February 10, 202581GA
Bill History for House File 2072
Floor Managers: Drake
All Related Bills to Selected Bill
LSB 5064HVHF2778
By Alons, Lalk, Chambers, Soderberg, Kaufmann, Drake, De Boef, Dolecheck, Upmeyer, Watts, Tjepkes, Huseman, Hutter, Jones, Baudler, Wilderdyke, Greiner, Rayhons, Van Fossen, J., Struyk, Olson, S., Sands, Huser, Van Fossen, J., Paulsen, Kurtenbach, Horbach, Jacobs, Granzow, Eichhorn, May, Anderson, Roberts, Boal, Tymeson, Carroll, Heaton, Kuhn, Mertz, Whitaker, Frevert, Dix, Rasmussen, Swaim, Davitt, Young, Shomshor, Schueller, Elgin, Jenkins, Miller, H., Hoffman and Lukan
A bill for an act relating to financial transactions associated with agricultural production, by providing for a tax credit to facilitate the transfer of assets, and including an effective and applicability date. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2778)
January 18, 2006 Introduced, referred to Ways & Means. H.J. 82.
February 15, 2006 Subcommittee, Drake, Frevert, and Lalk. H.J. 311.
February 21, 2006 Fiscal note. House Clip Sheet.

Bill History for House File 2778

A bill for an act relating to financial transactions associated with agricultural production, by providing for a tax credit to facilitate the transfer of assets, and including an effective and applicability date. (Formerly HF 2072)
March 29, 2006 Introduced, placed on Ways and Means calendar. H.J. 977.
March 31, 2006 Fiscal note. House Clip Sheet.