Date & Time/Public Comments Legislators Bill Bill Title Committee
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
Status: Cancelled
HSB 627 A bill for an act relating to hunting untamed game livestock on hunting preserves and making penalties applicable. Natural Resources (House)
Location: House Lounge
HSB 617 A bill for an act establishing the office of financial wellness within the department of commerce.(See HF 2377.) Commerce (House)
Location: House Lounge
HSB 628 A bill for an act providing for the possession of cats classified as bengals and savannahs, and making penalties applicable. Agriculture (House)
Location: House Lounge
HF 2145 A bill for an act relating to the inclusion of the value of child restraint systems in the partial loss calculation for specified insurance settlements of first-party automobile partial losses and including applicability provisions. Commerce (House)
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
HF 2103 A bill for an act relating to private land available for public use for recreational purposes.(See HF 2415.) Natural Resources (House)
Location: House Lounge 2
HSB 700 A bill for an act relating to the hunting of untamed game livestock on hunting preserves and making penalties applicable.(See HF 2400.) Natural Resources (House)
HSB 689 A bill for an act relating to the sale of travel insurance.(See HF 2540.) Commerce (House)