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February 13, 2025GA 80

House File (HF)

Bill Bill Title
HR 109 A resolution honoring Dr. Norm Nielsen, President of Kirkwood Community College.
HR 111 A resolution honoring the nursing leaders at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics upon their receipt of the Magnet Award for Nursing Excellence.
HR 112 A resolution recognizing Iowa nursing students and faculty.
HR 117 A resolution to recognize and honor the members of the Iowa Army and Air National Guard.
HR 124 A resolution encouraging the President of the United States to take swift action to remove Rod Paige from the position of United States Secretary of Education.
HR 137 A resolution recognizing and honoring the families of United States military service members for their unselfish contributions and sacrifices.
HR 142 A resolution honoring the National Bar Association for its important contributions to the legal profession and the judicial process.
HR 143 A resolution urging all Iowans to kick the habit of smoking.
HR 144 A resolution honoring University of Iowa football player Nate Kaeding from Coralville, Iowa.
HF 2062 A bill for an act increasing the damages payable upon conviction of certain unlawful activities involving antlered deer. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2186)
HF 2109 A bill for an act relating to the personal needs allowance under the medical assistance program for persons in nursing facilities.
HF 2127 A bill for an act providing for waiver of penalties for late motor vehicle registration for activated national guard and reserve forces members.
HF 2144 A bill for an act relating to reductions in the standing appropriations to reimburse local jurisdictions for certain property tax credits and including effective and applicability date provisions.
HF 2155 A bill for an act making an appropriation to the college student aid commission for purposes of the national guard educational assistance program.
HF 2290 A bill for an act relating to health care delivery, including nurse staffing requirements, and providing penalties.
HF 2439 A bill for an act relating to economic development and regulatory matters at the state and local level, authorizing issuance of tax-exempt bonds and tax credits, making appropriations, and providing a retroactive applicability date.
HF 2445 A bill for an act relating to the establishment of a healthy Iowa for all program.