Salmon SSB 3049 (with amendment) A bill for an act eliminating a requirement related to obtaining a transitional coaching authorization from the board of educational examiners.
Green SF 2003 (with amendment) A bill for an act relating to the provision of information relating to school immunization exemptions.
Westrich SF 2017 A bill for an act relating to the development of a policy governing responses to a fire alarm activated on school grounds outside of a scheduled fire drill by school districts, accredited nonpublic schools, charter schools, and innovation zone schools, and including effective date provisions.
SSB 3045 Green A bill for an act relating to the state board of education’s duties in connection with the core curriculum.
SSB 3044 Westrich A bill for an act relating to the use of moneys appropriated to support therapeutic classrooms, and including effective date provisions.
SSB 3046 T. Taylor A bill for an act relating to the reporting requirements of community colleges in connection with moneys deposited in the community colleges’ workforce training and economic development funds.
SF 2006 Kraayenbrink A bill for an act relating to school district enrollment calculations for the purposes of the secure an advanced vision for education fund.
HF 255 Evans (with amendment) A bill for an act modifying requirements related to teacher intern license programs and licenses and authorizations issued by the board of educational examiners and establishing a temporary initial teaching license to be issued by the board of educational examiners to applicants who complete an alternative teacher certification program.
SSB 3072 Westrich (with amendment) A bill for an act relating to participation in school activities by students enrolled in charter schools.
SSB 3069 Rozenboom (with amendment) A bill for an act relating to reading instruction, including modifying provisions related to the language arts instruction provided to students enrolled in kindergarten through grade three and the preparation in reading theory provided by practitioner preparation programs, and including applicability provisions.
SSB 3068 Gruenhagen (if ready) A bill for an act relating to the administration of the statewide summative assessment of student progress to students of online schools by school districts, accredited nonpublic schools, and charter schools.
Subcommittees on Bills (27) - Attendance at subcommittee meetings by lobbyists and the public is via zoom or in-person. See agenda for zoom details. Only authenticated users are permitted access.
A bill for an act relating to the Iowa law enforcement academy council including the revocation or suspension of certifications of law enforcement officers and reserve peace officers, and administrative investigations under the peace officer, public safety, and emergency personnel bill of rights.
Bousselot - CH, Boulton , Webster
A bill for an act relating to restrictions on the acquisition of real property by the department of natural resources.(See SF 2324.)
Shipley - CH, Bennett , Sweeney
SSB 3129 is a bill for an act relating to restrictions on the acquisition of real property by the department of natural resources.
Room 315 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: SSB 3129 Shipley Time: Jan 31, 2024 09:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
A bill for an act relating to assaults, including assaults on persons engaged in certain occupations and inmate assaults on department of corrections employees, and providing penalties.(See SF 2279.)
Rowley - CH, Bisignano , Shipley
A bill for an act relating to prequalification requirements for the construction of public safety infrastructure and purchase of public safety technology.
Klimesh - CH, Knox , Shipley
A bill for an act establishing the United States army reserve service scholarship program within the college student aid commission.
Alons - CH, Lofgren , Weiner
SF 2125 is a bill for an act establishing the United States army reserve service scholarship program within the college student aid commission.
217 Room is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: SF 2125 Alons, Lofgren and Weiner Time: Jan 31, 2024 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
A bill for an act relating to education by modifying provisions related to a process for investigating complaints against school employees and the responsibilities of the department of education and the board of educational examiners.(See SF 2365.)
Donahue , Gruenhagen
A bill for an act relating to statewide voluntary preschool program students whose household income is below a certain amount, minimum hours required to be offered, and funding calculations.(See SF 2383.)
Evans - CH, Kraayenbrink , Quirmbach
Room 315 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
A bill for an act relating to mandatory reporting to the board of educational examiners of licensed school employees who engage in grooming behavior toward students or the abuse of students.
Donahue , Gruenhagen
A bill for an act establishing the advanced dyslexia specialist endorsement competitive grant program within the department of education and making appropriations.
Taylor, J. - CH, Giddens , Kraayenbrink
Lobbyist Lounge is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
A bill for an act requiring a vehicle history report prior to the sale of certain motor vehicles by a dealer, and making penalties applicable.
Klimesh - CH, Bennett
A bill for an act modifying provisions related to the national guard service scholarship program and establishing the national guard service continuing education scholarship program.
Salmon - CH, Quirmbach , Westrich
A bill for an act relating to the privacy and safety of inmates of a correctional facility, establishing a private cause of action, and including effective date provisions.(See SF 2263.)
Evans - CH, Bousselot , Quirmbach
Capitol Room G15 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
A bill for an act relating to education, including modifying provisions related to the number of area education agencies in this state, the duties and powers of area education agencies, area education agency boards of directors, the department of administrative services, the director of the department of education, the division of special education within the department of education, the services provided by area education agencies, area education agency funding, the calculation of the teacher salary supplement district cost per pupil, and minimum teacher salaries, and including transition, effective date, and applicability provisions.(See SF 2386.)
Evans - CH, Donahue , Rozenboom
Capitol Room G15 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
A bill for an act prohibiting the use of remotely piloted aircraft flying over certain property, and providing penalties.(Formerly SF 369.)
Sweeney - CH, Knox , Zumbach
A bill for an act modifying the earliest possible start date of the school calendar for school districts and accredited nonpublic schools.
Celsi , Evans
A bill for an act relating to the more options for maternal support program, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.(See SF 2252.)
Costello - CH, Edler , Trone Garriott
A bill for an act prohibiting the use of remotely piloted aircraft flying over certain property, and providing penalties. (Formerly HF 388.) Effective date: 07/01/2024.
Sweeney - CH, Evans , Knox
A bill for an act relating to the state school foundation program and the calculation of minimum state foundation aid for school districts and including applicability provisions.
Evans - CH, Garrett , Quirmbach
Lobbyist Lounge is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Lobbyist Lounge is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: SF 2001 Evans, Garrett and Quirmbach Time: Jan 31, 2024 04:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
A bill for an act relating to the elimination of certain required reports by and duties of the department of health and human services, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.(See SF 2285.)
Rowley - CH, Donahue , Sweeney
A bill for an act relating to the distribution of the department of administrative services’ report on state employee salaries.
Bisignano , Bousselot
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