February 9, 202581GA

Bill History for House Study Bill 279

A study bill relating to and making appropriations to the justice system. (See Cmte. Bill HF 811)
March 09, 2005 Recorded

All Related Bills to Selected Study Bill

Source Version To Version
LSB 1091HA House Study Bill 279
LSB 1091HV House File 811

Bill History for House File 811

A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations to the justice system, revising pretrial release requirements for certain criminal offenses, and providing an effective date. Effective 07-01-05, with exception of division II and III effective 06-14-05.
March 17, 2005 Introduced, placed on Appropriations calendar. H.J. 765.
March 21, 2005 Amendments H-1123, H-1124, H-1126 filed. H.J. 788.
March 22, 2005 Amendment H-1138 filed. H.J. 836.
March 30, 2005 Amendments H-1236, H-1246 filed. H.J. 986.
March 31, 2005 Amendment H-1286 filed. H.J. 1046.
April 04, 2005 Amendments H-1304, H-1305 filed. H.J. 1057.
April 04, 2005 Amendment H-1306 filed. H.J. 1058.
April 05, 2005 Amendments H-1328, H-1332, H-1333 filed. H.J. 1117.
April 06, 2005 Amendment H-1332 adopted. H.J. 1128.
April 06, 2005 Amendment H-1333 adopted. H.J. 1129.
April 06, 2005 Amendment H-1123 lost. H.J. 1131.
April 06, 2005 Amendment H-1124 lost. H.J. 1132.
April 06, 2005 Amendment H-1304 lost. H.J. 1133.
April 06, 2005 Amendment H-1305 lost. H.J. 1134.
April 06, 2005 Amendment H-1335 to H-1328 filed. H.J. 1134.
April 06, 2005 Amendment H-1335 to H-1328 adopted. H.J. 1135.
April 06, 2005 Amendment H-1328 as amended, lost. H.J. 1136.
April 06, 2005 Amendment H-1306 lost. H.J. 1137.
April 06, 2005 Amendment H-1236 lost. H.J. 1138.
April 06, 2005 Point of order raised H-1138. H.J. 1139.
April 06, 2005 Ruled not germane H-1138. H.J. 1139.
April 06, 2005 Motion to suspend rules to consider H-1138. H.J. 1139.
April 06, 2005 Motion to suspend rules failed. H.J. 1140.
April 06, 2005 Amendment H-1337 to H-1246 filed, adopted. H.J. 1141.
April 06, 2005 Point of order raised H-1246, as amended. H.J. 1141.
April 06, 2005 Ruled not germane H-1246, as amended. H.J. 1141.
April 06, 2005 Motion to suspend rules to consider H-1246, as amended. H.J. 1141.
April 06, 2005 Motion to suspend rules failed. H.J. 1142.
April 06, 2005 Amendment H-1338 to H-1126 filed, adopted. H.J. 1143.
April 06, 2005 Amendment H-1126 as amended, adopted. H.J. 1143.
April 06, 2005 Amendment H-1286 withdrawn. H.J. 1143.
April 06, 2005 Passed House, ayes 58, nays 42. H.J. 1144.
April 06, 2005 Immediate message. H.J. 1144.
April 07, 2005 Message from House. S.J. 790.
April 07, 2005 Read first time, referred to Appropriations. S.J. 790.
April 11, 2005 Subcommittee, Fraise, Miller, Angelo, and Dvorsky. S.J. 825.
May 03, 2005 Committee report, without recommendation. S.J. 1114.
May 04, 2005 Amendment S-3261 filed, adopted. S.J. 1135.
May 04, 2005 Passed Senate, ayes 50, nays none. S.J. 1136.
May 04, 2005 Motion filed to reconsider vote on bill. S.J. 1137.
May 17, 2005 Deferred. S.J. 1196.
May 19, 2005 Motion to reconsider vote withdrawn. S.J. 1198.
May 19, 2005 Immediate message. S.J. 1199.
May 19, 2005 Message from Senate. H.J. 1950.
May 19, 2005 Senate amendment H-1701 filed. H.J. 1955.
May 20, 2005 Amendment H-1706 to Senate amendment H-1701 filed. H.J. 2036.
May 20, 2005 Amendment H-1706 to Senate amendment H-1701 adopted. H.J. 2042.
May 20, 2005 House concurred H-1701 as House amended. H.J. 2042.
May 20, 2005 Passed House, ayes 95, nays none. H.J. 2042.
May 20, 2005 Explanation of vote. H.J. 2228.
May 20, 2005 Immediate message. H.J. 2043.
May 20, 2005 Message from House, with amendment S-3326. S.J. 1207.
May 20, 2005 Senate concurred with S-3326. S.J. 1211.
May 20, 2005 Passed Senate, ayes 48, nays none. S.J. 1212.
May 20, 2005 Immediate message. S.J. 1212.
May 20, 2005 Message from Senate. H.J. 2043.
May 20, 2005 Reported correctly enrolled, signed by Speaker and President. H.J. 2228.
May 20, 2005 Sent to Governor. H.J. 2228.
June 14, 2005 Item veto. H.J. 2245.
June 14, 2005 Signed by Governor. H.J. 2246.
January 09, 2006 * * * * * END OF 2005 ACTIONS * * * * *