Meeting Public Comments

Subcommittee meeting and times are as follows:
A bill for an act relating to the use of an electronic communication device in a voice-activated or hands-free mode while driving, providing penalties, and making penalties applicable.(See HF 392, HF 2129.)
Subcommittee members: Meyer, A.-CH, Forbes, Thorup
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Location: Law Library
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:

Jennifer Smith [] supports HF75, A bill for an act relating to the use of an electronic communication device in a voiceactivated or handsfree mode while driving, providing penalties, and making penalties is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating the lifelong devastation that results when a loved one is killed or injured in a distracted driving crash. We bring together distracted driving victims, victim survivors, foundations and the general public to build awareness and recognition to this reckless behavior. We are the faces of distracted driving.Please see attached file for full comments/data on support.
Nina Todd []
Hello I am hoping that you all have taken the time to look at all the facts and the support for this bill. I personally have been impacted and have traveled throughout the United States telling my story so that others do not have to be impacted like myself. I know that many people in our state support having this bill in place because I have traveled in the state and have seen the support for this bill. I uploaded my story for you to understand the damage that I have been through.
Craig Patterson [Campbell/Patterson Consulting, LLP]
The Iowa Public Transit Association (IPTA) is registered in support of HF 75 and companion SF 46. We appreciate the work done on this issue over the past couple of years by legislators, the Department of Public Safety, and the Department of Transportation, to work with us on a solution for public transportation to ensure that buses aren't unintentionally forced off the road due to their normal operating procedures. That solution is reflected with the addition of the first three lines of page 4 of the bill. We believe this bill would make all Iowans safer and we look forward to the bill's advancement. Thank you for the opportunity to submit comments. Craig Patterson, IPTA Lobbyist