 | Introduced, referred to Ways & Means. H.J. 302. | |
February 16, 2005 | Subcommittee, Drake, Huser and Lalk. H.J. 383. | |
March 22, 2005 | Fiscal note. House Clip Sheet. | |
January 09, 2006 | * * * * * END OF 2005 ACTIONS * * * * * |