Continuity of Government Planning Study Committee (J)
Examine issues relating to the continued functioning of state government following a disaster, including gubernatorial succession, replacement of constitutional officers and department heads, legislative elections to fill vacancies, and continued funding of state government if the General Assembly is unable to meet and pass a budget.
Senate Members
- John (Jack) P. Kibbie (D, District 4), Co-Chair
- Larry E. McKibben (R, District 22), Co-Chair
- Paul McKinley (R, District 36)
- Steven H. Warnstadt (D, District 1)
House Members
- Jodi S. Tymeson (R, District 73), Co-Chair
- Paul A. Bell (D, District 41)
- Carmine R. Boal (R, District 70)
- Mary Gaskill (D, District 93)
- Rod A. Roberts (R, District 51)