Representative Jon Jacobsen View All Years
Serving third term in House.
Fiduciary senior trust officer/vice president; attorney; 26-time Iowa Broadcast News Association award-winning radio producer/director/host. Former adjunct instructor at Kaplan University, Hamilton College, and Nebraska College of Business.
Received B.S.B.A., summa cum laude, in business administration (finance major) from Creighton University and J.D. from the University of Iowa College of Law, where he served as associate managing editor for the Journal of Corporation Law.
Memberships and Activities
Eagle Scout, and Cedar Rapids Regis High School Hall of Fame, JFK Scholarship, Danforth I Dare You, and National Forensic League Degree of Distinction alumnus. Creighton Honors Scholarship, Finance Club, Nebraska Financial Executives’ Institute Recognition, development associate, admissions assistant, and liturgy committee. Member of the Alpha Sigma Nu and Beta Gamma Sigma Honor societies, and The Iowa State Bar Association and the Nebraska State Bar Association. Past president of the Council Bluffs Estate Planning Council and member and past guest lecturer of the Omaha Estate Planning Council. Co-host, producer, and director of Boomer Radio (Walnut) IBNA award-winning “Now You’ve Heard It All” live weekend program from Omaha-Council Bluffs. Past chair of the Diocese of Des Moines Catholic Schools Board and St. Albert & Mercy High School Booster/Parents Club member. Participant in Catholic Diocese of Des Moines Missionary Cooperative Program. Served on the board of directors for Iowa Right to Life Committee, emceed Gabriel’s Corner Annual Banquets, and was a member of the CHI Health Foundation Board and Mercy Hospital CB Charitable Council. Former president of greater Omaha’s Cathedral Arts Project, served on the St. Cecilia Educational Endowment Committee, the Spiritual Life and Worship Committee, and the Cardinal Newman Society. Headed Knights of Columbus Father Flanagan Council Culture of Life Committee. Member of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, and was a development committee member for VSS Catholic Communications. Past president-elect of Treynor Optimist Club and president of Miracle Hills Optimist Club, and charter member of LoveCB. An Eagle Scout, has served as den leader/cubmaster/camp scoutmaster/troop board member and Boy Scouts of America Mid-America Council Campaign co-chair. Starred as Jimmy Stewart as George Bailey in Grist Mill Fine Arts Council’s sold-out production of “It’s a Wonderful Life,” and as Ronald Reagan at Pottawattamie County Iowa GOP Lincoln Dinner, and is a member of the John Wayne Museum. Chaired C-SPAN2 prime-time nationally televised Iowa Caucus from Treynor, January 2012. Has led motion picture appreciations, including as co-licensee for Iowa-Nebraska premiere of “The 13th Day,” and underwriter for Bruce Crawford’s Omaha Classic Films Events. Co-chaired successful Pottawattamie County GOP Bush 2004 re-election campaign, and was sole moderator for Donald Trump Pre-Caucus Town Hall from Marshalltown. An elected member of the Pottawattamie County GOP Central Committee for two decades.
Birth and Residence
Born in 1961 in Omaha, Nebraska. Raised in Marion and resides in Council Bluffs.
Family Members
Wife, Debra; three children and two granddaughters.